1. #1

    Need some DM advice

    One of my players just learned Infernal Calling. He has the ruby and I know he plans to use it quite a bit. Are there any tutorials or videos showing the best way to handle the devil he summons?

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Not familiar with that spell, but I assume it would want to take the same approach as with any of the summoning spells (you can search the forums for those discussions). You can just share the NPC with the character and change them to friendly on the CT, or you if their is one/two they frequently use, create a PC sheet for the ally.

    Others will have other ideas.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3

    That is a video that shows how to give a player control of an NPC.

  4. #4
    Thank you. I was referring to the DM having to play the devil. According to the spell it seems like the devil could be more of a hindrance than a help.

  5. #5
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temmpest View Post
    Thank you. I was referring to the DM having to play the devil. According to the spell it seems like the devil could be more of a hindrance than a help.
    Are you asking for DM role-playing advice or mechanically how to do this in FG? If the latter, just operate as any other NPC.
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  6. #6
    If you are looking at role playing advice I'd say listen to what the player asks the devil to do and have the devil do exactly what the player says but with an evil slant. Remember that the devil doesn't really want to be there and will likely do things to the disadvantage of the summoner if it can. Be fair about it but strict as well. Players tend to say things like attack them and point towards the enemy but if friendlies are in proximity (like melee) the devil might fireball the area getting both sides. Like the saying goes, the devil is in the details.

  7. #7
    Sorry. I should have been more specific. Yes, I was asking for role playing advice. Thank you esmdev. I see what you mean.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Temmpest View Post
    Sorry. I should have been more specific. Yes, I was asking for role playing advice. Thank you esmdev. I see what you mean.
    Critical factors about devil psychology from the monster manual include that they are absolutely dedicated to tyranny and domination, they have superhuman skill at using and abusing any power/authority they are given, they have a deep understanding of the failings of mortals, they love manipulating and tempting mortals into evil, and while they serve the also endlessly plot to overthrow.

    Mentioned from previous editions is the fact that they are immortal and any PC or member of another mortal race has the equivalent of an elementary school child's experience compared to them. They are not at all easy to surprise, but on the other hand they often surprise mortals.

    How this works in your game is very much dependent on your players and the style of game you run. I strongly suggest you talk with the player about your expectations of how the devil will behave and what the player expects and find a way that you can both enjoy the situation.

    If you never kill your PCs, and it is a very heroic game with lots of power and few consequences from actions, then maybe run the devil as a source of temptation and have the players feel like the devil is getting more out of the summoning's than they are by its tempting their allies to evil and claiming the souls of anyone who dies that it can, but don't unleash it against them directly unless they really mess up. On the other hand if you run a very dark and gritty game with elements of horror, you might have it come for their allies, speak to them in dreams when it isn't present, and have paladins and good priests forbid the summoner from entering holy ground, etc.

    One thing I know I would do is if the players return to a village after using the devil to defeat an enemy, they would find there is now an evil cult that worships the devil in that town and the cult wants to use the summoner to bring back their lord and give it sacrifices including asking the summoner to murder those who are closest to him in the devil's name (meaning the other player characters).

    I would also make the devil try to first get the summoner to act evil, then try to kill him to use his soul as currency back home. Any additional claims on the souls of other PCs and enemies would be gravy. The PC would ideally know and understand this, and quickly learn to be careful when and why the devil is summoned.

    But my games are often dark and I do have PC deaths semi-regularly. Your mileage may vary and again, you want to do what is going to be fun for your players. If you let it ruin the game for the other players that's no fun. If you just take away the summoner's toy that the player was looking forward to having for so long, that's no fun either. So talk and establish both of your expectations, THEN decide how to run it.

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