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  1. #41
    Added support for DiabloBob's Critically Awesome Essentials. Fixed the bug where druid wild shapes were being canceled if the druid took damage.
    Last edited by Valerian Stormbreaker; August 22nd, 2019 at 15:17.

  2. #42
    Thanks again, Valerian; I wasn't able to re-create it either actually, not quite sure why. But thanks again for looking into it for me!

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Melborne View Post
    Thanks again, Valerian; I wasn't able to re-create it either actually, not quite sure why. But thanks again for looking into it for me!
    You are welcome! If you ever reproduce the bug, try to remember how it occurred and I'll try to reproduce it.

  4. #44
    Would it be possible to have the extension not change the NPC's name or apply a death indicator if it's "immune" to the Unconscious condition?

    I like using an effect that applies `IMMUNE: unconscious` to very important NPC's that I don't want the players to be able to tell exactly when they go down so I have time to narrate it. And unfortunately the extension kind of bypasses that since it seems to just apply when someone goes to 0 HP.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Forecaster View Post
    Would it be possible to have the extension not change the NPC's name or apply a death indicator if it's "immune" to the Unconscious condition?

    I like using an effect that applies `IMMUNE: unconscious` to very important NPC's that I don't want the players to be able to tell exactly when they go down so I have time to narrate it. And unfortunately the extension kind of bypasses that since it seems to just apply when someone goes to 0 HP.
    I have a new version coming out soon for this extension to allow it to play well with another extension. So, I could add a check for your IMMUNE: unconscious effect, but how should I handle that? First, you can give important NPCs death saving throws. So, they won't go down when their HP reaches zero. If blood & tomb is enabled, they will show blood splats when they are dying and a tombstone when they are dead (failed all 3 saves). If only tombstone is enabled, you don't get the blood splats, but you still get the tombstone when the important NPC actually dies. I just need to know how to handle the IMMUNE: unconscious effect.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Valerian Stormbreaker View Post
    they won't go down when their HP reaches zero. If blood & tomb is enabled, they will show blood splats when they are dying and a tombstone when they are dead
    You are right, but it still changes the NPC's name to "npc_name is dying", which is an obvious giveaway that they went to 0 HP.

    The reason I'm using the immunity is that it prevents FG from adding an "unconscious" effect to the NPC which is usually a tell to a player who's looking at the CT that they're down. Adding "is dying" or "is dead" to the name obviously bypasses that. If you added a condition that prevents it from doing that or the tombstone thing (I'd like to have that enabled) if the NPC is "immune to unconscious" that'd be great! It could be a setting that is off by default.

    It's a fairly rare immunity. I believe certain elementals have it. Those that simply dissipate when defeated and don't go unconscious.

    Also, while I'm at it, I'd love if I could have it say "npc_name (dying)" and "npc_name (dead)" instead of "npc_name is dying" and "npc_name is dead", because to me the latter seems like it's part of the name and it seems wrong. If there was an option to switch between those that'd be awesome.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Forecaster View Post
    You are right, but it still changes the NPC's name to "npc_name is dying", which is an obvious giveaway that they went to 0 HP.

    The reason I'm using the immunity is that it prevents FG from adding an "unconscious" effect to the NPC which is usually a tell to a player who's looking at the CT that they're down. Adding "is dying" or "is dead" to the name obviously bypasses that. If you added a condition that prevents it from doing that or the tombstone thing (I'd like to have that enabled) if the NPC is "immune to unconscious" that'd be great! It could be a setting that is off by default.

    It's a fairly rare immunity. I believe certain elementals have it. Those that simply dissipate when defeated and don't go unconscious.

    Also, while I'm at it, I'd love if I could have it say "npc_name (dying)" and "npc_name (dead)" instead of "npc_name is dying" and "npc_name is dead", because to me the latter seems like it's part of the name and it seems wrong. If there was an option to switch between those that'd be awesome.
    Adding support for the IMMUNE: unconscious effect is the way to go. The immunity will prevent the death indicators and blood splats from showing and will not affect the tooltips i.e. "npc_name is dying" or "npc_name is dead" will just show the name as normal. I'll add an option that toggles the tooltip text style so that you can choose "npc_name is [status]" or "npc_name ([status])". I'll also add an option to enable handling the IMMUNE: unconscious effect so it can be turned on or off.

    Once Diablobob and I get the bug fixed to allow Death Indicators to play nice with Diablobob's Critically Awesome Essentials extension, I'll update the extension to include the IMMUNE: unconscious effect as discussed. Thank you for the suggestion. It really is a good idea that I haven't considered because I'm relatively new to Fantasy Grounds and I'm still learning what it can do.

    Also, don't forget that you can use any token as a death indicator. I realize that you may not have tokens for everything, but you could have the death indicator token for an elemental be something else entirely. Just enable the NPC: Preset death indicator option and drag whatever token you want onto the death indicator token control in NPC sheet for the elemental.
    Last edited by Valerian Stormbreaker; August 29th, 2019 at 17:58.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Valerian Stormbreaker View Post
    Adding support for the IMMUNE: unconscious effect is the way to go. The immunity will prevent the death indicators and blood splats from showing and will not affect the tooltips i.e. "npc_name is dying" or "npc_name is dead" will just show the name as normal. I'll add an option that toggles the tooltip text style so that you can choose "npc_name is [status]" or "npc_name ([status])". I'll also add an option to enable handling the IMMUNE: unconscious effect so it can be turned on or off.

    Once Diablobob and I get the bug fixed to allow Death Indicators to play nice with Diablobob's Critically Awesome Essentials extension, I'll update the extension to include the IMMUNE: unconscious effect as discussed. Thank you for the suggestion. It really is a good idea that I haven't considered because I'm relatively new to Fantasy Grounds and I'm still learning what it can do.

    Also, don't forget that you can use any token as a death indicator. I realize that you may not have tokens for everything, but you could have the death indicator token for an elemental be something else entirely. Just enable the NPC: Preset death indicator option and drag whatever token you want onto the death indicator token control in NPC sheet for the elemental.
    Sounds good! It would be good if there was a way to "kill" the NPC manually once I'm done narrating their demise!

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Forecaster View Post
    Sounds good! It would be good if there was a way to "kill" the NPC manually once I'm done narrating their demise!
    Just remove the IMMUNE: unconscious effect and it will update the display with a tombstone or whatever you have configured.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Valerian Stormbreaker View Post
    Just remove the IMMUNE: unconscious effect and it will update the display with a tombstone or whatever you have configured.
    Perfect, I didn't know if it'd just trigger when going to 0 HP

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