1. #1601
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Yes. Have a look at how the extra sheet is added in morecore.
    How exactly, I have read the guides and they are ambivalent about the exact procedure. Right now I am looking at 51 hits from 13 documents all reference to the defence attribute but none has the core element to link it to main sheet. I do not want to sound disrespectful, however, I am quite lost. I can and do code, and I've and I'm working with XML files. These files however, they are just referencing to each other. I just want to delete one tree. It shouldn't be this hard.

  2. #1602
    damned's Avatar
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    Everything is hard until you know how.
    I can point you at the right file record-char.xml but really you need to spend some time understanding the way FG rulesets are built.
    These videos might help you.

  3. #1603
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Is there a way to use a MoreCore roll as the dice used to roll on a table? Or, barring that, is there a way to simply look up the result from a table with a roll?

  4. #1604
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wndrngdru View Post
    Is there a way to use a MoreCore roll as the dice used to roll on a table? Or, barring that, is there a way to simply look up the result from a table with a roll?
    There isnt right now - but its an interesting thought...
    Whats you use case?

    As to the second part of your question can you provide more information?

  5. #1605
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    There isnt right now - but its an interesting thought...
    Whats you use case?

    As to the second part of your question can you provide more information?
    The use case is random treasure generation based on the NPC's damage dice (a la Dungeon World). As an ongoing side project, I've been putting together a DW manual module to work with MoreCore. I thought it would be cool to have an easy treasure roll right on each NPC record.

    The second question was just looking for a different way to tackle the problem; use the output of the damage roll as the number to look up on the table, but with that nifty button push a MoreCore roll gives us.

    Maybe something in the Param Formula field like:

    /lookon Treasure <-c column name> -r (a)
    where "-r (a)" would be the result of the roll dragged to Parameter A.

  6. #1606

  7. #1607
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    can you post the rules on treasure?
    I'm not worried about the tag modifications (bulleted list). I would just note those as needed.

    Posted with permission per Creative Commons Attribution License.
    Dungeon World is created by Sage LaTorra & Adam Koebel


    Monsters, much like adventurers, collect shiny useful things. When
    the players search the belongings of a monster (be they on their
    person or tucked away somewhere) describe them honestly.
    If the monster has accumulated some wealth you can roll that
    randomly. Start with the monster’s damage die, modified if the
    monster is:
    • Hoarder: roll damage die twice, take higher result
    • Far from home: add at least one ration (usable by anyone with
      similar taste)
    • Magical: some strange item, possibly magical
    • Divine: a sign of a deity (or deities)
    • Planar: something not of this earth
    • Lord over others: +1d4 to the roll
    • Ancient and noteworthy: +1d4 to the roll

    Roll the monster’s damage die plus any added dice to find the
    monster’s treasure:
    1. A few coins, 2d8 or so
    2. An item useful to the current situation
    3. Several coins, about 4d10
    4. A small item (gem, art) of considerable value, worth as much
      as 2d10×10 coins, 0 weight
    5. Some minor magical trinket
    6. Useful information (in the form of clues, notes, etc.)
    7. A bag of coins, 1d4×100 or thereabouts. 1 weight per 100.
    8. A very valuable small item (gem, art) worth 2d6×100, 0 weight
    9. A chest of coins and other small valuables. 1 weight but worth
      3d6×100 coins.
    10. A magical item or magical effect
    11. Many bags of coins for a total of 2d4×100 or so
    12. A sign of office (crown, banner) worth at least 3d4×100 coins
    13. A large art item worth 4d4×100 coins, 1 weight
    14. A unique item worth at least 5d4×100 coins
    15. All the information needed to learn a new spell and roll again
    16. A portal or secret path (or directions to one) and roll again
    17. Something relating to one of the characters and roll again
    18. A hoard: 1d10×1000 coins and 1d10×10 gems worth 2d6×100 each

  8. #1608
    damned's Avatar
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    /rollon Treasure -d 1d6+1d4

    This can be set as a Roll but Im not sure where you would store the roll?
    maybe you could set it as

    /rollon Treasure -d 1d(p1)+(p2)d(p3)
    and then player could add the right numbers into Roll parameters and roll

    not in front of my table just now...

  9. #1609
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    /rollon Treasure -d 1d6+1d4

    This can be set as a Roll but Im not sure where you would store the roll?
    I'd just put it in the Other Rolls section of the NPC sheet. The biggest hurdle comes with damage rolls like b[2d10]+3 or w[2d6] which means roll 2d10 and take the best then add 3 and roll 2d6 and take the worst, respectively.
    I haven't brushed up on my lua and regex enough yet to tackle creating a variation of the /pbta roll that will handle these cases. For now I'm using /rolld and /rolllow with a separate /mod roll for any extra damage.
    maybe you could set it as

    /rollon Treasure -d 1d(p1)+(p2)d(p3)
    and then player could add the right numbers into Roll parameters and roll...
    This is purely for GM convenience as I don't see the players ever really needing to roll on this table. (Though, I know some PBTA GMs don't even bring dice to their tables and the players roll everything.)

    Here's how I currently have the NPC sheet set up. There are a few unneeded fields since DW monsters are pretty stat-sparse.


  10. #1610
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Is there an easy way the dice strings in the "Attacks" section of the MoreCore tab of the character sheet to be rolled directly rather than going into the Dice Pool? I am looking to the CoreRPG functionality here.
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