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  1. #1

    How to make a game more immersive?

    Hey guys.

    Working on running my own campaign and want to make it more immersive, any advice?

    Things that happen in my current group's sessions that I intend to change when I run my campaign with them:

    - No telling another player what to do on their turn during combat. This happens A LOT during our sessions. Basically we enter combat and one guy is going to make a move, then someone interjects, telling them what action they should do instead. Or one guy is like; "what should I do?" Then it turns into a group huddle which goes on for 5 mins (the worst case took 20 mins!) before that player finally decides what to do.
    My change:30 seconds to make an action on their turn. On a timeout it moves over to the next player. Also, no one can tell another player what to do outside of their own turn during combat. Someone can ask for advice on their turn, but they still have to work within the 30 secs, and what is said can be heard by the enemies, as this is what is happening during a battle.

    - The party are murder hobos. Doesn't need much explanation. My change not everything will be as it seems. Those Kobolds may actually not be hostile, and are happy to be left alone. Although if they are attacked, they may run away, only to start hunting the party later on. Also rumours spread of their actions, so if they're killing everything on site; they develop reputations for it, which may create new enemies.

    Looking forward to learning what you guys do in your own games
    Last edited by Maddox99; September 14th, 2020 at 18:44.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    The combat discussions are something that annoy me too. Both as a player and a GM. BUT, before you make any such changes like this, you need to talk to your players. Do they actually want a more realistic and chaotic and faster combats? Because they might not want that. They might want combat to be a group puzzle to solve with OOC collaboration. Make sure everyone is on the same page with this. IMO it's one of the biggest (and usually not discussed) aspects of a gaming group.

    Also make sure you as the GM understand, if you do this, combats are going to get a LOT harder. You will need to adjust the NPCs accordingly.

    Murder Hobos, again, talk about this out of character. But yea, imo, the world should be complex. Actions have consequences, and most races/creatures are not inherently evil.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    The combat discussions are something that annoy me too. Both as a player and a GM. BUT, before you make any such changes like this, you need to talk to your players. Do they actually want a more realistic and chaotic and faster combats? Because they might not want that. They might want combat to be a group puzzle to solve with OOC collaboration. Make sure everyone is on the same page with this. IMO it's one of the biggest (and usually not discussed) aspects of a gaming group.

    Also make sure you as the GM understand, if you do this, combats are going to get a LOT harder. You will need to adjust the NPCs accordingly.

    Murder Hobos, again, talk about this out of character. But yea, imo, the world should be complex. Actions have consequences, and most races/creatures are not inherently evil.
    Thanks! I'll make sure to talk that over with them before we start.

  4. #4
    TMO's Avatar
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    I've gone in circles on this issue. I used to be a hardnose with combat meta-gaming. I used to think this was the best way to provide an immersive experience (i.e., the thrill of the unknown and split second decision making).

    I've come to learn that this is good in theory but doesn't play out well in practice. RPG (Virtual or otherwise) will never be be immersive and rapid. It is more improtant for everyone to have fun than to try and create a game simulator. Like LordEntrails said, having a discussion with your players is the most critical first step. However, you can certainly come to them with various options.

    In my compaigns, I've relaxed on meta-gaming in combat other than when a player is nowhere near another. Some of my favorite D&D YouTubers (especially Professor Dungeon Master from Dungeon Craft) have lots of helpful videos for improving game/combat play.

    Probably the most helpful bit of advice I've received is to encourage your players to study their characters before each game and be prepared to play (i.e., no distractions like phones). During combat rounds, players should always be thinking about what they want their character to do before it circles back to their turn.

  5. #5
    FUN that is why everyone is playing the game. As long as everyone walks away and enjoyed the session that is a win.

    If the game you are wanting to run is a game that everyone goes yes I want to play that then you have it. Also be ready to adjust. If a player moves, attacks, moves attacks and then moves again and takes a bonus action in their turn they might not be able to do that in 30 seconds. Also after the first few sessions make sure to ask your player how they like the system and what they would like to see to improve it.
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  6. #6

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    Good Day Maddox99
    Perhaps this extension? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...sion-(v-0-0-1)

    I have not used it so I do not know if it still works but you can take a look at it.

  7. #7
    Some meta game play is good. The point is to have fun. As long as each person gets to make their own decisions on what to do I give the players great leeway.

    Also I plan on meta gaming. This past BOB's Birthday Game 2020 the musical theme was Swamp Music. So when Green River by CCR is playing the players should be expecting to encounter Cody's Camp.... if they listen to the lyrics.

    We do not stop playing because we grow old.
    We grow old because we stop playing.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Granamere View Post
    FUN that is why everyone is playing the game. As long as everyone walks away and enjoyed the session that is a win.

    If the game you are wanting to run is a game that everyone goes yes I want to play that then you have it. Also be ready to adjust. If a player moves, attacks, moves attacks and then moves again and takes a bonus action in their turn they might not be able to do that in 30 seconds. Also after the first few sessions make sure to ask your player how they like the system and what they would like to see to improve it.
    It'll be 30 seconds to come to a decision. Once they begin to layout their actions the timer stops.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by anstett View Post
    Some meta game play is good. The point is to have fun. As long as each person gets to make their own decisions on what to do I give the players great leeway.

    Also I plan on meta gaming. This past BOB's Birthday Game 2020 the musical theme was Swamp Music. So when Green River by CCR is playing the players should be expecting to encounter Cody's Camp.... if they listen to the lyrics.

    Great song, great band.

  10. #10

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