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  1. #21
    thanks for working on this, I am playing a mystic right now and although i am grateful for the support from the Unearthed arcana module, it is still a pain to play mechanically, I had to build out my powers individually not just for each power but each different use of them that have actions tied to them....tedious as ****...thanks for making these!

  2. #22
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Release Notes v0.1.0 (Page 1 of 2)

    Announcing the release of version 0.1.0. From the outside you'll notice just a few changes but those few changes required quite a bit of new and revised code.

    I can't stress it strenuously enough:
    Please back up ALL characters in your campaign before downloading the new version.
    I'd suggest exporting them to disk. I'd also suggest saving copies of the current extension (v0.0.1) and module (v0.0.2). Just in case there is a serious bug in my work, you'll be able to recover from the problem if you have backups of extension, module and characters. I've gone to great efforts to ensure the new version is stable, accurate and bug free, but we're all prone to errors and I'd hate to see your characters munged up due to an oversight on my part.

    Also do not mix versions of extension and module. They work as a pair and don't play nicely with one another when the wrong versions are intermixed.
    v0.0.1 ext & v0.0.1 mod
    v0.0.1 ext & v0.0.2 mod
    v0.1.0 ext & v0.1.0 mod (this release)

    After upgrading the extension AND the module, then opening your Mystic character and navigating to the Actions tab, the first thing you might notice is a new group.

    As shown in the left panel of the screen shot below, Mystics have a new group on the Actions tab which is the equivalent of magic caster character's Spell Slots. Mystics have a Psi Point reservoir similar to cleric's and other magic user's Spell Slots. This extension allows you to keep track of your Mystic's expended and available Psi Points. They'll refresh to zero on a long rest. Additionally, the number of points available by character level are automatically updated when your character changes level, so, in general you won't have to update them when you level up.

    The right panel of the screen shot below shows the Action tab in Preparation Mode. All three slot categories show up for Mystic characters in Preparation Mode even though Psi Points are the only relevant slot. There are two fields shown, the Base which is not user modifiable since it is set by level per the published Unearthed Arcana specification. But, should I have made an error in my code, or your campaign demands different Psi Point availability by level than the hardcoded values, a user editable Bonus field is provided to customize the total available points.
    v0.1.0 A.png

    One of the short comings I noticed when I published extension v0.0.1 was a failure to populate the Ability field in the Power Group as shown below in the screen shot. This caused an error in the DC Save value (also as shown) and any associated Atk value. While working on and using the extension I also noticed an intermittent issue when dropping new disciplines on to the Actions tab; sometimes the discipline was placed into the wrong group. These two issues have been resolved but character "migration" is required.
    v0.1.0 B.png

    (Continued on the next post, number 2 of 2)
    Last edited by Minty23185Fresh; October 26th, 2017 at 01:41. Reason: added content, typos

  3. #23
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Release Notes v0.1.0 (page 2 of 2)

    (Continued from the prior post, number 1 or 2)

    Only Mystic characters that were created while using extension v0.0.1 need to be migrated. The migration process renames the groups to be compliant with module v0.1.0. Together, extension and module, support all disciplines, talents and focuses as belonging to a single "Psionics" group. This is consistent with the way Spells are handled for the magic user classes. This allowed me to reuse a lot of existing code. After character migration to compatibility with v0.1.0 you'll notice the same groupings of your character's disciplines, focuses and talents under appropriately named group headers, but they'll all actually reside in the db.xml file under a single group. From your perspective, there should be little to no differences observed.

    To migrate your Mystic character click the Edit List button at the bottom right corner of the Actions tab. An additional button will be displayed, with an "M" on it in the Add Items button list. Click the button and the migration should be nearly instantaneous. The screen shot below indicates the said controls plus some of the changes you'll observe. The left panel in the screen shot is before migration and the right panel shows the character after migration.
    v0.1.0 C.png

    One issue that might come up for you, as it did for me, is migration of groups that are not a psionic focus, discipline or talent. In my case it was a group I called Psionic Features. When I'm a player at the vtt, I typically spend about 80 to 90% of my time on the Actions tab. I've climbed the age ladder past the mid point and so my memory isn't the sponge it used to be. I place a lot reminders on the Actions tab to help myself out. In this case it was Psionic Features. Because of the way I set them up, assigning an Order and a Discipline in the Spell/Psionic editor, the migrator confused them for an actual Unearthed Arcana Mystic Discipline and migrated them as such. I've reworked the migrator several times and what is available at the moment seems to present the least corrupted scenario. In my case, and hopefully any case that you may have for ad-hoc groups of items, I only had to rename the group to "Psionic Features" from the default group "Psionics" and everything fell into place.

