Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order
  1. #1071
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valyar View Post
    Maybe this is a bug, but when I try to export module I have double for each category.
    Its been like that for a couple of versions and I dont know what Im missing... just tick only one of each item. All the MoreCore items are listed once only but the CoreRPG ones are listed twice...

  2. #1072
    damned's Avatar
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    Version 1.45 released 20180801 There were some biggish updates to 3.3.6 Combat Trackers and Maps you will need to udate to this version and it may require a patch once it has a wider test base.

    I havent updated the online doco just yet for this version and there could be some bugs due to the number of changes in the Combat Tracker in particular.

    1.45 20180801 Compatibility for 3.3.6, new rolls for West End Games d6, Unisystem, 2300AD, BattleTech, Fragged Empire. Additional Initiative Options.

    Please update to this version after updating to 3.3.6.

  3. #1073
    I notice NPC Identification is missing. Please add this ASAP. This was the biggest absolute must have feature for 3.3.6 for me. Nothing else even comes close. This is a huge thing for me in my games. I love having my players have to identify creatures, and it is an absolute must have.

  4. #1074
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadelon View Post
    I notice NPC Identification is missing. Please add this ASAP. This was the biggest absolute must have feature for 3.3.6 for me. Nothing else even comes close. This is a huge thing for me in my games. I love having my players have to identify creatures, and it is an absolute must have.
    If this was such a huge thing for you before, why didn't you just change the name of the NPCs before making them visible in the combat tracker? A quick change in the encounter or NPC record before adding to the CT and you'd be good to go.

    I'm not trying to be snarky. But it's not like you couldn't have done this pretty easily before, seeing as it's the biggest absolute must have feature you've been waiting for...

    I'm sure damned has a lot of things to check up on with compatibility with v3.3.6, without being asked to please add something ASAP that is not actually preventing you from doing what you want, with a couple more clicks of the mouse.
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  5. #1075

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    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    I've been wanting to do a Chronicles of Darkness campaign for a while and been thinking of using morecore to do it. While it does have a command for old world of darkness rolls that might be useful, it sort of isn't as it is about making a dicepool and rolling them all. Rolling the attributes, abilities, other one by one can alter the result show in the chat window.

    However, the /pool function is great here. Each thing needed for a dicepool will just be set up using that command. I am perfectly ok with looking at the dice to see if players fail or succeed.. My problem with this approach is that you cannot currently remove dice from the dicepool window. Modifiers in Chronicles of Darkness add or subtract from the dicepool.

    Would it be possible to make a /pool -xdx (instead of /pool xdx) where a certain number of dice are removed if already present in the dicepool? And if the GM could modify players' dicepools, it would be great.

  6. #1076
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi viresanimi

    Forgive me but I have never played any of the WoD game systems.
    Can you explain the mechanic in some more detail and how it is or would be used in Fantasy Grounds.
    Ignore the dice pool - just talk about what dice are rolled, how they are modified and what you count when determining the rolls.

    The GM cannot see or modify the Players Dice Pool.

  7. #1077

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    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    Rolling dice in Chronicles of Darkness goes as follows:

    The player assembles a dicepool based on attribute + ability + other (be it equipment, power, other modifier, which the character has), of 10 sided dice. 8, 9, and 10 are counted as successes. Any dice which roll 10, gives you a chance to reroll those dice for more successes (this is called the 10-again rule. Certain things can make you reroll 9's, obviously 9-again). As long as you roll 10's you keep rerolling.

    The important bit, is that the player first assembles his dicepool. The number of dice is then changed by the storyteller based on environment, damage taken, whatever else modifies the number of dice the player rolls. Again, this can add or subtract to the total amount of d10 the player rolls. Once the storyteller has done so, the player then rolls the dicepool and see what result comes up.

    Based on the roll there are 4 possible outcomes:
    Success: If the player rolls at least 1 success (ie 8, 9 or 10).
    Failure: If the players rolls no successes.
    Exceptional success: This occurs if the player rolls 5 or more successes, which results in some sort of bonus.
    Dramatic failure: If the character rolls a 1 one a chance die, then bad stuff happens. A chance die is then your dicepool is reduced to one d10 to roll. On a chance die only a result of 10 counts as a success - and gives you the chance to fail miserably. (A dicepool can become a negative number, in which case you roll a chance die).

    As I mentioned above, it really helps to use the dicepool this is what a player needs to generate before rolling.

    I hope this helps.

    Vires Animi

  8. #1078
    damned's Avatar
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    If I roll 5d10 and I get 1, 3, 4, 8, 10 and the 10 explodes and I roll a 9 what does that count as?
    1 fail and 2 successes?
    1 fail and 3 successes?
    1 fail?
    2 successes?
    3 successes?
    If I only need 1 success for a success why bother exploding?
    ok - thats for the exceptional success?
    if I roll a 10 and explode a 1 do they negate each other?

    Im not sure if a /pool -xdx is possible because each time you add dice into the pool it is putting them into a different slot.
    You might have 8 dice in there from multiple sources...
    Ill have a think about it.

  9. #1079

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    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    Heh... I really wanted to just copy the text from the rulebook here, but that may not be legal?

    In your example that would be 3 successes. the 1 result only has effect on a roll of a single d10 (a chance die). If the d10 explodes and rolls a 1, the latter result is just not a success and no more rerolls of the die occur. And the reason why you would want more successes than just 1 is for things such as damage rolls (the more the merrier), extended actions (to complete them faster), or contested actions (opposed rolls where the best result wins).

    What I had been considering doing, was to let my players just assemble a dicepool, then verbally say if there is a negative modifier to the dicepool (ie fewer dice) and then ignore the result of that number of dice in the chat window. (example: a player has 5 dice. I say there is a penalty of 2. The player then rolls and the 2 leftmost dice shown are just ignored). It would work, but eeeeh... would be nice with something a little better.

    Oh. And it's Chronicles of Darkness now. World of Darkness was bought by Paradox and Onyx Path had to rebrand their version of WoD to CoD. Not confusing at all, since it was also called New World of Darkness... and Vampire 5th edition will be called One World of Darkness. Which, by the way, releases tomorrow I think and also has some interesting dice mechanics. I might be back for more... (please don't hate me hi hi hi hi).

    Vires Animi

  10. #1080
    Erin Righ's Avatar
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    There isn't any reason why the player couldn't assemble his dice pool and then remove dice from it based on what you tell him. eg. Player assembles 5 dice in the pool and then you tell him there is a penalty of 2 dice, the player then removes 2 dice from the pool and rolls 3 dice. There shouldn't be a need to ignore rolls afterward, they should be able to roll the correct dice
    Two roads diverged in the woods and I, I took the one less traveled, and that has made me hopelessly lost!

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