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Thread: Campaign Data

  1. #1
    Stuart's Avatar
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    Campaign Data

    Is this a bug ?

    I have created a "sandbox" campaign to write up some adventure modules ... I spent a good few hours last night entering new data to a campaign but when I opened up the campaign this morning, nothing had been saved.

    This is not the way FG worked

    Is there a command I have to use to Save data before closing a campaign ? Do I really have to create a module each time ... given that adding data to a module and then exporting again does not appear to work. The data from the original module remains in the original module, and new data is swallowed up somewhere 'cos the new module is totally blank !

  2. #2
    Valarian's Avatar
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    This is exactly the way I work when creating adventure modules. I use a separate campaign, rather than clog up the campaign folder we're playing in. I must say I've never had a problem. I can't think of anything special that I've done ... I may have typed /save. One thing I have done is to create test characters. Maybe this is required?
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  3. #3
    Stuart's Avatar
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    Creating a "blank" campaign is always the way I worked with FG ... I'm sure it is supposed to work in the same way with FGII ... I'll go look and play and see what I did wrong.

  4. #4
    So just to reiterate what you did:

    1) Created a blank campaign
    2) Added lots of information like Story entries, maps, etc.
    3) Exited campaign with no crashes or not killing FantasyGrounds.exe
    4) Came back next day and nothing is there?

    If so that is odd, you shouldn't have to type /save, it commits the DB when you exit FG normally.

    Did you export the information out to a module with /export or were you not that far yet?

  5. #5
    Stuart's Avatar
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    Exactly what I did ... I am going to see if I can repeat it later tonight, let's hope I can't

    No export ... the one thing I'd kinda like is some ability to add to a module and overwrite the existing modul without being re-prompted for the names etc ... which I can never quite remember, lol.

  6. #6
    Stuart's Avatar
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    Would be nice if you could open a module, add data to it and then save that module under a new name rather than keeping a campaign until everything was ready. If I wanted to collaborate with someone in producing new content, not being able to edit modules in this way is a real pain.

    Cutting all of the mod I have into a campaign is pretty irritating and time consuming.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart
    Would be nice if you could open a module, add data to it and then save that module under a new name rather than keeping a campaign until everything was ready. If I wanted to collaborate with someone in producing new content, not being able to edit modules in this way is a real pain.

    Cutting all of the mod I have into a campaign is pretty irritating and time consuming.
    Can't you? I thought that's how the /export command worked, no?

    Also, regarding your problem in your original post, I seem to recall seeing that the autosave functionality in FG2 is broken, even though it periodically tells you 'Campaign Saved', it has actually not done so. The /save command, however, works properly.

    I'm fairly new to FG myself, but what I am doing is also what some of the above posters are - I have a 'sandbox' campaign for all of my fiddling (one for each ruleset, D20 and SW), and once I have an adventure complete, I /export it into a module. I have not yet needed to modify a module, but it seems to make sense that you could fire up the sandbox, open the module 'book', make your changes, and re-export it. Naturally, back up before trying in case *only* the changes get saved

    Hope this helps!

  8. #8
    Stuart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoti
    I have not yet needed to modify a module, but it seems to make sense that you could fire up the sandbox, open the module 'book', make your changes, and re-export it.
    Not working Module saves but the new module has nothing from the old module.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoti
    I have not yet needed to modify a module, but it seems to make sense that you could fire up the sandbox, open the module 'book', make your changes, and re-export it. Naturally, back up before trying in case *only* the changes get saved
    This should not work. Edits to module data are not kept once the campaign the module is opened into a campaign (in this case the sandbox campaign) is closed.

    I don't use the sandbox method because I am personally an incremental updater and I don't like have to take the time to "load" the sandbox campaign. To load your sandbox you would need to unzip the module and replace the sandbox campaign files with the module files, make your updates and re-export.

    Edited to replace "load a sandbox *campaign* instead of module. Sorry for any confusion.
    Last edited by Griogre; February 13th, 2008 at 05:06.

  10. #10
    Stuart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre
    This should not work. Edits to module data are not kept once the campaign the module is opened into a campaign (in this case the sandbox campaign) is closed.
    It doesn't

    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre
    I don't use the sandbox method because I am personally an incremental updater and I don't like have to take the time to "load" the sandbox module.
    I think we are talking sandbox campaign rather than module ... well, I am ... I think ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre
    To load your sandbox you would need to unzip the module and replace the sandbox files with the module files, make your updates and re-export.
    Aarghhh .... this is horrible ... I now have a couple of happy hours ahead of me and somehow, I think it's my fault. I'm gonna go and sulk by my compost heap for a while ...

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