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  1. #101
    This extension looks awesome, I just shared it with the Druid in my campaign and we can't wait to test it out tonight.

  2. #102
    You are a genius !!!

  3. #103
    I am wanting to know if it would be amiss to use your extension in paid games? I know that some extension authors utterly abhor such things and put a clause in to their license about it. I am just wanting to cross my Ts and dot my Is.
    Discord for my Games: https://discord.gg/4xD6AKu
    My Current Campaigns: Lilly's Dumpster Fire of Doom & A Lazy Sunday with Lilly
    If you want to help me out with subscriptions/mods/resources you can donate to my Paypal.me

  4. #104
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lilly Fireblade View Post
    I am wanting to know if it would be amiss to use your extension in paid games? I know that some extension authors utterly abhor such things and put a clause in to their license about it. I am just wanting to cross my Ts and dot my Is.
    Thanks you for asking.
    "abhor" - a great word.

    I guess this is one of those "nebulous" line issues. I don't take money for my extensions, though it's been offered; adding to the Fantasy Grounds experience is a labor of love for me. I would ask hired DMs to not use my extensions as a means to entice players to their tables. Don't advertise, hey we have this great Druid Wild Shapes extension, hire me.

    The original intent of this extension was to make the game easier and more fun to play. Mostly for the player, but it benefits the DM too. Limiting access to the extension seems a bit self defeating. The extension is used less and so improved less. You brought a glaring oversight to my attention, and thank you for that.

    In short, please don't use my freely given efforts as a means to add money to your wallet, but using the extension to accentuate the player experience is fine.

    Thanks you for asking. Your thoughtfulness and conscientiousness is deeply appreciated.

  5. #105
    Thank you, I wasn't planning on advertising your extension to draw people in. I will try to mention it only when needed then.
    Discord for my Games: https://discord.gg/4xD6AKu
    My Current Campaigns: Lilly's Dumpster Fire of Doom & A Lazy Sunday with Lilly
    If you want to help me out with subscriptions/mods/resources you can donate to my Paypal.me

  6. #106
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    How to Cheat this Extension (circumvent class, npc, level checking)

    A few users of my extension have asked for "restriction relaxation" of the enforcement of PC class type, NPC type and level checking. (see posts #83, #91, #96 to name a few). I was going to do this but then had reservations about it (see post #97).

    To make my extension more usable by more persons, I'll provide ways to circumvent the restriction enforcements here in this post. It typically involves modifications to the PC's or NPC's stat blocks. Usually minor, and to the best of my knowledge, of relative unimportance (mostly) from an FG functionality standpoint.

    Some of these cheats might have been mentioned elsewhere but for completeness, here they are again, in one place.

    PC Class: the extension only allows Druids to Wild Shape. If you're using a custom class then just change the name of the class to "Druid".
    [EDIT] also see Bonkon’s imaginative cheat, post #250 of this thread.

    NPC types: the extension requires the NPC to have a type of "Beast" or "Elemental" (and then specifically Air, Earth, Fire or Water). If you wish to allow Wild Shaping into other types of NPCs, say a Celestial, just change the NPC's type to "Beast".

    Level checking: the extension uses the NPC's CR for level checking. Since you hopefully won't be attacking yourself, the CR of the NPC is unimportant I think. Just edit it, change it to zero and you can Wild Shape into that beast as soon as your PC is level 2. (I can't think of a way to relax the level 2 restriction, other than lying and changing your PC's level).

    Fly and Swim restrictions: I don't know if or how Fantasy Grounds uses fly and swim speeds. To remove those restrictions, just edit the word "fly" and/or "swim" out of the speed field, changing them to another moniker would work too, like "f.l.y." or "s_w_i_m" but not "flying" or "swimming" because the root word is still in there. If I remember correctly changing the case (e.g. FLY) won't work either.

    Primal Strike: changes the damage to be magical at PC level 6. This restriction is enforced in two ways, the feature "Primal Strike" must appear on the abilities tab. Just add the words, no description is needed. This would allow any Druid to have the feature. But I can't think of a way to circumvent the level six restriction. Probably the best way to circumvent this is to add the word "magic" to the NPC's weapon damage description. (In which case you probably do not need the "Primal Strike" ability.)

    I think that's a complete list. For those of you wanting to "game" my extension, if I've missed something, let me know and I'll try to tell you how to cheat me.

    Additionally. I have not tried all of these. I am just going off what I remember of my code. If I am in error, please let me know and I'll recant my lies.

    To everybody using my extension, thank you very much. It's good to know of its utility.
    Last edited by Minty23185Fresh; May 12th, 2020 at 18:54. Reason: Another cheat by Bonkon

  7. #107
    Best extension so far. it has to be incorporated into the core game!

    Congrats dude!

  8. #108
    Agree. This extension is top notch, sooooo well made. We (myself and my druid player) tested almost everything we could (trying to "break it") and found 0 problems/"gotcha"s… can't recommend this enough.

  9. #109

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    Good Day Minty23185Fresh
    Is there a way to use this with the Polymorph spell, or does it require "Druid" and "Wildshape" for the Character/Target?

    Awesome extension by the way, even though nobody is playing a Druid in my campaign I still got it for fun

  10. #110
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonkon View Post
    Good Day Minty23185Fresh
    Is there a way to use this with the Polymorph spell...
    No it does not work with the polymorph spell.
    (xscapebb, in a PM and Atua, post #64, have also asked. I have been PMing them to discuss supporting it. I will be working on a modification to DWSI in a week or two.)

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