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    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Two PCs per Player

    It bewilders me but, we're having difficulty filling our table. Time slot is an issue, I'm sure.

    So we've decided to go very small group with players using two PCs each; it just gives the DM more options in encounters.

    Aside from the obvious metagaming of two PCs knowing exactly what the other is going to do before they do it (they're both in your head).

    Anyone else with past experience in playing two PCs?
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  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    There is no issue with it.
    You might alternatively just play with the small group size, scale the challenge and you will cover more ground and each player will get more time in the spotlight.

  3. #3
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    There is no issue with it.

    Thanks. I'm not concerned with the technical issues and Fantasy Grounds; I know FG can handle it. Wondering more about the philosophical issues.

    Spotlighting is a plus. Less falling drifting off as others take their turns..

  4. #4
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what the question is. Technically it isn't an issue so what exactly does that leave?
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  5. #5
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    I'm not sure what the question is. Technically it isn't an issue so what exactly does that leave?
    Well maybe I’m in the wrong forum section?
    I picked this section to pose the question, because this section is about non Fantasy Grounds related gaming questions....

    So the question is, what are the drawbacks, or positives, of allowing someone to play two PCs as opposed to one PC. It’s my belief that the norm is one player, one PC. Maybe more people are playing multiple PCs and I’m just out-to-lunch on this one?

    As I said above, meta gaming is an issue. If I’m playing two PCs, Fred and Joe, and Fred has initiative before Joe... Because I know what what Joe’s plan is, before he does it, I can modify Fred’s actions to accentuate Joe’s when it becomes his turn.

    Typically one player can help another after the first player played. Or the first player can try to set up the scenario to help the second player. But by playing two PCs I can guarantee my setup by my first PC benefits the second PC.

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    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Ah, ok, I see. This somewhat escapes me since my players play tactically; so before a battle there's discussion of what they will do - you go there, I'll go here you do this, I'll do that etc. I don't consider this metagaming. Metagaming to me is in the area of player knowledge vs character knowledge. So trying to erase from your mind the knowledge that a Troll has regeneration capability and what prevents this and so using that player knowledge rather than thinking my character hasn't seen a Troll so they're not going to have that information.

    So, yes, if you are keen that your players don't play tactically then having the same player play more than one character is going to be an issue for you. I can't, off the top of my head, think of any logical solution to this.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

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    I have had players play two PC's before, but it takes a very disciplined player to do it
    It is easy to get the info each one has, as well as the personality if you do RP, confused between game sessions

    Lots of good notes by the player will help here in my opinion.

    But as Damned mentioned, you can just scale down encounters as needed for a smaller group and tailor plot line to fit the group size.

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    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    ... my players play tactically; so before a battle there's discussion of what they will do...
    if you are keen that your players don't play tactically ...
    Nahhh.. Not quite where I was going.. I would hope all players go into battle with a tactical plan...

    Here is an example. The PCs are in a tavern, known to be frequented by a group of thugs that they're investigating. They are conversing with the leader of the group and things are falling apart quickly. They are seriously outnumbered. I think to myself Joe needs to Charm this guy. As soon as they see me trying to do this though, we're in trouble. I need a diversion. So, I'll use Fred. Fred will fain a fit, drop to the floor and start screaming and writhing around. That way I can use Joe to cast the spell while everyone is focused on Fred.

    Not the best of examples, but... Now this scenario might occur, but might not, if I don't have control of two PCs. With one PC per player, Fred's player has to believe my PC Joe wants to cast a Charm spell. He/she must come up with some way to allow that. In the meantime every player is thinking independently, how are we getting out of this? Someone might think of diversion. But they might not. Etc. Etc.

    This is different than just attacking and having a tactical plan. This is using knowledge that you have because you have control of two PCs to directly effect a plan that affects the actions of another PC had you not had that knowledge.

    Given my lack of ability to express my concern, my concern is probably moot and "I'm just screaming at the rain", so to speak.

  9. #9
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonkon View Post
    ... it takes a very disciplined player to do it
    It is easy to get the info each one has, as well as the personality if you do RP, confused between game sessions
    "mixing up personalities". I can see that. I go to a game to play my PC. I must effect that personality in my roleplaying. If my two PCs have very different personalities, I might confuse them, on more than one occasion, I'm sure. Also, over time my two PC's personalities might merge into one. Not on purpose, just due to laziness, that lack of discipline.

  10. #10
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Scaling down encounters... Yuck!

    When I ran Princes of the Apocalypse I had three players, then toward the end one dropped out.

    I was constantly scaling the number of NPCs down to prevent TPK after TPK after TPK.

    It is my opinion that having too few players at the table, too few PCs in the game, severely limits the range things a GM can do. (E.g. "Nope. I can't use that NPC. That's certain death to the party.") It limits the scope of player/PC experiences. And DM for that matter.
    Last edited by Minty23185Fresh; June 2nd, 2018 at 20:41.

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