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  1. #531
    Quote Originally Posted by rtrevino View Post

    can someone please shed some light on me...

    I have a free syrinscape account, I have installed and configured AO to use the online player and everything is perfect on the GM side!!! (using the free sounds of course) now, When I try to share a link or trigger any action, my players wont hear anything but I do on my side. (players have also free accounts) My questions are: Is there a way they can hear the free sounds? Do I really need a supersyrin subscription so they can hear sounds?

    Thnks for the help!
    You may avoid SuperSyrin / Syrinscape Online Player by using Virtual Audio Cable, look for the thread, there is a description on how to use. There are also many videos on Youtube explaining how to set this up.
    Last edited by Naurthoron; February 28th, 2021 at 22:58.

  2. #532
    Quote Originally Posted by Naurthoron View Post
    You may avoid SuperSyrin / Syrinscape Online Player by using Virtual Audio Cable, look for the thread, there is a description on how to use. There are also many videos on Youtube explaining how to set this up.
    Thanks for the tip I will look into it!

  3. #533
    As nobody has replied yet I thought I should add this screengrab to clarify the issue. The left side Empty window is a new entry and as you can see there is nowhere to enter a match string, whereas the other window is one I made a while ago which works normally, but when I open it I can only delete the match string, there is no option to add to it.



    Update: After extensive testing I've discovered its the Player Agency extension that causes this issue. Does anyone have any idea how to resolve this? I'm happy to edit xml if someone could give me advice as to how to proceed.
    Last edited by Noelus; March 1st, 2021 at 15:30.

  4. #534
    Noelus, I don't have this problem. Probably your first step to debug this would be to turn off any other extensions as maybe one of them is interacting with this one and not allowing the adding of new options, if you haven't already done that. I have a few extensions, but not many. I have seen some people in here have 10-15 or more extensions and it could very well be that. Start a new test session and remove all extensions and test there. If it works fine, then adding extensions one by one until you find the one that causes the problem.

    Hope that helps!

  5. #535
    I wonder if anyone has worked out how to get sound triggers to work when show GM rolls and/or show results to client are turned off. To correctly allow for certain 5e situations the players need to be unaware of the specifics of rolls but as I remember if FG is set this way then the sound triggers will not be initiated. Surely there must be a way to get round this issue as the text is clearly still being outputted, just that its only appearing in the host's chat window.

  6. #536

  7. #537
    Apologies if I'm being dim but I don't understand your reply. I don't want manual sound, I am asking if it is possible for audio overseer to use the DM chat window to get triggers for automatic sound output, thereby bypassing the issue of hidden chat (player side) not setting off triggers.

  8. #538
    damned's Avatar
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    Audioseer pipes a Sound link to the local Operating System. It happens locally. It happens based on what your client sees in its Chat window. Your client cant see stuff that happens in the GMs chat.

  9. #539
    Am I missing something when it comes to adding my own triggers? The built in ones are working just fine, but when I copy one ([CAST] Fire, for example) and change it to [CAST] Sleep and then kick out text in the chat that should trigger it, the basic [CAST] trigger is fired off instead. If I delete or disable the basic [CAST] trigger, the [CAST] Sleep is never fired.

  10. #540
    I believe if you put %[CAST%] as a trigger and Sleep as a separate trigger it will respond correctly.

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