1. #1731
    Greetings, I have a question. (Sorry if it has been asked before, but I searched and didn't found anything like it)
    I'm trying to make a character sheet for Mythras and that game uses a d100 roll-under system. The skills have a value of two stats plus whatever ranks you have in that skills (Stat 1 + Stat 2+ Ranks), I've set up each of the stats with their values as their (p1) value and then each skill also has its ranks as (p1), plus I made sure to reference the two corresponding stats as references A and B for each skill and now the parameter formula for each skill is now "/rollunder 1d100x((a1)+(b1)+(p1))", but it's obvious that the parentheses are not working, is there a way I can do this?
    Thanks for reading.

  2. #1732
    Hello, I took the most recent extension with the Classes and AC modification and removed the classes presets, first tab class entry and AC calculation. None of that was relevant to the Rifts ruleset. This does leave the framework for Class, though the functionality to increment the level and send messages for the level gain is gone. It's not really a new extension since I didn't really add anything of my own so I wanted to know if you had an issue if it was posted either here or some other place. If you do its not an issue, I can work around the Class feature (though I like it a lot) and can still implement a decent Rifts/Palladium ruleset with the base MoreCore ruleset.

    I have made a little tutorial of how to work with the MoreCore ruleset (with and without the most recent extension) and now I'm just trying to figure out what I can distribute without getting into issues with Palladium. The Classes, skills and powers are mostly dummy entries to demonstrate how it can be implemented by GMs but I am not sure how sensitive the company is. The empty character sheet is pretty boring but it may be the safest bet. That plus the tutorial should allow GMs to recreate it on their own with a little elbow grease. Any advice would be welcome.


  3. #1733
    damned's Avatar
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    You have my permission to reuse that code and republish.

    Game mechanics/rules cannot be copyrighted so there is no issue there.

    Lists of skills is most likely ok - particularly if the skill lists contain nothing that is totally specific to that game - eg Dodge, Climb, Disguise etc are obviously not protectable.

  4. #1734
    damned's Avatar
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    Some comments from the video.

    Change the Extension Name to MoreCore - Rifts rather than retaining Damned Basic Dungeon
    You could replace the fonts with something more Rifty
    You could redefine the basicnumberred increase width and offset by the same amount and include that in the extension
    			<basicnumberred name="p1">
    				<anchored to="paramanchor" position="left" width="9">
    					<right parent="paramanchor" anchor="left" offset="-7" relation="relative"/>
    				<tooltip><text>Parameter 1</text></tooltip>
    				<tabtarget next="p2"/>
    				<script file="scripts/parameter_field.lua" />
    If everyone has the same skills you could autopopulate them all - have a look at the Trail of Cthulhu extension
    if you tell me the exact parameters for the Racial Rolls I will create a /riftsracial roll to use instead of /sthrow
    For all your rolls - once you add in the strings - click in and out of the Dice String field and it will update the icons on the char sheet - many of yours were not showing correctly
    I sent you an extension that adds a set of Psi Points. Let me know if you will use that and I will add the /psipoints command to help you track them...

    That was a quick over view...

  5. #1735
    Thanks, I will look into changing the Basic Numbered width, that would help smooth things over.

    The skills rolls aren't racial specific the frame was just titled that way because your race can give you skills or your class can give you skills. Once you have them its just a skill. The way I see a skill roll that could be mostly automated by inheriting numbers either from p1,p2,p3 and a, b, c would be:

    Skill level: (a) or (p1)= level, inherited from a class level stat elsewhere. Rift characters can have multiple classes so this would be manually dragged over from a level statistic, so this could be (a). This gets tricky because of multiple classes AND the classes can get skill at various levels. example, if your class gets a skill at level 5, that skill now increments per level in lockstep with your class but starts at level 1. If you don't get this skill at your 1st class level it's easier just to use (p1) and update it when you level.
    IQ bonus: (b) easily dragged from the IQ ability subfield.
    +% per additional level: (p2)
    Base starting percentage: (c)
    Class and/or race bonus (they stack): (p3)
    So the formula would be:
    /skillcheck d100< (base skill level)+[(skill level)x(%per level)]-(%perlevel)+(IQ bonus)+(Class/Race Bonus)
    /skillcheck d100<(c)+[(p1)x(p2)]-(p2)+(b)+(p3)
    This can _almost_ be done now but the multiplier breaks it.

