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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by Naxyr View Post
    Would that include the targeting option as well? Like set the characters who are in radius of the token as the targets for the NPC?
    Nope, because spell tokens does not auto 'target', you need to use 'critically awesome' for that.. ( I'm not sure how up to date it is..)

    And I dont believe in auto target like this... because it 'could' auto target NPC and PC and you have to go and un-target the over targeted selection... ( Fine for fireball which hits all, but other area effects have selectivity at cast which I'd have no info to deal with.. )

    As the DM as long as you dont have any other token selected on the map, as the combat tracker moves around the system should make the current creature the selection item on the map... and then once you drop the spell token on the map you should be able to 'ctrl+left click' the targets you want.. even if they are under the spell token... with a few clicks. ( assuming you dont have loads of players in an area !! )

    It can 'loose' the focus for the npc on the map ( VERY PROBABLE when you drop on the spell token )... you can re-select as long as its not under a spell token by clicking on it on the map as normal... if its under a spell token ( Why are you casing a fireball on yourself !! ), make sure you clear any map selection ( red ring on the npc map token ) and you can then use the combat tracker by clicking on the npc token image which will re-select that token on the map and then you can use normal ctrl-left click to update the target list. ( Or use the combat tracker 'target' box to drag around the combat tracker etc.. )

    Yep its still a 'pain' in some cases for the DM... but I am trying to reduce this as much as possible without the require API fix it is always going to be a big compromise...

  2. #102
    Ah, yeah. I use it in conjunction with critically awesome so I might be mixing up the functionalities for that. Because the players can drop their spell token and a target button appears in place of the token once it's dropped. Even something like that button appearing and setting the targets for the active combatant in the CT would be awesome.

  3. #103
    Hi. I just bought the extensions and I cannot get them to work. I see in FG chat Spell Tokens v3.1 is loading, but when I go to a spell and right click on it, add action, there is no option to add token... i just get dmg, cast, heal, effect. I put all three files, the .ext and the two .xmls in the extensions folder... should the .xmls go in another folder?

    Please help, ive burned 30min and I'm getting pretty frustrated, thanks.

  4. #104
    Go here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/326...kens-extension

    Scroll down until after the update notes. This is where it explains how to set this up to work.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Erklimir View Post
    Hi. I just bought the extensions and I cannot get them to work. I see in FG chat Spell Tokens v3.1 is loading, but when I go to a spell and right click on it, add action, there is no option to add token... i just get dmg, cast, heal, effect. I put all three files, the .ext and the two .xmls in the extensions folder... should the .xmls go in another folder?

    Please help, ive burned 30min and I'm getting pretty frustrated, thanks.
    Hi and welcome, hope you managed to sort this out.. but I'll do a quick answer.

    1. No tokens are provided with this extension, so you need to have your own or one of many token packs.
    1.1 I dont advise the FG Spell Template token pack, due to its design for DM to use map edit layer to place them. Because it does not have any alpha/transparency it causes token layer issues on the map with player/npc.
    1.2 The most comment Spell pack for graphics for 5E is Gareth Jensen's pack.
    1.3 The 2 xml files provide some 'default' configuration for these 2 packs. ( SpellTemplates.xml for [1.1], and SpellTokens.xml for [1.2] ), these 2 files can be any location on your machine.

    2. Once you have the extension in the extension folder, you have to enable it on the campaign. Find it in the list to the right on create/load campaign in the list of possible extensions. ( Sounds like you have done this.. )
    2.1 Once in game, you should get the 'chat' message to show the extension is loaded. ( I think you have this also. )

    3. Configure the tokens. To do this open the 'assets' window ( normally one icon above bottom of the right side menu bar ), this will have a extra button on its top left for 'Spell Token'. ( You might need to make the asset window bigger to see it.. )
    3.1 Then at the bottom of this 'Spell Token Configuration' window you should see an 'import spell token xml' button. ( Its normally blue in 5e default graphics ), it is to the right of the search bar on the bottom of the window.
    3.2 When you use the 'import' button, FG will open a normal file selection window on your system... Move this to the location of the xml files from [1.1, 1.2 ] and select the xml matching a graphics pack you have. ( Assuming you have one of the 2 packs.. )
    3.3 you should see a chat message saying 'imported ....' tokens and see the window update with the defined tokens.
    3.4 You can see all this in the dms guild side on the 'config2.jpg' just after the 'update to v?.?' section of text.