    After migration I would suggest that you import your exported Mystic (as suggested in the prior post) and compare them side-by-side so that you might resolve any discrepancies. If you need help please ask, I don't plan on leaving anyone stranded. (BTW, please don't procrastinate and do the migration 10 minutes before your next session. That would put undue stress on everyone.)

    One last thing. And this too, is probably something that is negligible in almost all instances. Even with ensuring the Ability is now properly assigned in the Group and that all disciplines, focuses and talents are members of the Psionics Group (with a group type "Spell") all as indicated in the left panel of the screen shot below. Once in a while the dang Save DC did not display correctly. The value was correct, when used during combat, but the display was not updating appropriately. To force the issue I reworked the Psionics in the module to have explicit Base, Stat and Proficiency values as shown in the lower right panel of the screen shot. (The upper right shows the pseudo-default values, which derive values from the Group, and are overridden with my edits.)
    v0.1.0 D.png

    Thank you everyone who have given this extension/module set a try. If you have comments, questions or problems please let me know.
    Last edited by Minty23185Fresh; October 26th, 2017 at 01:02. Reason: added content

  4. #24
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Announcing the release of Mystic Class Implementor Extension and Module version v0.1.1 (MCIE).

    There was a compatibility issue with Fantasy Grounds version 3.3.4, which was released on Feb 06, 2018. A renamed variable in the 5E ruleset (among others) caused a catastrophic crash of the extension; it became non-functional. I have changed the use of the variable to its new name and things appear to be fine.

    In addition to a functional test of the new MCIE version with FG v3.3.4, I have also performed code comparisons to ensure I didn't inadvertently render any new ruleset functionality moot.

    While I was at it I fixed a few textual format errors in the module.

    Please remember to use the same version of the MCIE extension and MCIE module. Don't intermix them.

    If you have problems or difficulties, comments or criticisms, please direct them my way.

    Thank you for you interest in MCIE.

  5. #25
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    For those following this thread, or using the Mystic Class Implementor, the module data was deemed to be non-copyright compliant and so they, currently, are no longer available. For further information see the first post in this thread.
    Current Projects:
    Community Contributions:
    Extensions: Bardic Inspiration, Druid Wild Shapes, Local Dice Tower, Library Field Filters
    Tutorial Blog Series: "A Neophyte Tackles (coding) the FG Extension".

  6. #26

    Oh the humanity!

    This thread is like the Hindenburg catastrophe to me. At first, it arrived with such grace and majesty in my search results, and then just as it was within grasp... BOOM! My hopes and dreams torched and maimed...

    Well this is quite the disappointment. I am currently running a campaign on Roll20 and was looking forward to migrating it and my players to FG, the Mystic class is the only blocking element as of now, the Roll20 sheet allowed enough leeway for us to implement the Mystic class in it, but I do not see how I could do that with the FG charsheet.

    I got all excited when I bought the UA module for just one buck, but my heart sank when I realized it did not contain the Mystic Class.

    I know I could build it myself, but that would not be realistic as I am barely getting the hand with the platform, it would take me weeks, if not months of work all while being stuck paying both subscription.

    I really hope they deemed it to be non-copyright compliant because they are going to churn out an official class soon, but as seeing this thread was last updated almost 2 months ago and that Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes does not seem to contain any new classes from the description, I'm not going to hold my breath. So it looks like I either have to work it out on building it myself, or wait for the character in question to die off...

    From what I could gather in the screenshots, your extension and module looked absolutely fantastic. Great job! It's a shame it got canned with no official alternative.
    The Eternal One

  7. #27

  8. #28
    Thank you for that, that should get the ball rolling!

    I'm actually anxious to get my players over to the FG side!

    The Eternal One

  9. #29
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    I haven't given up, I'm not abandoning my idea to drop the DM Guild's published Mystic class into a parser that would break it down into all the relevant fields of my module/extension. I've been thinking about how I would do it (background processing, so to speak). I've been waylayed by a couple other projects, one I hope to publish today, the other I've abandoned. So, oddly enough this is next on my plate.

    Estimated time is a couple weeks minimum, which might not fit into your schedule.

  10. #30
    Well, if it's any encouragement, I would definitely grab that in a heartbeat. I just finished the class building youtube tutorial and although it's fine, it leaves a lot of things unaddressed for the Mystic class such as the Psi points system and so on. This kinda brings me back to my original thoughts of weeks of familiarizing myself with the whole extension/modules coding extravaganza. I'm eager to learn it though.

    Couple of weeks is absolutely fine. Let me know how your project develops!
    The Eternal One

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