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  1. #41
    sure, you can just add the numbers, I personally add the +/- to special defense tab of each pc/npc, but its small and often unable to fit every note. adding a box specifically for it would make it much easier to track (on the old adnd sheet, it was one box, but with no automation that's all it had to be)

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Fantell View Post
    ok, having looked at it, is it possible to expand the AC section to include AC vs slashing, piercing and bludgeoning? Its a thing, in 2nd ed, and while I might be the only GM out there that does in fact use it, I would certainly like to see it included here (most often its displayed as AC (7/5/4). not sure about automating that though; might get a little complicated applying an AC effect depending on the attack type... still, it would be nice to see the option there for it.
    It's something I've got in the back of my mind but hasn't been done yet. Since it's a optional rule that most DMs don't use it's not been a priority... but it's possible. This tends to only affect PCs and would also require NPCs armor worn being defined ... which isn't much use if they are "creatures" that don't use it (like dragons or wolves). So the use case seems to be kinda small for the most part. That's the reasoning on my part at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fantell View Post

    thac0 is easy enough: it already assumes that you have a bonus of 0 to hit from your thac0. to convert that to true 2nd ed you just need to apply a -20 to that number (ie Thac0 = 20 - attack).

    Thac0 = 20 - attack.

    and conversely,

    Attack = 20 - Thac0.

    The same can be done to convert AC. an ac of 10 is the same in both. An ac of 8 in 2e is an ac of 12 in 5e. to get those numbers to match up, you do a simply switch. display_ac = 10 - (ac - 10).

    if AC = 15 (in 5e), then display_ac = (10 - (15-10)) = (10 - 5) = 5.

    (I mention all of this because it does not seem to work either way when its a player character sheet involved, btw. not because I don't think you understand the math - I was playing using this conversion for simple math about 5 years before 3.0 even came out, its not particularly hard to figure out if you look at it - but because after testing, the automation was spitting out errors when dragging an attack roll from the chat window over a token)

    I do much what you describe for NPCs. I flip < 10 AC to ascending ac. I use BaB during attacks (created from THACO) and convert the value hit back to AC (after converting it back to descending) for display. All that allows me to keep things similar to the backend and included functions from CoreRPG w/o having to change a lot. PCs in some cases might be slightly different but the attacks/etc are the same.

    I did post a link to my TODO list in the original post that you can look over. I'll add the WvA that you mentioned.

    Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming!

    Because of my dislike of the "text recognition for actions/spells/attacks" 5e ruleset used my focus is on spells/effects and NPCs with actions/etc. Making it so you have the ability to add effects to spells in the "Spells" inventory of spells and when you drag/drop those actions (dmg/heal/etc) will be populated on the npc and/or the PC. Once all that is inplace I'm going to re-vamp the CombatTracker to probably have a different look to be able to utilize these changes.

    I also really want to make automation on leveling up a bit more comprehensive but I need to add complete tables for xp/hd(and hp) and a few other things first.

    That's kinda my focus right now for any that might care. Work has also been sending me on travel more often than normal the past 2 months so kinda put a kink in my work schedule on it but that should ease up after July.

  3. #43
    Not sure when I'm going to play an AD&D game (probably not any time soon)... but it sure is fun to see someone putting this much into it.

    The further along this project gets, the louder the siren's song...

    Nice work.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    It's something I've got in the back of my mind but hasn't been done yet. Since it's a optional rule that most DMs don't use it's not been a priority... but it's possible. This tends to only affect PCs and would also require NPCs armor worn being defined ... which isn't much use if they are "creatures" that don't use it (like dragons or wolves). So the use case seems to be kinda small for the most part. That's the reasoning on my part at least.
    it doesn't need any particular level of coding to add it in, just an extra box in the AC for the armor mod, listed as +1/0/-2, or something like that anyway. just thought I'd point it out now, so that with future changes its in mind as a possibility, rather than shoe-horning it in later. and as we both agree, its not completely necessary. though larger (as in more room) text fields for the special move and special defences would also be nice, without adding a whole lot to what is already there. on a side note, I just discovered I can't actually click on the special move text line to enter text, only the special defences. might need to drop it a few pixels, maybe? Has anyone else has discovered the same thing?

