Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Change LOS wall type?

    Is there a way to change the Type of wall a set of lines is?

    For example, if I draw a bunch of Walls in an outdoor scene, but decide that it would work better if they were Terrain type, could I do that? I can't see a way to do so, but seems like it should be doable.

    Fantasy Grounds Unity Lives! Good job, Smiteworks!

  2. #2
    There's no options for changing LoS types at this time.


  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Three of Swords View Post
    Is there a way to change the Type of wall a set of lines is?

    For example, if I draw a bunch of Walls in an outdoor scene, but decide that it would work better if they were Terrain type, could I do that? I can't see a way to do so, but seems like it should be doable.


    The LOS line is not a type tool. The artwork image of, this is a wall, this is a mountain, this is curtain. That is just art for the player to see, but the LOS layer has no relationship to what the art work we see is.
    The LOS line is just Can/Can not see past/through, there is no mechanic in the LOS line related to why you can't see past it/what it is you can't see past. Those are two mechanically unrelated things basiaclly, one is just arbitrary to the other.

    The art draw layer of what we see, and the mechanical layer of, does FG draw map to be seen or not for players, is there light here?
    These are totally separate in the FG "logic," it is up to us the editor of the map to match the art to the LOS lines.

    A good show of this is to use a premade map and then draw some LOS lines randomly across the open hall ways. You will notice the art we see and what the engine does or does not draw for us, is unrelated, just the layer of LOS lines is all that is used to determine what to draw or not draw for a player token from any location on the map.

  4. #4
    This might be something worth adding as a suggestion for future consideration. Like you, I have changed my mind and wanted to swap the type once or twice - it is rare, mind.

    When I first was learning FGU, I made buildings on a large map as walls, for example.. but because they then just show up as black rectangles to my players, they had no idea as to what they were or that they. Now I use terrain, so they have the features of a wall for LoS but it's clear what the shape is on the map. It would have been nice to convert the walls to terrain there, rather than starting again.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by WinterSoldier7 View Post
    When I first was learning FGU, I made buildings on a large map as walls, for example.. but because they then just show up as black rectangles to my players, they had no idea as to what they were or that they. Now I use terrain, so they have the features of a wall for LoS but it's clear what the shape is on the map. It would have been nice to convert the walls to terrain there, rather than starting again.
    Yeah, this is very similar to why I asked. Plus, I was hoping that someone knew a trick to do it. Even an XML edit trick would be nice.
    Fantasy Grounds Unity Lives! Good job, Smiteworks!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Three of Swords View Post
    Yeah, this is very similar to why I asked. Plus, I was hoping that someone knew a trick to do it. Even an XML edit trick would be nice.
    In the xml is a type field for the occluders, you can change the numeric value there to get them to change. But note, some occluder types have requirements, such as being closed polygons. I assume you would encounter errors and issues when playing if you ended up creating invalid occluder definitions.

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