5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #21
    On the one hand, I love bells n' whistles; and cost is rarely a consideration. I feel like it would be yet another little carrot that leads my players down the road to being more and more invested in their characters, and draws them deeper into their already dangerous obsession they have with my campaign - which is right where I want 'em!

    My only (minor) concern is this: When it comes to having fun on the computer - when I'm not playing or preparing for D&D - I'm playing MMO's. One of several hot topics that comes along in most MMO's is something called a "Damage Meter". Usually used by guilds on raids, to kind of casually compete to see who can do the most damage during a fight, but more to kinda make sure that the DPS'rs are all doing the kind of damage that needs to be done (in the shortest time possible) to kill the bad guy quickly. This isn't too come down on them and be all, "Hey - you're not doing enough damage! Get to work!" (though the internet being what it is, that is sadly how it often plays out), it's more to identify where the raids overall damage could be improved. The idea is to have a guild member take you aside and say, "Hey, lets work on your attack routine and see where we can find some more DPS".

    That in mind, I would worry that somebody might feel a little self-conscious if they looked at the "Damage Done" category. I don't think any of my players would blink at it (though they would probably dish out some good-natured ribbing, etc), but ya never know. Everybody should be able to just see it for what it is: It's just a fun little statistical tool. Which is why I totally would/will buy it!

    Perhaps throw an option in there that would allow the DM to only display the stats they want?

  2. #22
    I don't ever remember doing a manual roll... I was trying to figure that out myself TBH, I am not sure how to do a manual roll. I know I saw it was possible somewhere just never intentionally have done it! I wonder if problem with Data Collection or if players ( possibly even on my computer ) were playing around with options one day and they were testing manual die rolls. I might have to go and look through the data when I get a chance!
    GM Ultimate license FGC and FGU

    Running The DemonPlague Characters at level 11 in 50th session.

    Playing a Survival DND game in FGU

    Running a Mutants and Masterminds game in FGU

    Playing a Mutants and Masterminds game in FGU

    Playing a Homebrew Campaign against the Dragon kings in FGU

    Running a game of Fallout 2d20

    StarFinder or Star Trek 2D20 next on list If Children of Atom doesn't come out soon.

  3. #23
    I'd love to get this if it supported the other rulesets aswell. I use 5e no more than I use 4e, Savage and now Cthulhu.
    And 10/6month or 2/month would be right up my alley for pricing.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    I like the idea. But am (as always) a little leary of subscriptions, but I think I would do it. I do see it as the first possible add-on tool that could be developed. Not sure what next... (maybe a dialog/transcript?)

    I would like to see more than what you are showing though. One way to address the PC vs NPC would be to be able to select names with check boxes and then just report on those. That would allow you to compare one set of PCs vs another set of PCs or similar. (Depends onif you are dropping this into a database or just scrubbing the log once).

    Also, how would it be updated? Would we have to upload the chatlog or could it be done automatically? Might there be a way to "archive" the chatlog once it is uploaded so that a new one starts? Would you be able to show statistics by session?

    I guess in the end, $10/6month I would expect more than just the charts you have shown, maybe not at release, but Soon (TM).
    Agreed. I don't thing the charts by themselves are really sufficient functionality yet. I'm thinking of something more in line with Obsidian Portal, but with a nice, nifty little tool that you can use to sync your campaign data to the web portal without having to format everything yourself. That tool would process and upload the data from the latest chatlog.html (which is constantly added to), pull data from your local campaign and allow you to share it with your group in a persistent format.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torgaard View Post
    Perhaps throw an option in there that would allow the DM to only display the stats they want?
    Like anything else, that should be possible. It would just need a new interface to list all the categories and allow you to turn one or more of them off so they don't show up in the dropdown.

    @bawsr, the roll is actually being calculated by taking the 1d20+X = Y and calculating what the roll might have been. I would have to try to figure out where those few crazy numbers came from and see if it was from an effect or something. Any modifier box value should have been recorded in the +X value, I think. Maybe I should check to see if there are any that were 1d20+X+Y = Z. If so, then I'd need to remove X and Y from Z to find the actual roll value.

  6. #26
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Ok, I've already got responses back from my players that they would love to see this stuff. So just let me know when I can send you more money *G*

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  7. #27
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    Send me the chatlog (or attach it) along with a campaign id from the calendar and I'll load it up for you. If some brave soul wants to send me a chatlog for a different ruleset, I can take a look at that. It's Spring Break for my family, so this counts as vacation/fun stuff for me to play around with.

  8. #28
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    My games aren't on the calendar. Though I could make a calendar entry if that's needed...?

    Here are the two big ones.

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  9. #29
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    Yeah, I just need a placeholder for it with the name so I can link all the stats to that campaign ID value. You can create one for each and just mark them as private.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    Yeah, I just need a placeholder for it with the name so I can link all the stats to that campaign ID value. You can create one for each and just mark them as private.
    Undermountain: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calen...ex.xcp?id=2504

    Dutchemen: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calen...ex.xcp?id=2505


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