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  1. #1

    Too bad there is still no ruleset with an official SJGAMES module

    It's getting so beautiful, too bad for me. Copyright I understand and respect. Ah it's just that page!

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  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    More people need to post Fantasy Grounds stuff on the SJG forums. If they see more interest, they might see value in pursuing official modules and such.
    Timezone: Australian EST (GMT +10).
    Systems/Rulesets: GURPS 4th Edition.
    Campaigns (Ultimate License Holder)
    GURPS Traveller - The Empty Peace
    GURPS Shadowrun - Power Plays
    GURPS Banestorm - Dark Clouds Rising

  3. #3
    CD0369's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronnke View Post
    More people need to post Fantasy Grounds stuff on the SJG forums. If they see more interest, they might see value in pursuing official modules and such.
    It might help. I was tempted to send an email to the support address asking if they considered supporting official content on VTTs. I did notice that they [SJG] did the nod to VTTs in their most recent printing of the Basic Set. I would even strongly consider supporting a KickStarter for GURPS support in VTTs to get the ball rolling. While I am partial to FG for my own reasons, I can understand that needing financial support to have product support for the more popular VTTs can be scarce. I would imagine that support would pour in should SJG go the direction of KickStarting a campaign to get their product into VTTs.
    With the situation as it is around the world, VTTs are even more crucial for gaming. In my area, I have four or five game shops but they are really restricted on how many customers they can have. Even hosting from home is challenging with the rules of social gatherings. Granted they are different from state to state and even country to country, but still. I do not see VTTs going away anytime soon.

  4. #4
    I'm Brazilian, here the public is scarce, but I'm trying to create something "simple" to show people that they like GURPS.
    But I'm not sure, but I was thinking of making videos showing the operational, showing the creation of adventures.
    As for a KS I would be happy and it would be a start to support those who made GURPS possible and decent in a VTT.

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by ronnke View Post
    More people need to post Fantasy Grounds stuff on the SJG forums. If they see more interest, they might see value in pursuing official modules and such.
    What sort of stuff, Ronnke?

  6. #6
    This post continues to haunt me and break my heart.
    How to Be a GURPS GM, author
    Game Geekery, Blog (GURPS combat examples, fillable PDF sheets, rules summaries, campaigns and one-shots, intro for beginners)
    Discord, unofficial GURPS hangout and real-time chat

  7. #7
    SJGames is wasting potential, and keeping themselves in the past.
    If they had their products in FG and other VTT, they could reach more customers, and gather more interest in their system, which lets face it, has a lot of good competitors

    I wouldnt even mind to buy again (i have the physical books and several digital) some stuff I already have, but in FG

  8. #8
    CD0369's Avatar
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    Hey All,
    I definitely recognize that GURPS and other SJG products have a strong following. I see, in this forum and others, that the fan base is strong with many long time patrons. I got the hankering to dive into the weeds a little to find an adequate way to express my interest to SJG about going to VTT. I admit that I have next to zero business administration knowledge. Which is what SJG is. A business. One which I can tell receives avid support from their fan base for many of their products. This led me to the stakeholder report; which is published annually, if I understand correctly, located here. Which I also admit that I am working on reading fully. Below, I attempt to spark thought and hopefully bring collaboration together to help bring our desire for full support to VTTs.

    Quote Originally Posted by ronnke View Post
    More people need to post Fantasy Grounds stuff on the SJG forums. If they see more interest, they might see value in pursuing official modules and such.
    How do we, the consumer/supporter, credibly show there is interest and support for SJG to go to VTTs? I have learned that when statistics are produced, opinions are heard a bit more closely. And help in deciding one way or the other. The other end of this is that there is not just one VTT that people invest in. The fans for competitors of FG will also want to receive support. Which brings a whole new ball of wax. How can a business support the various requests and which ones do they support? I have seen a thread or two at other forms where people suspected favoritism because their preferred platform did not receive recognition.
    I am not a programmer. I do not know how much effort it would take to create the data files for the most popular game systems. But would imagine that many working hours would be required. I am also not sure how much it took for the developers to create the files necessary of the other games (D&D, PFRPG, etc.) but that could be a factor as well.

