5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by quirkygamer View Post
    I've been looking for maps to use in Starfinder for my campaigns. Ideally I'd like to be able to customize like I can with my 5E game. But there are no buildings or anything (that isn't cheesy looking) to use outside of Pathfinders corridors and their other one, which I'm blanking on the name. Do you think you'll create any map modules for Starfinder use? It looks really bad having futuristic looking halls but then 5E style rooms!
    Did you back the kickstarter for FGU - the Saz Asset Pack is sci-fi looking. I also have a pack that is called Starship Chambers and Corridors (no idea where they came from)

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  2. #32
    I subscribed and have the 2019 art pack. Do subscriptions include the retroactive art packs?

  3. #33
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Von Mandrick View Post
    I subscribed and have the 2019 art pack. Do subscriptions include the retroactive art packs?
    Yes, you get everything in the subscription as long as your sub remains active.

  4. #34
    Awesome. Thank you so much. I look forward to using all of the different tools.

  5. #35
    Is there any updates to when more effects will be added/updated?

  6. #36
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redfang View Post
    Is there any updates to when more effects will be added/updated?
    This is a thread about art packs... Are you talking about effects such as various brushes for walls and rivers etc? Or do you mean map FX like water, fog, etc?

    Either way, I'm not aware of any announcements for either type of thing.

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  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    Did you back the kickstarter for FGU - the Saz Asset Pack is sci-fi looking. I also have a pack that is called Starship Chambers and Corridors (no idea where they came from)
    I didn't know about FGU when the kickstarter was going on so I didn't help out unfortunately. I have both the Chambers and Corridors packs. I ended up going with campaign cartographer 3+. It's not ideal but I'm able to make things look futuristic enough if not modern. It's all about imagination. I have the Saz Asset Pack and used a bit from there for a map in the past. Ultimately it was just me putting things together. Thanks for the recommendations!

  8. #38
    I'm curious if there is a schedule anywhere of when new packs will be released. This last weekend Josh used a pack that had castles in it, but I was a bit bummed I couldn't follow along because the pack itself wasn't released.

  9. #39
    There currently is not, at least not an updated one. I can, however, put one together. I am also in the process and creating a request thread for upcoming theme and art pack creations.

  10. #40
    Hi here,

    J just took the FG Jungle Maps Pack (through steam) and I don't see how to use/create jungle maps ? Where are the item ?
    (I check my account between FG and steam)
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