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  1. #1

    Unidentified items and how to avoid them

    Just a quick question, as I'm still a newbie on Fantasy Grounds and I'm preparing my first game session for my friends.
    I have noticed that the default condition for items is "Unidentified", despite me toggling on and off the upper right icon in the item's window. That means that if my players drag and drop an item from the item list into their inventory, I as the GM will need to manually identify them one by one to make sure they will have the full description available for them.
    Is there any way this can be avoided?

    Many thanks in advance!

    EDIT: it appears I was using an old version of the ruleset and I noticed that literally 5 minutes after posting this thread. Sorry for the inconvenience, if a moderator would like to delete it that would be great
    Last edited by Nexos; December 31st, 2018 at 03:07.

  2. #2

    Sorry to necro this, but I'm having this problem again. My GURPS ruleset is up to date and I can't see any options to default item identification status (I believe it is present in CoreRPG but not in GURPS). Is someone experiencing the same problem or knows how to overcome it?

  3. #3
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    If the resource that you are using for the items has set the default to unidentified then that's how the items will appear. The option (if it exists) to have identified/unidentified items won't affect that. It would only affect items that you create with the option set as unidentified as default. Having said that I don't know the GURPS ruleset but changes made some time ago changed how identification and non identification worked. I assume that would be a Core function. The options that you saw previously have been removed.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  4. #4
    I'll show you exactly what's going on.

    Here you can see an item from the item library:


    I drag it and drop it in a character sheet and this is how it appears from the inventory:


    As you can see, although it is setted as identified by default, it somehow converts to an unidentified object. This is quite frustrating as I must manually identify every new item the characters acquire.

  5. #5

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    Western New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Nexos View Post
    I'll show you exactly what's going on.

    Here you can see an item from the item library:


    I drag it and drop it in a character sheet and this is how it appears from the inventory:


    As you can see, although it is setted as identified by default, it somehow converts to an unidentified object. This is quite frustrating as I must manually identify every new item the characters acquire.
    If you enter something in the Non-Id name area, it will act as a mask over the name given in the actual heading of the item. What I found to solve my problem similar to what you're experiencing, was to click once on the symbol with the ID in it - which in turn will have a red circle with a diagonal slash through it (ie no ID) become active on the ID symbol. Click it again, and it will toggle the red circle with the / in it off. Then, if you drag that particular item to someone's items list - it will transfer correctly. I don't know why this works that way, but it seems to fix the issue. Once you toggle the non-id back on - dragging it to the possessions area then fails to transfer. I think that's an automatic function of the non-id toggle.

    Give it a try and let us know.

  6. #6
    Your solution works. I don't even want to think about all the work I have to do to apply this procedure to every single item in my module, but at least it's a starting point.

    Thank you

  7. #7

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    There may be an easier solution, but you're going to have to explore things a little...

    Make a copy of your db.xml file, and rename it to something like Test_db.xml. From there, go in and do a search and replace.

    search for: <isidentified type="number">1</isidentified>
    replace with: <isidentified type="number">0</isidentified>

    Rename your original db.xml file as something like Original_db.xml and then rename your test_db.xml file to simple db.xml file.

    Run your FG software and see if all of your "Items" are now deemed to be "non-id" (in quotes because that is what I think of it is rather than what FG might call it). if so, then go back and reverse the process above (ie you want to change the zeros back to ones now).

    then try it again.

    What happens is this:

    <name type="string">Carbine, 7.62 mm</name>
    <nonid_name type="string">Carbine, 7.62 mm</nonid_name>

    In the example above - the name type string (first line) is what you see in your title for the item when in FG. The nonid_Name is what shows when the toggle switch is activated. You could for instance as given above have Carbine, 7.62 mm be shown to the player as "Carbine". When the players get it as a "Thing" - it isn't identified. I think that was put in there so that you could have a sword or you could have a +1 vorpal blade.

    It may be simple enough to have both those names read the same and it won't matter (ie you won't need to toggle the switch at all). It may be that all you need to do is insure that the isidentified switch is either 0 or 1 and that solves the problem.

  8. #8

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    If anyone is interested - I have a tip on how you can mass import data into db.net so that you don't have to use FG to enter data one at a time. I will open a new thread for the process...

  9. #9
    There is another solution to this assuming your ruleset is CoreRPG based.

    Item Identification Option.

    Not played with the gurps ruleset so don't know if it's CoreRPG layered.
    Last edited by celestian; April 14th, 2019 at 19:36.
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  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    There is another solution to this assuming your ruleset is CoreRPG based.

    Item Identification Option.

    Not played with the gurps ruleset so don't know if it's CoreRPG layered.
    based on the fact that there is a tag that reads as isidentified in the GURPS structure, and it can be set to 0 or 1 (binary) leads me to suspect that it sort of exists. Unfortunately, when I go into options, and look for GM options, it is not there. So, it is sort of a yes/no kind of thing at the moment. Perhaps it is intended to be implemented at a future date?

    I did some testing just now, and found the other method I found for getting around the issue of the item, when dragged and dropped, giving an odd result.

    if you put the exact same information in the non-id name as you put in the item description/name - when you drag and drop the item into the character's inventory area, it works just fine. I largely suspect that the issue here is that the non-id name is being left blank, which causes the problem. If the non-id name and the name you used when you first created the item are the same, and you don't care to keep the idea that it might be a cheap version, a fine version or what have you, that works well enough.

    So, the options for Nexos are as follows:

    1) leave the non-id name blank, go through and individually click on the id/non-id circle icon to toggle it.
    2) put a non-id name in identical to the name.
    3) using a text editor, open the db.xml file, do a search and replace on replace with: <isidentified type="number">0</isidentified> to where the 0 is changed to 1 or the 1 is changed to 0 (which ever works best).

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