Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #1
    Tristram's Avatar
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    Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

    Looking for Savage Worlds Players

    Hello all,

    I am starting a new Savage Worlds campaign using the Explorer's Edition to be played bi-weekly on Saturdays. I'm in Pennslyvania, GMT-5 (eastern standard time). Probably will play 7-11pm but that can change to suit you, the players. I figure on starting after New Year's. This month I'd like to round up players and see characters. Maybe run a demo or two for those new to Savage Worlds or Fantasy Grounds. I'm looking for 3-5 players. PC's start at Novice level. These players will be the crew of a small space freighter--Pilot, Engineer, Medic, Gunner, Other, etc. All races from the Explorer's Edition are allowed. All Arcane Backgrounds are allowed. All gear from SWEX is allowed. There is a $500 gear allotment to start. We will use chat only at first. If this becomes a problem we will use Teamspeak. I'd like to keep it as chat only so we can post chat logs.

    The following is a link to the basic rules if you are unfamiliar with them. I highly recommend buying the Explorer's Edition since it is inexpensive and it is always good to have the rules on hand. If you have a Full FGII License you should look into the Digital Adventures ruleset as well.

    Savage Worlds Test Drive-

    Arcane Backgrounds:

    All five Arcane Backgrounds are allowed.
    Psionics and Weird Science stand as they are.
    The Superpowers, however, represent genetic engineering, inherent magical ability, alien ancestry, experimental cyber/bio ware, etc.
    Magic is rare but known. White magic is AB Miracles and requires, for example, dedication to doing good. Those who do good are not relying on a religion, per se, but rather on a pervading force of light. Black magic is AB Magic. There's no requirement to doing evil with Black magic but it does come from a dark place.


    Picture Dungeons & Dragons meets Star Wars (throw in Firefly, Cyberpunk, Cthulhu, and the kitchen sink, as well) in another galaxy and another time. D&D races (elves, dwarves, orcs, etc.) are the alien races. Magic is the Force. Starships are common. Modern day ballistic weapons are standard (i.e., no lasers or other-worldly weaponry). Magical items do exist, usually in the form of relics from the ancient ones but sometimes are made new.

    The Core Worlds--the inner worlds-- are the most populated and technologically advanced. Inhabitants use cyberware, some laser weapons, some biotech, power armor, mechs, and planet-wide cybernets. Guns are outlawed except for the police and the military. Hand weapons are okay, but are frowned upon in the Terran Alliance, and necessary in the Orcish Empire. Between these two factions is a shaky truce.
    Terran Alliance: The TA was basically begun by an alliance between the Dwarvish nations and the Human states. This alliance is comparable to the United Nations.
    Orcish Empire: This OE would be akin to Nazi Germany, a belief in a Master Race, and an accepted belief of our way or no way (death or slavery).

    The Outer Worlds are free planets, areas of new expansion for the core worlds, colonies, and some unexplored space. Here there is an old west feel, some cyberware, and black market items of higher technology for outrageous prices.

    Beyond is the frontier which is unknown and unexplored. A few colonies and explorer ships often just disappear here. This is the abode of the dragons which are more like creatures of the Cthulhu mythos than D&D dragons. Expect to need Heavy Weapons or Magic against these dragons.


    Originally there were the dragons and the ancient ones who warred against each other. Both had mastery over magic but the ancient ones won the war and drove the dragons into the far reaches of space (known as the frontier). The ancient ones' mastery over magic progressed to such a point that they were ready to ascend to a higher level of being. Before they did this, however, they explored space, and on those planets where they found life, they seeded that life with some of their own genetic makeup, thus the reason that so many of the alien races are humanoid.

    At last, the ancient ones ascended to a higher level of being--and became, basically, pure energy. However, there was a rift among them over how to guide their offspring--all the new races of the universe. The ancient ones then split into forces of bright energy and forces of dark energy.

    For millenia, those who used magic for good followed the way of the bright ancient ones, and those who used magic for evil followed the dark ancient ones. And so this battle between good and evil, light and dark, continues in this saga.

    And that's it in a nutshell. Send me a Private Message if you're interested.


  2. #2
    Tristram's Avatar
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    Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

    Wyvern Transport

    This campaign now has a spot in the game Calendar. Feel free to sign up there if you're interested. The name of the campaign will be Wyvern Transport. I am still looking for a few players. The PC's will tackle a variety of short adventures. Thus, it will be episodic and PCs can come and go. So, if all spots fill up there may be open spots for later sessions if someone is unable to play.

