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  1. #11
    Thank you, that would be awesome!

  2. #12
    Minxdobby69's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, the layers won't be available within Unity as part of the maps as the module was originally created in Classic and Classic doesn't support layers. However, you will find all of the overlay images in Appendix 3 so you can add them as layers in Unity on your own. Each is labeled with map and room location. Hope this helps.

  3. #13
    Hopefully this is something FG will permit going forwards, now that Classic isn't getting updates any more.

    I just tried putting the overlay on the first couple of levels. It was fiddly because the scales don't seem to match. The versions in appendix 3 pre-imported look good but I don't think there is a way to overlay them and maintain the scales from the pre-existing images?

    I tried three ways to import from the assets window and manually rescale and reposition.
    1) Drag and drop from assets onto layer. Very hard to get to line up, can't figure out what to enter manually for the scale. Walls and lights are in the wrong place on the imported layer, but can be turned off.

    2) Drag from the asset window as a paintbrush to stamp on a paint layer. Allows the scale to be set precisely, but if you put the paint layer over the scene it blocks lighting.

    3) BEST WAY: Go to layers, tile tool. Drag overlay from asset window. Now you can set the scaling precisely - for example for the Lvl 2 slime vats it needs to be 10 x 8. Click to paste and you can reposition. Turn off lighting and LOS on this layer because it is all in the wrong places. But once you have done this, the layer seems to receive lighting correctly.

    I'm not sure exactly why those three methods produce those results- I'm experimenting! But method 3 is the way to do it if it helps anyone else.

    Cheers, Hywel

  4. #14
    I am on on FGU and I'm certain Hywel has described the issue perfectly.

    Glad to hear you are working on it Minx. Thanks!

  5. #15
    I found a few other issues.

    Map 02 - the secret doors in areas 203, 204, 205 can be implemented in a more straightforward way without needing to switch on or off overlays. I added the overlay tile for 203 (204 + 205 seem to be there even on the without overlays map) and changed the LOS so the respective doors are secret doors rather than a wall and a regular door.

    The pulsing blue light in area 216 is there on the base map without overlays. I don't know if it was intended that that should be on the overlay only, so it only appears when the overlay is activated? I'm going to leave it there because foreshadowing but not sure that was intended.

    Map - PC 03 Dwarven Barracks doesn't have LOS information and only has one of the lights. It's there on the version with flattened overlays, so I copied than underneath the map as a tile and used its lighting and LOS, but I think that should be there on the base map too. The green light for the overlay on 303 should be on the overlay tie not the base though, as I assume that's meant to appear once the overlay is triggered.

    That's all I got time to do for the moment, I will post more if I find problems on later maps. None of these are game-killers BTW, it would just be nice to get the full effect of suddenly superimposing a cool extra effect and light on the map for the players, so worth making the most of the hard work that went into to design by implementing it so you get max impact in FGU.

    Cheers, Hywel

  6. #16
    I see this module is on sale this week. Have there been any updates to the map overlays or fixes applied since last July? I'm using FGU for reference.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by jrowsey1 View Post
    I see this module is on sale this week. Have there been any updates to the map overlays or fixes applied since last July? I'm using FGU for reference.
    I don't know the answer to your question, but the easiest way to find out is to buy it and if the quality isn't up to your standards, ask for a refund. Fantasy Grounds store has an automatic refund policy for 30 days (IIRC).

  8. #18
    I purchased the Module and can confirm that none of the overlays have been updated or added to the map. There are artifacts in the story notes where apostrophes should be as well. It’s clear this was made in Classic and not updated.

    It’s a real shame that the developer doesn’t take the opportunity to update the Unity module. The use of map overlays in this module could really shine if done correctly. As it is now, I’m left to fiddle with scaling and disabling LOS and lights on the overlays to make it work.

    Anyone else purchasing the module, just know you will have to take a good amount of time to set up the map overlays correctly.

  9. #19
    Indeed - even the lighting on the first map (Ruins) is hosed - looks like I'll have to put in some time to redo some of these so they actually function.
    Greg Volz
    Natural Twenty Games

  10. #20
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by naturaltwenty View Post
    Indeed - even the lighting on the first map (Ruins) is hosed - looks like I'll have to put in some time to redo some of these so they actually function.
    If you start a new thread with details of the issues that you are seeing, then the module developer can be contacted and corrections made. But the above statement is not detailed enough to provide meaningful feedback to the developer.

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