    I ended up not using the psipoint frame so far. The frames that can actually make rolls are at a premium. All I need for both the spellpoints and psipoints are "maxpsipoints", "currentpsipoints", "maxspellpoints", "currentspellpoint". That 4 boxes total. Then a command like "/spellpoints x" and "/psipoints x" to decrement the current values. Adding your psi points extension added 20 fields I wouldn't ever use. I actually tried to make the "/psipoints x" command by copying and modifying the existing "/spellpoints x" command but I failed.

    If you did implement the "/psipoints x" I would try to consolidate the psipoints current/max and spellspoints current/max onto one frame. At that point it would be pretty awesome.

    What I would love to see is an option to use the "/spellpoints x" command AND make die roll. However, as you can see from what I put together I worked around it.
    Last edited by danielfruth; December 2nd, 2019 at 02:27. Reason: Correct the emoji's

  6. #1736
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Some comments from the video.

    Change the Extension Name to MoreCore - Rifts rather than retaining Damned Basic Dungeon
    You could replace the fonts with something more Rifty
    You could redefine the basicnumberred increase width and offset by the same amount and include that in the extension
    			<basicnumberred name="p1">
    				<anchored to="paramanchor" position="left" width="9">
    					<right parent="paramanchor" anchor="left" offset="-7" relation="relative"/>
    				<tooltip><text>Parameter 1</text></tooltip>
    				<tabtarget next="p2"/>
    				<script file="scripts/parameter_field.lua" />
    If everyone has the same skills you could autopopulate them all - have a look at the Trail of Cthulhu extension
    if you tell me the exact parameters for the Racial Rolls I will create a /riftsracial roll to use instead of /sthrow
    For all your rolls - once you add in the strings - click in and out of the Dice String field and it will update the icons on the char sheet - many of yours were not showing correctly
    I sent you an extension that adds a set of Psi Points. Let me know if you will use that and I will add the /psipoints command to help you track them...

    That was a quick over view...
    Okay, I got this in the extension. It looks a lot better with wider data boxes/frames. Thanks!

  7. #1737
    I was modifying the NPCs. I renamed a few fields and unlinked the Hit Dice and Thaco fields so I could reuse them for something relevant to Rifts. However, when I made a test NPC and dragged it into an encounter I got an error. I thought I had broken something but then I installed the basic MoreCore extension I got the same error. Do you know what this is and how to fix it?

    Last edited by danielfruth; December 3rd, 2019 at 00:35. Reason: fixed typo

  8. #1738
    The latest question I have on the road to tweaking my extension is getting the CT to take the values of the NPC to the CT4 and CT5 fields. I thought I could use the code you have in the 7th tutorial but I must be missing something. Probably something obvious to a real programmer. I tried two variations, one where I uses the real variable names from the NPC sheets and another where I used the updated names defined in strings_dbd.xml. At best there is no change, at worst I broke functionality.

                local nHP = DB.getValue(nodeCT, "health", 0);
                local nHD = DB.getValue(nodeCT, "hd", 0);
                local nHHP = DB.getValue(nodeCT, "npc_label_move", 0);
                local nSDC = DB.getValue(nodeCT, "npc_label_hd", 0);            
                DB.setValue(nodeCT, "fieldfive", "number", nHHP);
                DB.setValue(nodeCT, "fieldfour", "number", nSDC);    
                if sClass == "npc" and nHP == 0 and nHD ~= 0 then
                    local sCleanHD = string.gsub(string.lower(nHD),"[^%d%-d%+]",""); 
                    nHP = math.max(StringManager.evalDiceString(sCleanHD, true), 1);
                        DB.setValue(nodeCT, "health", "number", nHP);
    Last edited by danielfruth; December 6th, 2019 at 02:54. Reason: fixed code type

  9. #1739

  10. #1740
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    This is already slated for the next MoreCore build.
    Dont go down that road just yet.
    Okay, good to know, I look forward to it!

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