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  1. #21
    I and several people from my game group have the same "fixing rights" problems. NO Antivir- or other security Software, except windows defender. Clean Windows installation (in my case even the 2nd clean windows installation, and the same problems). Its so frustrating. After moving from FG classic to FGU there was barely a week without problems, problem fixing and workarounds.... the whole group seems to spend more time to keep the software running/functional than actually playing the game we love.

    My whole group is angry and pushing to change from Fantasy Grounds back to Roll20. After i literally spent YEARS to change their minds about Fantasy Grounds and to stop using Roll20 and switch to Fantasy Grounds (classic at that time). And i dont think i can stop them this time from switching again...

    Switching from classic to FGU is just a frustrating experience for me, after buying an ultimate license i have nothing but regrets...
    Last edited by hoopalong; October 18th, 2020 at 15:54.

  2. #22
    Hello, same issue here, very frustrating: the program does not install on a brand new laptop as it did not install on the old laptop.

    Do not blame the users or the antivirus because I have installed dozens of programs with and without antivirus always without an error, from the huge games to the crappy drivers of the humble chinese mouse.

    Your installer is doing something wrong and you have to check and fix it because the users paid a lot of money for that. The problem is known since one year because on this and other forums it is full of complaints, but the reaction was blaming the users or offering some workaround. Now that you are officially out of beta this kind of answers cannot be accepted.

  3. #23
    Stormrider, I understand your frustration, however, I don't think we have ever blamed a user for this issue .. but it is definitely security software causing the problem. The updater requires write permissions to the installation directory so that it can install and update the application files. Unfortunately, some security software doesn't like users to have write permissions to the Program Files directory, the default installation directory per the Microsoft Windows standard, and it either blocks the installer from adding the permissions or it removes the permission immediately after install. You have the option to change the installation directory when installing, or you can add an exception to Windows Defender (and/or any other security software installed on your system) and reinstalling, or using the Fix Permissions option in the updater, or setting the permissions manually.

  4. #24
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forums Stormrider, sorry you are having problems.

    But we are going to need to know actual details in order to help you. There are far too many possibilities for us to guess. Where is FGU failing to install? i.e at what step exactly? What do your system logs say? What do your security logs say? What do the FG installation logs say?

    With more details we can provide more detailed advice.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #25
    Chiming in again here (yays for notification) - after reading the thread again, especially rgtshope's entry, I was wondering - could it possibly be an install language based problem? I wrote earlier that I ran into the same issue: installation on my laptop went through flawlessly, installation on my workstation did not. Both were fresh setups of Win10. Laptop is set to system language English, workstation is set to system language German. Is it possible that when setting the rights for the folders, the updater doesn't recognize the windows internal handling of naming the folders according to the language scheme? Hence it does not set the rights properly because it does not know which folder to use?

  6. #26
    Hi All!

    Same problem here. permisos.png

    I am struggling with the security tab of the folders with no success. Do you have a step by step procedure to fix this problem?

    This is my first post on this forum and I am wondering why should I spent my time trying to fix these kind of problems...

    Thank you

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Tempestari View Post
    Hi All!

    Same problem here. permisos.png

    I am struggling with the security tab of the folders with no success. Do you have a step by step procedure to fix this problem?

    This is my first post on this forum and I am wondering why should I spent my time trying to fix these kind of problems...

    Thank you
    Ok, I've found a solution in reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FantasyGrou...grounds_unity/

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by smelton View Post
    ...Unfortunately, some security software doesn't like users to have write permissions to the Program Files directory, the default installation directory per the Microsoft Windows standard, and it either blocks the installer from adding the permissions or it removes the permission immediately after install...
    This is because Windows itself does not want "Everyone" to have write-permissions to the program files folder. It's been like ever since Windows Vista and every other installer out there gets around that by asking for proper administration rights, including a prompt that tells users about sensitive directories being written to. Even FGU's own installer does that, only once Updater is run do we get the permission problems.

    Proper solution to this problem:

    - Updater needs to ask for administration rights once any program files need to be updated/written. First it installs all data files that usually go to the users' own roaming directory (full user permission already available), then Updater restarts asking for administrator permission to install program files. If no program files are to be installed then no restart is necessary.

    You have the option to change the installation directory when installing, or you can add an exception to Windows Defender (and/or any other security software installed on your system) and reinstalling, or using the Fix Permissions option in the updater, or setting the permissions manually.
    This is so broad a statement that nearly every user seems to be affected, which hints at the "solution" not being good, especially when users have to find this information on some forum thread.

    How many users reported back that adding an "exception to Windows Defender" worked for them? How did these users know that they had to set an exception for "FGUpdaterEngine.exe" instead of "FantasyGrounds.exe"?

  9. #29
    So I did a test: removed permissions to Everyone and removed write permissions to User, Administrators kept write permission. My own user account is part of the Administrator group. This was on my W10 1903 desktop.

    Trying to start FGUpdaterEngine.exe either directly or via FGU crashed the Updater afterwards. Starting it directly "as Administrator" did not crash the updater, but presented me with the well known message that my permissions need to be fixed. Keep in mind that Updater was run "as Administrator" already and that even my normal user account is part of the Administrators group.

    Asking Updater to fix the permissions failed! It still failed after disabling the Symantec Antivirus and Firewall. Why did it fail?

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Weissrolf View Post
    So I did a test: removed permissions to Everyone and removed write permissions to User, Administrators kept write permission. My own user account is part of the Administrator group. This was on my W10 1903 desktop.

    Trying to start FGUpdaterEngine.exe either directly or via FGU crashed the Updater afterwards. Starting it directly "as Administrator" did not crash the updater, but presented me with the well known message that my permissions need to be fixed. Keep in mind that Updater was run "as Administrator" already and that even my normal user account is part of the Administrators group.

    Asking Updater to fix the permissions failed! It still failed after disabling the Symantec Antivirus and Firewall. Why did it fail?
    You might check and see if the permissions applied. There was a UI bug that says it failed instead of waiting for the permissions to apply. If you are up for testing the next build we are releasing this week, switch over to the Dev channel and run your test again. please let me know if you still issues.

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