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  1. #1

    How to Integrate Video in FG

    Hi, I read all I could find about how to integrate video calls in FG, but there is no conclusive post about it that I could find.

    Some people said to use OoVoO, but it seems OoVoO was discontinued and I was not able to use it. A shame because it really looked like exactly what I wanted.
    Some people said to use google hangouts, but I can't find a way to stick it to the FG interface. The best I could do was to keep FG in windowed mode and to have a webpage below it with hangouts. That was awful.

    So is there a way to have a video integrated in FG>
    How could I use Roll20 video in FG?

    How can I do this:
    or this

    I am not looking to stream, just to play with my friends without the need to keep alt-tabing.
    I am the only one with 2 monitors, and we all have discord, but I don't see how discord could work, although I read some saying that is a possibility.

    I also took a look at this post:

    But I am not looking to create all that complicated stuff, just a way to see each other, and I definetely wont stream.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    So your first example, you tube, is probably using OBS overlay on what is broadcast. It probably doesn't look like that for the streamer and not for the players. The second example again could be OBS or oovoo or another broadcast overlay, but it also might just be someone not using FG in full screen and then using their video app to have a video panel. There is a post on the forums here about using OBS overlays;!

    I don't know if you can use OBS for non-broadcast purposes, have never tried and barely know how to use it for streaming. For multi-monitors just put FG on one screen and everything else on another (i.e. discord video or whatever). For a single monitor... Don't know if as a player I would want video images of people. Real estate is already precious enough when I only have one monitor, but that's your call.

    Sorry I don't know more or can't help more, but maybe the OBS link might help.

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  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    On a single screen setup you are pretty much going to be doing something like what you already tried.
    FG taking up 3/4 of the screena nd the video feeds on a page/app/something behind and/or below the FG screen.

  4. #4
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Ultimately you can’t put any video *in* FG. So, as damned mentions, you’ll be working out positions/sizes of FG and your chosen video app that works for you and your players.
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    On a single screen setup you are pretty much going to be doing something like what you already tried.
    FG taking up 3/4 of the screena nd the video feeds on a page/app/something behind and/or below the FG screen.
    Oh, I see. I have 4 more questions that might help me find my direction:

    1. Is there a way to make FG without borders, but not in windowed mode, like if it was fullscreen, but in the size I want?
    2. Is there a way to use google hangouts in a minimized sized window on the bottom of the screen, but without the borders and everything else a browser have, like the adress window and such?
    3. Can someone confirm that OoVoO dosen't exist anymore? I tryed to access their home yesterday all day long and I could not connect. Today I could get in, but I coundn't find a download link for a windows version. I could find a pkg file, wich I have no clue how to install (working on it right now).
    4. Is there any other video conference software that gives me side by side images, that I can resize to my like and will keep the aspect ratio of the video image box?

    Thanks for all the answers, a final answer is always better to move on then too many inconclusive possibilities.

  6. #6
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    1) no
    2) I doubt it, it's how windows works
    3) Doesn't exist, according to Wikipedia " On November 25, 2017, ooVoo announced via Twitter that it will be shutting down, citing a lack of profit."
    4) OBS

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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    3) Doesn't exist, according to Wikipedia " On November 25, 2017, ooVoo announced via Twitter that it will be shutting down, citing a lack of profit."
    Oovoo committed suicide when it was completely redesigned to be more mobile friendly... losing functionality and reliability in the process. Used it weekly for many, many years and dumped it immediately after that "update."

    I'd suggest that people use:

    A) A second (or 3rd) monitor for a dedicated video conferencing solution. Seriously, if you don't have another monitor to dedicate to video conferencing, and don't want to spend the money, then check out your local Craigslist and pick up a cheap second-hand screen. I mean $5-$10 will get you something that would work just fine as a VC monitor.


    B) Use a tablet on a stand for your VC needs. Again, there are a lot of cheap tablets that would be great for this dedicated purpose... and cheaper still if you purchase second-hand.

  8. #8
    Unity is capable of supporting borderless windowed mode thankfully. It would still be up to smiteworks though.

    You can also use various overlay apps to layer discord's video chat over the top of FG (while keeping fg full sized.)

    I haven't used this myself just nabbed it from a reddit thread where people were using it for a similar purpose (just for a game rather than fg)

  9. #9
    Why is this so difficult? Why does FG not support this type of use?

  10. #10
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lousancio View Post
    Why is this so difficult? Why does FG not support this type of use?
    Because it is easily solved with third party programs. Their are only som many things the developers can actually work on. They usually don't chose to work on things that their are already numerous solutions for. Why spend time reinventing the wheel?

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