1. #1

    Skill names dissapear when editing


    when we want to modify skill names, the list appear like that :

    Capture d’écran 2020-11-05 214059.png

    How can we handle this ?
    Ultimate Licence 4.0.10
    French Player
    Using FG since September 2016, FGU since Septembre 2020
    with following extensions : Advanced Effets, All Automatic Effect by rob2e, Coin Weight, Constitutional Amendments,
    Roll for Initiative, Death indicators, Battlestats, Alternative Wound Colors,
    Dice Color Changer, Local Dice Tower

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Blog Entries
    Hi Smoltok

    This has appeared several times over time due to changes in CoreRPG.

    What version of CoreRPG and Call of Cthulhu are you running and are you using any extensions?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Hi Smoltok

    This has appeared several times over time due to changes in CoreRPG.

    What version of CoreRPG and Call of Cthulhu are you running and are you using any extensions?
    No extensions and

    CoreRPG v3.3.11B

    Call of Cthulhu 7th v3.3.0

    Any idea !
    Ultimate Licence 4.0.10
    French Player
    Using FG since September 2016, FGU since Septembre 2020
    with following extensions : Advanced Effets, All Automatic Effect by rob2e, Coin Weight, Constitutional Amendments,
    Roll for Initiative, Death indicators, Battlestats, Alternative Wound Colors,
    Dice Color Changer, Local Dice Tower

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Hacked version of Call of Cthulhu?
    No but there was an update error in the FG of my DM (first game with FG)

    thanks for the tips !
    Ultimate Licence 4.0.10
    French Player
    Using FG since September 2016, FGU since Septembre 2020
    with following extensions : Advanced Effets, All Automatic Effect by rob2e, Coin Weight, Constitutional Amendments,
    Roll for Initiative, Death indicators, Battlestats, Alternative Wound Colors,
    Dice Color Changer, Local Dice Tower

  6. #6

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