    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    I do much what you describe for NPCs. I flip < 10 AC to ascending ac. I use BaB during attacks (created from THACO) and convert the value hit back to AC (after converting it back to descending) for display. All that allows me to keep things similar to the backend and included functions from CoreRPG w/o having to change a lot. PCs in some cases might be slightly different but the attacks/etc are the same.
    Not a problem, just pointing it out because specifically the ability to roll an attack in chat, then pick up the attack and apply it to a character in the combat tracker doesn't work at the moment, and I can only assume its because of some change in the way attacks are calculated between rolling and the output somewhere. Hoping its an easy bug to track down either way.

    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    Because of my dislike of the "text recognition for actions/spells/attacks" 5e ruleset used my focus is on spells/effects and NPCs with actions/etc. Making it so you have the ability to add effects to spells in the "Spells" inventory of spells and when you drag/drop those actions (dmg/heal/etc) will be populated on the npc and/or the PC. Once all that is in place I'm going to re-vamp the Combat-Tracker to probably have a different look to be able to utilize these changes.

    I also really want to make automation on leveling up a bit more comprehensive but I need to add complete tables for xp/hd(and hp) and a few other things first.
    table entry and data input I can do, if you push the layout you need it to follow as an example for the first few levels.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Fantell View Post

    Not a problem, just pointing it out because specifically the ability to roll an attack in chat, then pick up the attack and apply it to a character in the combat tracker doesn't work at the moment, and I can only assume its because of some change in the way attacks are calculated between rolling and the output somewhere. Hoping its an easy bug to track down either way.
    Thanks for the heads up. I'll look into it. In a game right now but I tried it and sure enough:

    Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:386: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'nBaseAttack' (a nil value)
    Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:386: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'nBaseAttack' (a nil value)
    Is what I see when I try.

    To be honest I didn't even know you could do this. I always had them drop the dice on the npc in CT or on the map. Should be able to trace it and figure out something to fix it.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    Thanks for the heads up. I'll look into it.
    So the drag/drop from attack TEXT is fixed in 6.24. Again thanks for letting me know.

    The reason it wasn't working is because there was no "source" for the attack which is how I get the THACO/nBaseAttack values. What I had to do is add the THACO result in the roll text and then capture that when the player dragged the text.

    Either way, it should be working. I tested various methods and seems good. Holler if you notice something else! I'll be sure to let my players know about this method of attacking because some are just horrible about selecting or drag/dropping.

  7. #47
    I use it by default nowadays. it comes in useful for a whole lot of different rolls done on the fly; you can manipulate the number in chat by right clicking and halving, doubling, inverting to simulate all sorts of effects you 'forgot' (were to lazy) to add to the combat tracker like resistances or vulnerabilities in 5e.
    in this edition I think it will mostly be useful for the rogue backstab; I can just drop the result of the damage from chat on to the target in question as many times as hit multiplier counts. you can also use it to remove accidental damage by inverting it and reapplying it from chat to the target you accidently targeted. assuming you rolled into chat in the first place...

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Fantell View Post
    I use it by default nowadays. it comes in useful for a whole lot of different rolls done on the fly; you can manipulate the number in chat by right clicking and halving, doubling, inverting to simulate all sorts of effects you 'forgot' (were to lazy) to add to the combat tracker like resistances or vulnerabilities in 5e.
    in this edition I think it will mostly be useful for the rogue backstab; I can just drop the result of the damage from chat on to the target in question as many times as hit multiplier counts. you can also use it to remove accidental damage by inverting it and reapplying it from chat to the target you accidently targeted. assuming you rolled into chat in the first place...
    We did use it for damage, just never tried with to-hits. Very convenient none-the-less!

  9. #49
    Hi. Thank you for making this. I have been running a Roll20 AD&D game for a short while now and knew something better had to be out there. Thank you very much for making this. Given I am new to all of this, I might have a question or two along the way if that is okay.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by HighlandGreen View Post
    Hi. Thank you for making this. I have been running a Roll20 AD&D game for a short while now and knew something better had to be out there. Thank you very much for making this. Given I am new to all of this, I might have a question or two along the way if that is okay.
    Ask away Live and Learn! Heck I just learned you can drag/drop attacks from text a few days ago and I've been working on the ruleset code for a few months.

    You can also catch me in discord as "Celestian". I am almost always connected to the FantasyGrounds discord server. Just send me a private message or use "@celestian" in a channel.

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