FG Spreadshirt Swag
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  1. #11
    viviolay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OverCriticalHit View Post
    Wish I had the chops for DMing something like this, but I'd prefer to dip my toe as a player. And I don't have any suggestions for the latter. Hence why I'm interested in seeing this get off the ground!
    I have experience conducting DM trainings as well if you or anyone you know may be interested.

  2. #12
    Welcome Violet!

    Fantasy Grounds Pick Up Games (FGPUG) community is excited to engage with you. We have been on a mission to connect Fantasy Grounds DMs and players by offering scheduling and chat tools, our PUGCon event, and resources for DMs and players. We host Adventurers League games almost daily.

    Looking forward to helping further build the AL Fantasy Grounds community!

  3. #13
    Welcome Violet!

  4. #14
    Most definately interested in this initiative. It's been several years since I last played, but have been looking into getting back into it and then the pandemic hit so my local game store hasn't been running any games. As such, I'm very interested in joining an online community with active games. Further down the line, I'll be interested in DM'ing (did a lot of that in various systems starting with AD&D and including most D&D editions, Warhammer Fantasy and 40K, various WoD settings, ...) but for now I've only just purchased my FGU Unlimited license and need to get to know the software before I feel confident running a smooth game.

  5. #15
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    D&D Celebration 2020

    Hey Violet, I just saw the announcement for the D&D Celebration event starting Sept 18th and see that it appears to be organized through the AL. I see some FG games are already listed, but am trying to find out information on how DMs can get involved in running some games for it? Do you have info or can you point us to what it takes to run a game at the event?

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  6. #16

  7. #17
    viviolay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Hey Violet, I just saw the announcement for the D&D Celebration event starting Sept 18th and see that it appears to be organized through the AL. I see some FG games are already listed, but am trying to find out information on how DMs can get involved in running some games for it? Do you have info or can you point us to what it takes to run a game at the event?
    Yes. Some of the FG games listed are likely mine.
    So the pool of DMs who are running at D&D Celebration were pulled from DMs who've participated in past events with Baldman Games' Heralds' Guild. So it's a bit different than other conventions where you can freely sign up to volunteer. I believe the best bet is to get involved with the Herald's Guild and run games at other events where sign ups are voluntary so that you have the opportunity to then be asked to run games at these bigger events. An example of this was Gen Con as I know a few people who signed up there for the first time and are now in the pool for this event.

    I can ask more about what future events new dms to HG can sign up to participate in, so more folks here can get involved.

    EDIT to ADD: I confirmed with BMG what I stated earlier. Their next big event that would be an opportunity to participate and therefore enter their DM pool is PAX online. I posted info on this thread.
    Last edited by viviolay; August 27th, 2020 at 21:28. Reason: additions

  8. #18
    viviolay's Avatar
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    Just an update, I'm going to be on FGFriday this Friday (9am PDT/12pm EST) discussing some of the plans and the expected date of our first big AL event.
    I'll make a separate thread in the morning so if people would like to see certain questions answered or hear me talk about what the timeline is looking like for the first event (discussing DM trainings, a "What is AL?" stream q&a and game, and the date of the event)- I'll be talking about it there.

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