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  1. #1
    mhorgunn's Avatar
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    Sharing maps in Unity

    I am trying to convert my players to Unity. We tried it early on but due to situations including my mistakes they were a little soured on the idea. Now with the new upgrades I would like to try again.

    So after watching videos I have questions about sharing maps. It was suggested that you can cut bandwidth by having the map on the players computer. How do you do that? Send the map outside the program and have each player? Make it in a module and have them install it?

    I’m working with some limited machines here and there are even 2 sets of players on the same WiFi.


  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    I think what you might be thinking about is presharing images - so that they download when the player joins. So it's the same as in Classic; with no players joined right click on the image and select share.
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  3. #3
    mhorgunn's Avatar
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    Ok thanks

  4. #4

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    Just keep in mind they will see the name of the map, so if it has spoilers in it then you should probably rename it before sharing.

  5. #5
    Or set it to unidentified so they only see the name you want or unidentified map.
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  6. #6
    mhorgunn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre View Post
    Just keep in mind they will see the name of the map, so if it has spoilers in it then you should probably rename it before sharing.
    Yeah .... I was reminded of that last session. I loaded a map that mentioned t was for 20th level characters. One of my players lost it when he finally noticed it. 😂

  7. #7

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    LOL, I use to mess with my guys and call a map: Demon Ambush...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre View Post
    Just keep in mind they will see the name of the map, so if it has spoilers in it then you should probably rename it before sharing.
    Also bear in mind that if a player has the console open and watches while the map is being shared, or examines it afterwards, they will be able to see the name of every asset on that map. This can potentially give them information you don't want them to have (as I found out recently).
    Alea iacta est

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Geometer View Post
    Also bear in mind that if a player has the console open and watches while the map is being shared, or examines it afterwards, they will be able to see the name of every asset on that map. This can potentially give them information you don't want them to have (as I found out recently).
    Doesn't matter what information they have. You can change things on the fly if you suspect cheating. Then have a word with the players about not cheating.
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  10. #10
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Or drop an ancient red dragon onto the map spur of the moment. Or maybe a Balrog!

    In reality, for me I just don't worry about meta game knowledge. Some of my players have played D&D for 40+ years. They have a good idea of what all the creatures can do, what their weaknesses are, and how to defeat them. So, I mix things up often enough (maybe 1 out of 10) times to keep them guessing. It's always possible that little kobold is a dragon in disguise, or the troll is from the elemental plane of fire and is immune to fire, something just has more hit points, or has added a poisoned weapon or something. And yes I usually give them a logical in game reason and clues ("It looks like a troll, but it's eyes seems to be flames").

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