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  1. #1

    Support for Retina screens on Mac

    After installing FGU, I started trying to use it. Besides the usual learning curve issues everyone mentions, I am finding the half-resolution text and graphics just to painful to look at.

    One of the reasons I went for the Unity version was that, while there might be a variety of issues, at least it would be a modern platform. So for example it can be run on current macOS. I figured that since Unity started out on the Mac, surely FGU would be reasonably Mac savvy? But it sure does not seem so.

    What are the plans — if any — for retina updates for the core interface and main rulesets?

    I will note that Apple introduced this feature in 2012, and by 2015 all new Macs operated in retina mode, unless you went out of your way to change to a non-default resolution.

  2. #2
    unfortunately, if you use just a mac laptop with retina display, even with the most current 16", you're not gonna have a good time.
    especially if you plan to run a game with just the laptop.

    the problem is not fg, or any app for that matter. it's the retina display.

    if you're a player (i.e. not gm), you can set:
    a) you retina display to a lower resolution, which would make everything not look like ants
    buy also effectively reducing your screen real estate, to make fg interface more legible;
    b) set the scale of your fg interface to be more than 100% (maybe 125% - 135%),
    which would scale everything up to accommodate tiny pixels retina display.

    otherwise, find an old monitor or buy a cheap one that's at least 20" to create multiple display setting
    and make the experience more enjoyable.
    roll dice. it builds character.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by tahl_liadon View Post
    unfortunately, if you use just a mac laptop with retina display, even with the most current 16", you're not gonna have a good time.
    especially if you plan to run a game with just the laptop.

    the problem is not fg, or any app for that matter. it's the retina display.

    if you're a player (i.e. not gm), you can set:
    a) you retina display to a lower resolution, which would make everything not look like ants
    buy also effectively reducing your screen real estate, to make fg interface more legible;
    b) set the scale of your fg interface to be more than 100% (maybe 125% - 135%),
    which would scale everything up to accommodate tiny pixels retina display.

    otherwise, find an old monitor or buy a cheap one that's at least 20" to create multiple display setting
    and make the experience more enjoyable.
    1) I never said I was using a laptop. (As a matter of fact, I am, but with a 30.5" and two 27" external monitors, so... irrelevant.)

    2) You clearly do not understand how retina displays work.

    3) Setting to a lower resolution is not the problem. The fact that the app is not retina-aware is the problem. And no, the retina display is not the problem. Every Mac sold of any size in the past five years has had one. So, the notion that this app is Mac-compatible is dubious.

    I used to be CEO of a software company. We didn’t get a retina version of our flagship app out until December 2017. That made us really late.

  4. #4
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    From what I can gather from comments made by the devs, the following are their current priorities;
    1) Ability to run, such as the networking issues we have been seeing recently and the updater problems
    2) Promised features
    3) Performance
    4) cosmetics

    This issue probably falls into the number 4 category. I suspect it is already on their list, but if you want to make sure you can always add it to the wishlist; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...D-amp-D-Beyond

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #5
    I think LE meant to put this link:

  6. #6
    If it was solely graphics-as-graphics, I might consider this purely cosmetic. Important, but cosmetic.

    But this affects ALL TEXT in the app. I would have thought it was because everything in the app is a graphic (an unfortunate architectural decision). It is just brutally unpleasant. But even the installer isn’t retina-aware for text, and that text is definitely plain old text, and it looks pretty awful.

    I will with to hear something from somebody on the FG side. If this really isn’t going to be addressed any time soon, I will likely get a refund and forget about it (until FG catches up to this 2012–2015 technology).

    Everybody has their own dealbreakers for what they want from the app. But this is probably one of mine. I am willing to learn a weird interface and try to drag my friends through it. But if all the text looks like crap and is unpleasant to read, as well as all the graphics being chonky, that is too much for me, I think.

  7. #7
    Have you tried using the /scaleui chat command? If not, try it and see if it helps. Usage is like:
    /scaleui X
    Where X is a number from 50-200.

  8. #8
    The UI is not the wrong size, rather it is half the resolution.

    The /scaleUI switch just makes everything bigger or smaller, using either more, or fewer, of the double-scaled pixels. But it does not fix the problem.

  9. #9

    first off, i am not here to speak on behalf of or know what are planned by smiteworks...

    i was simply offering what i thought was friendly and helpful insight.

    then here is where we can agree to disagree:

    Quote Originally Posted by tphinney View Post
    The fact that the app is not retina-aware is the problem.
    an app being retina-ready is great, but when in retina mode: images may appear crisp and clear
    (only if prepared as at least @2x high-resolution), but on-screen text legibility is practically
    not user-friendly by default unless user increase font size in settings.

    Quote Originally Posted by tphinney View Post
    And no, the retina display is not the problem.
    again, subjective.
    i work with retina display every day. same issue as (1) above. a lot of users are not equipped with retina.
    when retina-ready contents are served on non-retina, the result is effectively enlarge to at least 2x,
    making contents "spill" outside of view area of most non-retina screens.

    Quote Originally Posted by tphinney View Post
    Every Mac sold of any size in the past five years has had one.
    those same macs are targeted to certain social-economic groups. just because the technology is there,
    and one uses it everyday may give one the impression that a large segment of users can afford and use such same technology.
    the statement doesn't really mean much here.

    Quote Originally Posted by tphinney View Post
    So, the notion that this app is Mac-compatible is dubious.
    from the amount of posts you've garnered here, it seems this comment comes from a place
    of self-importance and lacking appreciation for the efforts and support of the a community
    that has practically been the backbone of this app.
    which part of "mac-compatible" is not true?
    are many solid apps out there are not retina-ready but "mac-compatible" dubious as well?

    i am sure many will disagree with you.
    roll dice. it builds character.

  10. #10
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    If this is a deal breaker for you, then you will probably have to contact support directly to find out what their plans are. [email protected].

    And I don't know if this is unique to retina displays, 4k windows screens have a similar issue, There are threads on it. Myself I don't run my screen at 4k because I don't need it and it makes most apps and text too small.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

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