Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #11
    Thanks so much, TheBluePsion. A great trick to do is to make a copy of the image you are working on at specific mile stones of creation. This can be done by dragging out the image and dropping it back onto the image window. Keep up the good work and I can not wait to see what you are making! I will also pass this info on and see if there is a good answer to this dilemma in the future.
    Last edited by jwatmough; October 6th, 2020 at 05:11.

  2. #12
    I think this thread is a great idea. I'm wondering before it gets too unruly with all the *.mod files, is there any way to keep them in a separate folder in FGU? Well I just tried that and no. Any suggestions? Maybe a standard naming convention?

  3. #13
    Ok here's what I have so far. Still working out a few things with LOS and playtesting the transitions between layers in real-time for players; but, been having a blast working on this. I'm definitely finding it hard to not go back and continue to tweak it, in lieu of getting started on a new project. Next on deck will be one leaning heavily into the Abyss Art Pack. Cheers!

    sidenote: it's really funny how a screen cap of just one part of the map is something in the neighborhood of 2-3MB while the file size on the .mod file is just 60KB. Just goes to show the great efficiency of this system.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #14
    Nice map TheBluePsion. I'm really liking the way people are playing with layers on these.

    One question. I was only able to open the map in the 5E ruleset. I tried from the Conan 2d20 set as well but it doesn't show in the module list. How do you limit the map to a ruleset? or does that just happen when you export it? Maybe we should make sure to make these ruleset agnostic? Of course I didn't even know that was a thing.

  5. #15
    Thanks Jaybob! Yeah I had no idea that was a thing either. I made the map for a 5e campaign im currently running.

  6. #16
    Ok so seems you have to set the ruleset in the *.mod file to "Any" Thanks to Mgrancey in discord for the help.

    Change ".mod" to ".zip", extract. Open definition.xml in notepad or any other text editor, avoid Word and other typing programs generally. You will see a tag "<ruleset>XXX</ruleset>", change XXX to 'Any'. Zip it back together and change it back to ".mod". Done
    Ps. Any must be capitalized

  7. #17
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Here's my first real map in FGU, a little piece of Hell in an otherwise peaceful setting. Just outside the north wall of the town of Leilon lies the Hallucinatory Terrain that a devil has created to lure the party into a fight. He is an old adversary of the party's, once a powerful cleric of Asmodeus, Victoro Cassalanter has given himself to his evil deity in exchange for more power. Power so that he can escape the dungeons of Waterdeep and to seek vengeance upon those who put him there and forced his family to flee their wealth and privilege.

    This module includes the map and an NPC. The following modules are required to use it; "FG Abyss Map Pack" & "FG Art Pack 2019"

    UPDATE V2 with FX!

    Screen Shot 10-28-20 at 12.20 PM 001.PNG Screen Shot 10-28-20 at 12.21 PM.PNG
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    Last edited by LordEntrails; January 11th, 2021 at 04:13. Reason: screen shots attached so you can see what the map looks like.

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  8. #18
    lol o are we saying people posting .mod files should do this operation before sharing? This took a little bit of tech savvy.

    I was able to do this without changing the file extension using 7 zip and opening it as an archive to get to the definition.xml file. Would never have guessed these .mod files could just be popped open, thanks jay and Mgrancey!

    I attached the new version...hope that worked!
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  9. #19

    Dry River Basin

    Alright let me try this. Here is my submission. A dried river bed on the edge of a jungle/grassland. Below a hill.

    Edit: meant to list the packs used. FG art pack 2019, Abyss, Town maps 2 and Regional
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    Last edited by Jaybob32; October 10th, 2020 at 02:48. Reason: List packs

  10. #20
    Great stream yesterday Josh! New features look fantastic, very excited about the new LOS modes and the wheel resize/rotate. So sorry I couldn't join live, I was out of town, but saw my map made it in which is very cool. If I was there live I woulda gave yall a tour ; )

    As you quickly surmised, the swamp area leads down a drainage duct into a tunnel deep underground. The party enters the Nameless City (props to HP Lovecraft for the inspiration), where all the roofs can be toggled off to reveal the interiors of the buildings, huts, and the mansion. The mansion has a second floor layered on top, and the statue in the left front yard can be moved to reveal stairs to the Catacombs on the layer below. I lined up the Catacomb entrance with the statue, and a patch of mold with the well above. I'm hoping my players will put two and two together and figure out that the mold is where they can break through the wall and discover what's at the bottom of the well. hehheh

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