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  1. #51
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I guess I didn't make myself clear.

    I too hope this capability gets added to the core program. But, I understand the difficulties in doing so.

    I never meant to imply that SW doesn't or hasn't updated DLC to account for new functionality in core. Just that revising DLC is something they will have to consider if they wish to incorporate such functionality into core FG.

    Given that John or Doug has yet to say if they would or when they might include this functionality into Core, my other questions were around how using this extension for developing module would impact users who chose not to use this module.

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  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    my other questions were around how using this extension for developing module would impact users who chose not to use this module.
    It should have no effect at all other the the loss of the features it adds. Items do not have anything like it and you can probably continue to use the string matching for NPCs for almost everything tho there would be some missing there as well.

    In short, it should only result in the db.xml having some fields that aren't used unless they happen to use the extension.

    Wait for a stable version tho. Right now I'm still changing things up
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  3. #53
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    Wait for a stable version tho. Right now I'm still changing things up
    Thanks I was hoping it would be usable in modules for people who don't end up using the extension. Also had the same thoughts about stability Keep up the good work!

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  4. #54
    As for automatic handling of racial traits, the character sheet > Abilities > Traits section could be updated to include both the current "here's a string data field with the description of stuff you need to add manually" method and the much-needed, super-useful, exactly-the-kind-of-auto-calculation-we-need racial trait effects system without breaking anything.

    All of the traits/bonuses that can be implemented by adding effects are usually manually placed In the Actions Tab as a Power (Add Action > Effect), and then activated manually when added to the combat tracker.

    While in FG Power User Land this might not seem like much of a hassle, it's enormously inconvenient and prone to error. Having effect bundles that can be applied automatically any time a PC is added to the tracker would be....pretty great.

    I'd say that's a pretty high priority thing, as long as the feature safely ignores older module/rulebook data sets that don't have those defined yet.

    A not serious suggestion: Cloak of the Bat that accounts for desktop lighting states and kills players when you turn the sun on.

  5. #55
    Any chance to apply that to Feats, class features, and racial features? I have a few ways to use that for my campaign since I have a lot of custom content.

  6. #56

  7. #57
    So, next version I am working on I am trying to make it a little easier for DMs to add these things without knowing to much about how to do it.

    So, to that end I've added "types" of effects.

    • Custom/Default: is the blank box of text you make on your own.
    • Save: has options for modifier type, the save type and the modifier itself. (modifier type is for base/etc, not sure if 5e has this off hand)
    • Ability: has options for modifier type, ability selection and modifier. (again forget if 5e has modifier base strength/etc but if not it wont have it)
    • Susceptibility: IMMUNE, RESIST, VULN selections and a drop down of all the types (damage and conditions).
    • Misc: type is AC,ATK,CHECK,DMG,HEAL/etc with a modifier.

    Using everything but "Custom" and it will generate the proper effect string for whatever options you select. No more typos, no more having to remember what needs to be upper case or did I forget the ":" or not/etc... That said it's for basic items and there might be somethings missing.... but it should get a lot of it for most folks... others can use the custom options.

    The only odd thing I've yet to resolve I setVisible() on these options so only the one you have set as type shows. The problem is when I started using combo boxes (some of these lists were just silly to put in cycler) it started showing the pull down arrow (tiny sliver) even when I have the item set to not visible. It is kinda irritating but doesn't break anything. I'm going to see if I can find out how to fix it. I'm gonna see if anyone in the "Workshop" has any pointers.

    I'm still looking at where I want to put "advanced effects" on the character sheet as well. Right now, I'm leaning towards the abilities tab below languages.
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  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    I think Moon said elsewhere that he likes this idea, but it has significant impacts and may not be able to adopt it because of those far reaching implications. Specifically, If this were to become part of core functionality, then all current store content would have to be updated to provide this capability for all of that content.
    I worry that FG's pivot to content over feature development will continue to be a self-limiting aspect of this platform moving forward, specifically because the more DLC there is the more daunting any update that affects it or dates it becomes. DLC should not be creating feature resistance.

    This, of course, is one of the reasons I pushed for more improvements to the PF ruleset before it was released... figuring that the large amount of content that would follow would end up boxing in future feature considerations.

    Honestly, FG might need to take this one on chin and admit that DLC is not guaranteed to evolve with the platform in perpetuity. Making a distinction between official content compatibility and feature evolution should be clear. Feature evolution should not be expected or guaranteed (the ole, "You're buying the DLC for what it does now, not what it will do in the future" line.) Users need to be realistic here and recognize that feature updates to existing DLC is not always going to be passive.

    I suspect that when features do begin to date the most popular DLC some community development will step in to fill some voids or, more likely, this could open the door to DLC "upgrades" (v2+) to fund and justify future development when there are enough new "features" to warrant such a thing. They might even be able to work out permanent discounts on earlier (v1) DLC offerings for older rule sets (licensing permitting) which could end up being a kind of halfway mark between SRDs and the most up to date DLC.

    Bottom line: Instead of allowing the DLC to create drag on new feature adoption, they need to model it so that the desire to have updated DLC will incentivize and drive feature innovation.

  9. #59

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    The problem is inconsistent behavior.
    In the current architecture, there is no way for users to know what automation features DLC supports and what it doesn’t. Users will get used to e.g. weapon effects automatically applying in the combat tracker and won’t know that if they use a weapon from The World’s Greatest Adventure won’t have the same behavior. And automation isn’t much good if you have to second check the results every time just in case it didn’t work.
    As for community developers stepping in to fix old DLC, that is either hard or impossible because official DLC is encrypted, and in many cases it takes modification of the module to upgrade it.
    All that said, I am in general agreement with your premise but it is just not as simple as we all want it to be.

  10. #60
    Myrdin Potter's Avatar
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    All the DLC currently works and would not stop. Reference manuals were created and old DLC was not updated. Tables were added and old DLC was not updated. There is a lot of older DLC that does not use new functionality.

    The only issue would be if the old DLC broke and the main issue I see is the old records not have the new field, and how the main program handles in and does not break. This is not as straightforward as it seems as what is displayed on the screen matters for size of character sheet and combat tracker.

    Much more a matter of time and effort which is stretched thin.
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