Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order
  1. #1

    SW ruleset skills dice hidden

    Just wondering if anyone else with the Savage Worlds ruleset had this happening: when you make a local character, go to the skills tab, and right-click on the box with the relevant die for that skill, the d8 and d10 are blocked out by the buttons for "Create item" and "Delete item"...

    I can just drag the appropriate die on the skill, so it's no biggie, but am I the only one?

  2. #2
    When we released the Savage Worlds ruleset Fantasy Grounds did not support submenus properly. Thus we had to put all of our menu assignments at the top level and FG will override any custom menu assignments with theirs when appropiate (such as in a list).

    This will be remedied in a patch that is being worked on for the Savage Worlds ruleset by using submenus.

  3. #3

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