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  1. #1

    FantasyGrounds on BootCamp

    I did a search, and I didn't see many users confirm this, so I thought I would. To any mac addicts, (like me), Fantasy Grounds works great on my MacBook (OS Leopard), with Boot Camp and Windows XP installed.

    Enjoy. Let me go on to state that it does not work with VMWare Fusion or Parallels or Crossovers.

  2. #2
    Very good to know since I'm thinking of switching to mac
    Always keep it in perspective!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by energizerrabbit
    Enjoy. Let me go on to state that it does not work with VMWare Fusion...
    Actually that's not entirely true. With their "beta" 3D acceleration enabled I am able to run FantasyGrounds on a Mac (running Leopard). The dice don't render properly, but the program is usable.

  4. #4
    zgrose's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Hercules, California
    I concur with the above. And the occasional repainting issue.

  5. #5
    So you mean to just install it normally on the mac and enable that 3D thing and that's it?
    Dindn't know macs could install standard PC programs without tweeking...
    Always keep it in perspective!

  6. #6
    Valarian's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    Worcestershire, UK
    Not quite, both Boot Camp and VMWare are additional pieces of software. I'm not sure that either actually comes with the Mac. Both require you to have a license for Windows as well as Mac OS.

    Boot Camp allows you to "reboot" the Mac in to Windows.
    VMWare allows you to run Windows in a window on the Mac as a "virtual machine".
    Using Ultimate license - that means anyone can play.
    Valarian's Fantasy Grounds Rulesets

  7. #7
    Bootcamp is delivered as part of the Leopard Mac OS. It works flawlessly on my Mac Pro. To use you need to have a full version of Windows XP or Vista. I felt almost dirty buying Vista Ultimate to put on my Mac. For weeks I feared I would mess up the clean operation of my Mac. Never happened; no glitches, no issues, runs great.

  8. #8
    For those afraid they must have a MacBook Pro, I'm here to tell you that FG2 runs JUST FINE on a standark Macbook in BootCamp.

    I broke down and bought four licenses for my friends and I, we'll be using it to play 4e.

    I could not get it to run properly with VMWare (kept yelling about directx), so I just reboot on the windows side and it runs flawlessly.

    Plus it looks real nice on my 50" HDTV

  9. #9
    Foen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Suffolk, England
    I don't own a Mac (my brother does) but I don't think either of these solutions work on non-x86 machines, as they rely on having at least the same chip instruction set.

    Is this right?


  10. #10
    you must have an intel mac in order to run BootCamp.

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