    The two big takeaways are, qualitative quantifiable evidence that people would buy their product in VTT form and how much (money, time, effort, fill in the blank) will it take to get this off the ground? Having those two pieces would go a long way in helping garner support. However, many more questions could spawn from these two actions.

    Quote Originally Posted by johniba View Post
    SJGames is wasting potential, and keeping themselves in the past. If they had their products in FG and other VTT, they could reach more customers, and gather more interest in their system, which lets face it, has a lot of good competitors

    I wouldn't even mind to buy again (i have the physical books and several digital) some stuff I already have, but in FG
    While the market is flush with potential right now, is it sustainable? I have had a devil of a time trying to put gaming groups together both in person before COVID struck and digitally after places went to various forms of stay at home requirements. Even trying to get into a game has been a challenge. But, your post does ignite the question of marketing.
    An anecdote, I learned of GURPS's existence when I was just starting out in D&D back in the 90s. I did not investigate it until probably 2010 when, at a game store, a customer was selling their entire collection of GUPRS books. My first game in GURPS was not until 2012ish because I could not find anyone who was interested in playing. I fell in love with the system after that but find it hard to find players for that system near me.
    Ok, now that I have the build up done. How does the SJG product find, reach and maintain the spotlight to get new players and keep the older ones? This is the challenge nearly every business faces. A rhetorical question: how did each of us first learn about GURPS? Though any name can really be put in there. I know that finding any GURPS book in print currently at a game store is rare. Though you can most likely find the competitors books in print on the shelves at nearly every game store.
    Game stores, retailers and the like are all looking to make a profit. Products that sit on the shelf do not do the store, publisher, distributor or creator any good. I infer that the rarity of in print product is to help all those in the chain not lose money by product growing stale and sitting on the shelf.
    I have read in other forums, supporters have addressed trying to get sponsorship to help bring products to the spotlight. Though I would imagine that comes at risk to both the sponsorer and sponsoree. And though some would take the valiant effort to do so independently, there is even risk there.

    I do hope this opens the doors for collaboration. I, and looks to be many others, have an interest in seeing one of our favorite games come into the world of VTTs. A nod to all you who support this effort in whatever form or fashion you do.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by CD0369 View Post
    I have learned that when statistics are produced, opinions are heard a bit more closely.
    Maybe not what Ronnke meant, but I would steer away from trying to directly influence the company's interest, and steer toward players' interest—that is, just talk about FG, games you're playing on FG, etc. Promote the platform—and the others, too (the more, the merrier).

    @Mook: it's not over yet. Don't lose hope :P

    The other side of this: SJG has said they don't have the resources to support this themselves. This will be a fan effort, just like GCA was in the beginning. Someone has to start that fan effort—we can start working on the content now that will become official later.
    It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.

  10. #10
    CD0369's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigermann View Post
    Maybe not what Ronnke meant, but I would steer away from trying to directly influence the company's interest, and steer toward players' interest—that is, just talk about FG, games you're playing on FG, etc. Promote the platform—and the others, too (the more, the merrier).

    @Mook: it's not over yet. Don't lose hope :P

    The other side of this: SJG has said they don't have the resources to support this themselves. This will be a fan effort, just like GCA was in the beginning. Someone has to start that fan effort—we can start working on the content now that will become official later.
    Excellent point with regard to interest. I notice that I did fail to identify my intent of "hey, we have X amount of people interested in supporting this." My apologies for any confusion. I am a late comer to scene and did not have the experience of watching GCA come to fruition. I could imagine that it was a project of love that developers invested their spare time in. I know that I lack the knowledge to do development work. I wouldn't mind learning but other responsibilities are holding priority presently. Though my hat goes off to those who are able to.

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