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  1. #121
    I just wanted to note that Fedora 29's recent upgrade to Wine 4.3 caused Fantasy Grounds to stop working, instead of the normal startup screen you get a black screen. Downgrading to Wine 4.2 or 3.16 fixes the issue on Fedora 29. I filed a bug with Fedora to track this and see what changed upstream: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1690704

  2. #122
    Hi everyone, been scouring this chain for a bit looking for some help. I'm running Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon DE 64-bit. I had no problem with the install of FG and getting my license working and downloading materials/updates. However, anytime I start the app, my CPU utilization spikes and as a result my CPU temp jumps from about 42 Celsius to 72 Celsius...quickly resulting in overheating/shutdown if I don't close the app. I've attempted to uncheck the compatibility mode for Linux/Mac as suggested around post #57 or so, but that resulted in all kinds of UI misbehavior (though it did taper the CPU utilization). I attempted to bump wine from 2.6 to 3.2, but no real difference. I'm kind of at a loss and wondering if anyone has some tips/pointers/insight.

    I gave up Windows a very long time ago and have been a Linux user for decades (started back in the mid-90's). This is the only app left standing that I care about and want to work...hoping to not have to wait on Unity.

    Laptop specs:
    Lenovo ThinkPad
    Kernel 4.4.0-145-generic
    i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90 GHz x 2
    16 GB RAM
    GPU Intel 3rd Gen Core Processor Graphics Controller

    Installed via POL without a problem.

    Thanks for any tips. With the utilization/temp spike, the app is mostly useless on this laptop.

  3. #123
    damned's Avatar
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    The temp spike is due to the graphics compatibility setting redrawing the screen far more often
    you can try playing with this off and changing various settings in the wineskin/pol but Ive not seen anyone post a specific setting...

  4. #124
    Thank you very much! This did the trick for me, my CPU utilization and (more importantly, the temp spike) are non-existent now. CPU utilization went from between 50%-85% for the FG process down to 2%-5% and the CPU temp is holding steady at 46 degrees Celsius. After a bit of trial and error, the following tweaks seem to be what works for me...

    POL, left the Wine version on 3.20 and using this guide for display settings on Play on Linux, set the values to the following:

    FG, under Settings, I unchecked "Cross-platform compatibility mode for Linux and Mac".

    Fantastic!! Thank you so much for the support!

  5. #125
    Fedora 29 update...

    Testing Done... loaded several campaigns from several rulesets: D&D 5E, 4E, and StarFinder. Hosted several games of 4 to 8 clients with several rulesets.

    1. Installed from uefi usb with Fedora 29 Workstation ... using these steps to create the usb stick and install Fedora. https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US...llation-image/
    2. Install Play On Linux (PoL), Wine, and Mono ... sudo dnf install playonlinux wine mono-core
    3. Test PoL by installing notepad++ from the install list ... just use search in PoL. Notepad++ triggers the installation of wine 3.0.3. Test Notepad++. If it works, continue. I've never had an issue, but you never know.
    4. Install FG using the same basic approach in the OP, but instead pick "Use another version of Wine" and select the already installed 3.0.3 32bits version that Notepad++ installed. You should run into no errors.

    I've also now done some testing of Fedora 30. So far, no issues.

    Notes: Now, that I've been using Fedora for a while, I've notice that this configuration runs much faster with more stability than Windows 7 and Windows 10.

  6. #126
    I have used fantasy grounds on Manjaro (arch) linux on and off for about a month now and have had no proplems, I just enabled Proton to run on all games in the steam Play settings area of the steam settings and it just worked. (steam comes preinstalled on Manjaro)
    Discord for my Games: https://discord.gg/4xD6AKu
    My Current Campaigns: Lilly's Dumpster Fire of Doom & A Lazy Sunday with Lilly
    If you want to help me out with subscriptions/mods/resources you can donate to my Paypal.me

  7. #127
    Is there any way to install the Demo version through Steam?

    When I try to download it through Steam I get a message:

    Fantasy Grounds Demo is not available on your current platform.

  8. #128
    Original post hasn't been updated in more than 2 years.

    Is Wine 2.6 still the best version to use?

    Should I use x86 or amd64?

  9. #129
    You need to go to settings --> steam play and then enable steam play for all titles. You may need to update steam. I don't think I had to enable steam's beta branch in order to access it, but it was on Manjaro which had steam pre-installed.
    Discord for my Games: https://discord.gg/4xD6AKu
    My Current Campaigns: Lilly's Dumpster Fire of Doom & A Lazy Sunday with Lilly
    If you want to help me out with subscriptions/mods/resources you can donate to my Paypal.me

  10. #130
    Fantasy Grounds crashes on steam with Proton 4.2-9 when connecting to a server,
    isn't it time for the game to have a native linux steam client yet? this is ridiculous

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