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  1. #1

    wrong skills available 1890s

    Hi I set to 1890s in the settings menu but the skills list is unchanged as is the professions, I did try to edit them but I find if I do that the character sheet stops working properly as in it has no skills or only 5 on the skill page and none of them are moddable on the sheet here is what they look like

    can you help me work this out?


  2. #2
    I'm not familiar with the ruleset; but I think there is an 1890's extension you may have to enable on the launch screen for that to work.

    If that's not it, we'll have to see if one of the CoC users can suggest something to try.


  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi ruedas can you explain what you are doing in some more detail?
    Im not sure the Skill List varies between the 1890s and the 1920s.
    Have you set the Era in options?
    Can you post the steps in order that you are doing?

  4. #4
    Hi, Damned so I can set the era to 1890s in the settings but I can't see anything different, so I thought to just remove the skills and occupations not suitable so I started by making copies of the skill list, I edited out Hacker for obvious reasons and then exported that as a module.

    Now there are no or only 5 skills on the sheet they are not editable. Of course when I unload the module and restart it works ok.

    Thanks and thanks for the work on this, I will be starting a campaign based on a few sources and of course I can work around this it just would be nice to to able tailor the occupations and skills since there is always a possibility of time travel


  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    What difference in skills are you expecting to see between 1890 and 1920?
    There are some very minor skill list changes between 1890/1920 and Modern but none between 1890 and 1920.

    The Occupations are in a module - either Call of Cthulhu 7E or the Investigators Handbook - the module wont change what it shows you on changing Eras. We could put a filter in the Occupations to do that but then custom Eras would not work.

  6. #6
    Ok so it is source material inaccuracies, drive auto is out of context for 1890s, electronics is ooc for both eras, electrical repair is moot, Hacker is ooc for both, computing is ooc for both, pilot ooc for 1890s mostly they could be retained with a change of title and a little rejigging, not hacker because even as cryptology it is OOC for 1890s and would be best presented as a skill for 1920s, I can work around it though so thanks for your help

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    The 7E rulebook talks about Classic and Gaslight Eras but makes no reference to skills particular to only one of those Eras. It only specifies skills that are unique to the Modern Era.

    Pilot has two specialisations - flying and floating craft.
    Drive auto mentions - Some other cultures might replace this skill with a comparative one; the Inuit might use Drive Dogsled, or a Victorian might use Drive Carriage.
    Electronics only adds to charsheets in Modern Era - note the Era must be set before the Charsheet is opened for the first time that session.
    Electrical Repair may be less useful in 1890 but is not precluded from that Era. Batteries and Electrical Ignition devices were available for quite some time already and even Electric Power Companies were around.
    Computer Use is listed as Modern Era.
    There is no Hacker skill. The Hacker Occupation is introduced in the Investigators Handbook as a Modern Era occupation.

  8. #8
    yes thanks damned, it's ok I will adapt things until they meet my requirements for verisimilitude, I don't have the Investigator's handbook but Hacker Occupation is available in all eras
    thanks for your help

  9. #9
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ruedas View Post
    I don't have the Investigator's handbook but Hacker Occupation is available in all eras
    As damned mentioned above, the era doesn't restrict what occupations are available, you always see all occupations from the library modules you have open.
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  10. #10
    thanks Trenloe, and it's a shame it doesn't, but I am just fussy, much more so with C0C than I am with D&D. I see computer skills and electronics in the skill list regardless of the era setting, and to me the notions that piloting aircraft and messing around in small boats and piloting a ship and messing around in small boats are somehow skill equals is a bit unreal, my original question was just about editing the skills and the occupations lists without breaking the character sheet, I get it that is impossible, so I will have to rewrite them. Can do! Once again thanks for the help.

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