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  1. #31
    I was never able to get the name to transfer over for drag n drop. It is still on my list of future additions. I set up the link button to open the skill node that has a match to the name on the character sheet.

  2. #32
    This is great, and I am certainly going to be following this as it gets updated as I wouldn't mind my first time as a GM in Fantasy Grounds (and in general, as I've never run a Tabletop RPG before) being with this game. However, are you aware that when dragging a weapon (for example) into a character sheet, it creates a separate instance of that weapon that when edited in the "Items" list doesn't update the item in a Characters "Main" tab?

    Additionally, is there any plan to have it when you drag a weapon from the "Items" list into a Characters Inventory, that it auto-adds it to the "Weapons/Implements" list?

    I'm also hoping this is posted in the right place, as I couldn't see a separate tab for this Cyberpunk extension, and secondly wanted to let you know that it's being used Thanks for making it!

  3. #33
    Thanks, yes, I'm working on trying to link the inventory list to the weapons. For now, you can use it to track your weapons and leave the inventory tab for the misc items. It is certainly on my list of things to make life easier for players. I might start two separate threads for my extensions. Don't want to clutter this thread up. Be on the look out for them in the CoreRPG.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by superteddy57 View Post
    Thanks, yes, I'm working on trying to link the inventory list to the weapons. For now, you can use it to track your weapons and leave the inventory tab for the misc items. It is certainly on my list of things to make life easier for players. I might start two separate threads for my extensions. Don't want to clutter this thread up. Be on the look out for them in the CoreRPG.
    This is a fantastic extension! Thanks!

  5. #35
    Hi! New to FG... I'm wondering if there is anyone who have made a Trudvang Chronicles Ruleset, Extension or charsheet?

  6. #36

  7. #37
    link to the publishers site
    Its a skill-based BRP clone, copy of text from the site

    ''Game system
    The game is a skill-based BRP-clone with archetypes such as Warrior, Thief, Bard, Shaman etc. and a set of Character Traits (Strength Charisma, Perception, etc.).

    Skills are divided into “General skills”, “Disciplines” and “Specialities”. General skills are broad and general, Disciplines are more focused and Specialities are a very specific expertise. The character gets access to disciplines and specialities as he/she advances in the skill.

    Example: Agility (Skill). Body Control (Discipline). Jumping, Climbing, Balancing (Speciality).

    All skills are built upon a D20 system (roll below your Skill-level to success).

    Combat mechanics center around actions and modifications for difficulty and Skill level. Rolls for damage is “open-ended”, meaning if you roll 10, you roll again.''

  8. #38
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edberg88 View Post
    link to the publishers site
    Its a skill-based BRP clone, copy of text from the site

    ''Game system
    The game is a skill-based BRP-clone with archetypes such as Warrior, Thief, Bard, Shaman etc. and a set of Character Traits (Strength Charisma, Perception, etc.).

    Skills are divided into “General skills”, “Disciplines” and “Specialities”. General skills are broad and general, Disciplines are more focused and Specialities are a very specific expertise. The character gets access to disciplines and specialities as he/she advances in the skill.

    Example: Agility (Skill). Body Control (Discipline). Jumping, Climbing, Balancing (Speciality).

    All skills are built upon a D20 system (roll below your Skill-level to success).

    Combat mechanics center around actions and modifications for difficulty and Skill level. Rolls for damage is “open-ended”, meaning if you roll 10, you roll again.''
    edberg88 Id be willing to help you understand how to build this on MoreCore if you will then share your sheets and/or any other intro (non copyright) material here for others to also use...

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    edberg88 Id be willing to help you understand how to build this on MoreCore if you will then share your sheets and/or any other intro (non copyright) material here for others to also use...
    I'm certainly going to try and make my own sheet for it, i found the site with alot of help with the rolls library

    Btw is there a way you can change the background easy on the sheet?

  10. #40
    damned's Avatar
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    Have a look at this playlist.
    The first video has some basics on themes.
    Some videos are very much vanilla MoreCore and others get into extending MoreCore via some programming.

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