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  1. #271
    The server should bind to all available interfaces to listen. Are you running with Cloud mode or LAN mode option? If not Cloud mode, try that.


  2. #272
    I sent this to FG support as well, but then thought I should post it here in case anyone else experiences the same problem and there is a common workaround--

    We all just updated to the latest FGU (12/03) - Last week we were on the previous November build and worked fine.

    One of my players is unable to connect. The other 4 had no trouble

    We tried the following:
    -Restarted her FG
    -Restarted her machine
    -Restarted my host FG
    -Reinstalled her FGU

    Always the same error about a missing DLL for Lua.

    To make things easier to diagnose, I created a brand new campaign with no modules and still got the same errors. The console logs from both of us are included here which should help.

    [ **** HOST CONSOLE LOG ****]
    [12/4/2020 7:33:28 PM] FGU: v4.0.4 ULTIMATE (2020-12-03)
    [12/4/2020 7:33:28 PM] OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    [12/4/2020 7:33:28 PM] GRAPHICS: AMD Radeon RX 5700 : 8151
    [12/4/2020 7:33:28 PM] UI SCALE: 0.85
    [12/4/2020 7:33:28 PM] USER: <redacted>
    [12/4/2020 7:33:28 PM] Launcher scene starting.
    [12/4/2020 7:33:42 PM] Daily session backup created.
    [12/4/2020 7:33:42 PM] Starting cloud server mode. <redacted>
    [12/4/2020 7:33:43 PM] Game server started. <redacted>
    [12/4/2020 7:33:43 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
    [12/4/2020 7:33:43 PM] Match successfully created on lobby.
    [12/4/2020 7:33:43 PM] Tabletop scene starting.
    [12/4/2020 7:33:43 PM] NETWORK STATUS: [Server] [Connected]
    [Server Type - CLOUD - PUBLIC]
    [12/4/2020 7:33:50 PM] MEASURE: RULESETS LOAD - 7.1604921 - 5E
    [12/4/2020 7:33:50 PM] MEASURE: EXTENSIONS LOAD - 0.0009843 - 0
    [12/4/2020 7:33:53 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LIST BUILD - 3.0665517 - 148
    [12/4/2020 7:33:53 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH IMAGE ASSETS - 0.1716028
    [12/4/2020 7:33:53 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH PORTRAIT ASSETS - 0.0151861
    [12/4/2020 7:33:54 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH TOKEN ASSETS - 0.1724927
    [12/4/2020 7:33:54 PM] MEASURE: ASSET LIST BUILD - 0.3602836
    [12/4/2020 7:33:55 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 1 - 12.0955255
    [12/4/2020 7:33:56 PM] RULESET: Dungeons and Dragons (5E) ruleset v3.3.12 for Fantasy Grounds
    Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
    [12/4/2020 7:33:56 PM] RULESET: Core RPG ruleset v3.3.12A for Fantasy Grounds
    Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
    [12/4/2020 7:33:56 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 2 - 0.9520648
    [12/4/2020 7:34:47 PM] Client connected. Waiting for authorization. [1]
    [12/4/2020 7:34:47 PM] '<redacted>' connected
    [12/4/2020 7:35:19 PM] '<redacted>' disconnected
    [12/4/2020 7:36:23 PM] Client connected. Waiting for authorization. [2]
    [12/4/2020 7:36:23 PM] '<redacted>' connected
    [12/4/2020 7:36:45 PM] '<redacted>' disconnected
    [12/4/2020 7:37:30 PM] NETWORK STATUS: [Server] [Connected]
    [Server Type - CLOUD - PUBLIC]
    [12/4/2020 7:37:31 PM] Tabletop scene exiting.

    [ **** PLAYER CONSOLE LOG ****]
    [12/4/2020 7:25:46 PM] FGU: v4.0.4 FREE (2020-12-03)
    [12/4/2020 7:25:46 PM] OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    [12/4/2020 7:25:46 PM] GRAPHICS: Intel(R) UHD Graphics : 1843
    [12/4/2020 7:25:46 PM] UI SCALE: 1.4
    [12/4/2020 7:25:46 PM] USER: <redacted>
    [12/4/2020 7:25:46 PM] Launcher scene starting.
    [12/4/2020 7:25:55 PM] Resolving named connection to server. <redacted>
    [12/4/2020 7:25:55 PM] Attempting resolved connection to server. <redacted>
    [12/4/2020 7:25:56 PM] Attempting authorization. [<redacted> - PUNCHTHROUGH]
    [12/4/2020 7:25:57 PM] Client connected to host as '<redacted>'
    [12/4/2020 7:26:21 PM] Client ruleset download complete
    [12/4/2020 7:26:22 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
    [12/4/2020 7:26:22 PM] Tabletop scene starting.
    [12/4/2020 7:26:22 PM] NETWORK STATUS: [Client] [Connected]
    [Client Type - PUNCHTHROUGH]
    [12/4/2020 7:26:22 PM] [ERROR] LOADTHREAD: System.DllNotFoundException: lua5.1
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) KeraLua51.NativeMethods.luaL_newstate()
    at KeraLua51.Lua..ctor (System.Boolean openLibs) [0x00011] in <bac7bef7a7964e60885cc95fed23cb99>:0
    at GIJFMPJFKLM.OGDJMHEEKAG () [0x00000] in <47f8d6a0706643a08ed500e0bc60c519>:0
    at KDGPBIMMBGC.BKMDFOGJDHI () [0x00000] in <47f8d6a0706643a08ed500e0bc60c519>:0
    at KDGPBIMMBGC.ACHJNIOEGCJ () [0x00000] in <47f8d6a0706643a08ed500e0bc60c519>:0
    at FG.FGDesktop.MPLDMNJHFFJ () [0x00016] in <47f8d6a0706643a08ed500e0bc60c519>:0
    [12/4/2020 7:26:22 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 1 - 0.0464293
    [12/4/2020 7:26:22 PM] Tabletop scene exiting.
    [12/4/2020 7:26:22 PM] Launcher scene starting.
    [12/4/2020 7:26:22 PM] [ERROR] Game server connection was lost. Returning to launcher.
    [12/4/2020 7:26:23 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
    [12/4/2020 7:26:23 PM] Launcher scene starting.