    4.0 Assuming this all worked for you, when you drag a spell on the character sheet it should ( if it has a matching spell token ) now be shown on the character sheet. ( If you already added a spell, you can 'right click' the spell and use the 're-parse' option wheel item and the spell should update. NOTE... dont do this with rob2e spells you dragged onto a character sheet as these do not re-parse, you need to delete and re-drag on these spells due to the custom coding used that is not compatible with spell parsing.. )
    4.1 You should then be able to drag the token off the character sheet and onto a map as required. See the 'tokensAdd2.jpg' in the instructions on dms guild.

    5.0 If you do not have a pack of graphics for tokens, you can use the 'spell token configuration' window, under assets, and use the 'add lines' ( or right-click in the window white space to see the 'add line' wheel popup. )
    5.1 You can set a name that you want to match with a spell ( or power in 5E, its all the same section of the character sheet ), From the 'assets' window find your custom graphic and drag it onto the 'spell token configuration' window 'circle' on the end of the line to assign that graphics, and then set the pixels per 5 ft of the graphic. ( As its your custom graphic I assume you know its pixel w,h and how big it should be on screen.. ie 20ft radius graphics should use up an 8x8 area of grid on a map so your graphic should be 'pixels per 5ft' * 8 in w,h. [ 100 pixels per 5 ft for a 20ft radius => 800x800 graphic. ]
    5.2 do this for all you own custom graphics.

    6.0 If you want the extended selection, this is in the game 'options' under 'spell token' section, with this set to 'circle' or 'square' you will have the option as the DM to move tokens under the spell tokens in FG Unity.

    Hope this sorts out your issues, and you can find the missing step of config to get this working.


  6. #106
    PFRPG 1e
    no token drop point appears on the actions tab:
    Screenshot 2021-03-23 114225.png
    dragging a spell that is already on the character sheet back to the character sheet causes a script error:
    Screenshot 2021-03-23 114144.png

    ignore the "unable to determine class or level" in chat, I dragged to slightly the wrong place the first time.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    PFRPG 1e
    no token drop point appears on the actions tab:
    Screenshot 2021-03-23 114225.png
    dragging a spell that is already on the character sheet back to the character sheet causes a script error:
    Screenshot 2021-03-23 114144.png

    ignore the "unable to determine class or level" in chat, I dragged to slightly the wrong place the first time.

    While I do get the script error which does not generate without spell tokens enabled... so maybe a slight change in the xml binding point is causing this..

    I'll take a look later..

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by bratch9 View Post
    While I do get the script error which does not generate without spell tokens enabled... so maybe a slight change in the xml binding point is causing this...
    Ah, I had the spell as "Fireball" in the spell tokens config window but it is in the spell module I was dragging it in from as "Fireball [Y]".


  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Ah, I had the spell as "Fireball" in the spell tokens config window but it is in the spell module I was dragging it in from as "Fireball [Y]".

    I try and work around the extra items on rob2e format and the druid poly-morph types..

    What 'module' is that name from, or is it just your local name ?

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by bratch9 View Post
    What 'module' is that name from, or is it just your local name ?
    PFRPG - Spellbook is a community module that contains all spells pre-automated (effects, damage, etc) to a pretty impressive level.
    The [Y] notation is used for spells that have a mythic version, (F) is used for spells with a focus component, (M) for spells with a material component, (Name of Race)--such as (Tengu)--is used for spells that are only available for a particular race.

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