  3. #273
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbachen View Post
    I sent this to FG support as well, but then thought I should post it here in case anyone else experiences the same problem and there is a common workaround--

    We all just updated to the latest FGU (12/03) - Last week we were on the previous November build and worked fine.

    One of my players is unable to connect. The other 4 had no trouble

    We tried the following:
    -Restarted her FG
    -Restarted her machine
    -Restarted my host FG
    -Reinstalled her FGU

    Always the same error about a missing DLL for Lua.
    Please try having your player install the 64 bit version of this
    "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 a 2019"

    link here:

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  4. #274
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    The server should bind to all available interfaces to listen. Are you running with Cloud mode or LAN mode option? If not Cloud mode, try that.

    I've tried with both settings.
    On Cloud setting, I can connect to the cloud servers, and advertise no problem, but if the IP that shows is a virtual adapter, then clients cannot connect.
    On LAN setting, I can always connect to localhost no problem, but there are issues with connecting from external. I'll do some packet captures to see if I can isolate the issue further.
    Right now I'm doing LAN because I am learning and connecting to local host so I can see what a players sees.

  5. #275
    Hi, I have 6 players currently in my game and since we upgraded to FGU 1 out of the 6 players has consistently not been able to connect. We have managed to sometimes get him to be able to connect after at least 15 min of both him and I restarting FGU and or our computers. None of the other players have any issues connecting. When we have this player connect after connecting to his mobile hotspot he has no issues connecting. I am not sure if the issues are with how FGU is making the connections (he has no problems with FGC) or some issue with his internet. Attached are the log files we collected.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #276
    @dbachen, Please have your player install the MS library that LordEntrails provided a link to.

    Please provide the logs using the Compile Logs button in the console for both the GM and the player when the connection issue occurs.
    You can open the console by typing /console in tabletop mode or by clicking the console button at top of screen in launcher/connect mode.

    Thanks for the logs; I'm passing on to @smelton who works on the networking.


  7. #277
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldin89 View Post
    Hi, I have 6 players currently in my game and since we upgraded to FGU 1 out of the 6 players has consistently not been able to connect. We have managed to sometimes get him to be able to connect after at least 15 min of both him and I restarting FGU and or our computers. None of the other players have any issues connecting. When we have this player connect after connecting to his mobile hotspot he has no issues connecting. I am not sure if the issues are with how FGU is making the connections (he has no problems with FGC) or some issue with his internet. Attached are the log files we collected.
    Something is closing the socket almost immediately after FGU begins negotiating the connection. Is the affected player using a firewall or any other security software?

  8. #278
    Hi all, hope this one is the proper thread.

    Yesterday evening, following update from FGU 4.0.3 to 4.0.4, one of my players bad severe connection issues.

    Attached you will find a picture of the error popping out.

    He is playing with an old pc (windows 7). Could that be the issue?

    Thanks a lot for your hard work!!0_IMG-20201204-WA0016.jpg

    UPDATE: I just saw the answer to my problem literally 3/4 post above mine. I'll let the player know about How to solve his issue!
    Last edited by eriktedesco; December 5th, 2020 at 12:14. Reason: Update

  9. #279
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
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    Quote Originally Posted by eriktedesco View Post
    Hi all, hope this one is the proper thread.

    Yesterday evening, following update from FGU 4.0.3 to 4.0.4, one of my players bad severe connection issues.

    Attached you will find a picture of the error popping out.

    He is playing with an old pc (windows 7). Could that be the issue?

    Thanks a lot for your hard work!!0_IMG-20201204-WA0016.jpg

    UPDATE: I just saw the answer to my problem literally 3/4 post above mine. I'll let the player know about How to solve his issue!
    FGU is not supported on Windows 7.

    I know a lot of people are still on Windows 7, however, Microsoft officially ended support of Windows 7 on January 14, 2020.

    Anyone still on Windows 7 should upgrade asap, Microsoft is no longer releasing any security patches for Win7, so the number of vulnerabilities will just keep increasing as time goes on, making those users still on Win7 vulnerable to anything from cryptolockers to identity theft if they continue to use Win7.

    Microsoft made Windows 10 available as a free upgrade for the first year of its release, however, they have quietly supported a free upgrade from Win7/8 even to this day (see here for how).

  10. #280
    Moon Wizard - Thanks for the reply. I have passed on that information, along with Sulimo's reply on Dec 5 to someone else with the same issue. Hopefully they can upgrade to 10 and solve the problem. I just wanted to note for others having the same (or maybe similar issues), or for people with a different cause but similar symptoms, that my player had much better luck in our last session. He found, that when he logged into the game, but didn't have his character selected/open, he didn't get disconnected. When it was his turn, he would open his character and make his rolls, then close his character again. I think he was only disconnected once or twice during the session (about 2 1/2 hours) vs. previous sessions where he could barely go five minutes without getting kicked. Not sure why that would make a difference, but maybe it will help the programmers or other players having issues.

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