    It also has come to my attention that the character races are from the Revised Edition of Savage Worlds and not the Explorer's Edition. My mistake.
    Atlantean: Aquatic (Pace in water is Swimming, can survive in ocean depths, need water every 48 hours), Tough (Vigor d6)
    Avian: Flight (Pace 10")
    Dwarf: Low Light Vision, Slow (Pace 5"), Tough (Vigor d6)
    Elf: Agile (Agility d6), All Thumbs, Low Light Vision
    Half-Elf: Heritage (Choice of free Edge or Agility d6), Low Light Vision, Outsider
    Half-Folk: Luck (+1 benny), Small (-1 Toughness), Spirited (Spirit d6)
    Half-Orc: Infravision, Outsider, Strong (Strength d6)
    Human: Bonus Edge
    Mantid: Carapace (+2 Armor), Leaping, Outsider
    Rakashan: Agile (Agility d6), Bloodthirsty, Claws (Str+d6, Climb +2), Low Light Vision
    Saurian: Outsider, Natural Weapons (Str+d4), Natural swimmers, Saurian Senses (+2 Notice)

    I am able to run a one session demo game either Dec. 22 or 29 for those new to Savage Worlds and/or Fantasy Grounds. There will be pregenerated characters for this. Just need to know who wants this and which date/time.

    Feel free to post any other questions or comments.


  3. #3
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    Somewhere in Wisconsin
    Man, I would love to join this game as it sounds very interesting, cept the wife would castrate me if I joined another weekend game..
    Ultimate License Holder

    Nothing at the moment.

    Time Zone: Central Time (GMT -6)

  4. #4
    Tristram's Avatar
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    Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

    Stopping Time

    There is never enough time to play/GM all the games I would like to. Perhaps someone could come up with some Lua script to stop time so we all could enjoy RPGs and hold down jobs and have personal lives...... NO? ......I guess the balancing act shall continue.

    I would like to GM this campaign every weekend but I am doing this biweekly to make time to play in another campaign using Fuzion rules. (Hope I don't confuse them with Savage Worlds rules )

    Blahness, if you come up with some time and your wife doesn't kill you there may still be room in the game. I still have spots open and there are always people who drop out later on for one reason or another. That is one of the reasons I am making it episodic. Then when a PC is absent for a session or can't play anymore it doesn't hurt the campaign. Short adventures that can be finished in 1-3 sessions seem to be the way to go.


  5. #5
    I'm very interested! I'm GMT-6 (Central Time) so the time works for me. My only problem is the realist in me has such a hard time with star wars concepts now. If we ever do have star ships one day they will be like the Cylons in the new BSG where the ship has no crew, it is an evolved organic/machine hybrid.

    So any chance on playing an organic droid? It's the way to live forever or live afterdeath. One's brain gets transferred to a droid, apply a charge and bam! One now lives after death or goes from a quadroplegic body to one that doesn't have to eat anymore. "Six million dollar man has nothin' on me!"

  6. #6
    Tristram's Avatar
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    Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

    Organic Droids

    It is always interesting to see how far each individual is willing to suspend disbelief. The game needs to be just real enough to say "sure, why not be a brain in a droid fighting a magic wielding Cthulhu-dragon"? Ok. I can work with that.

    As to the Starwars concepts? I think it gives the feel of the game in regards to how the D&D races will be the aliens and magic will be like the Force. The show I really want to emulate is Firefly. A favorite of mine. This is a homebrew universe and I expect the players to contribute to its creation as much as myself. I also want to make sure that it is versatile enough that it will appeal to everyone and allow me to tell any kind of story I want.

    The spaceships will employ a jump drive. It uses quantum physics to create a temporary wormhole allowing a ship to travel from point A to point Z without traveling the distance inbetween. Like folding a piece of paper and jumping from one edge to the other. In the end I am more interested in telling a good story and making sure everyone has fun than nailing down all the details. I am good at coming up with rationalizations if need be, though. Organic Droid? Sounds good! You can build it as a novice level SW character. Instead of a free edge you will get the Construct Monstrous Ability. I will PM you the details I came up with.

    Let me know what you think of this and work up a character.


  7. #7
    Valarian's Avatar
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    Worcestershire, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Tristram
    The show I really want to emulate is Firefly. A favorite of mine. This is a homebrew universe and I expect the players to contribute to its creation as much as myself. I also want to make sure that it is versatile enough that it will appeal to everyone and allow me to tell any kind of story I want.

    The spaceships will employ a jump drive. It uses quantum physics to create a temporary wormhole allowing a ship to travel from point A to point Z without traveling the distance inbetween. Like folding a piece of paper and jumping from one edge to the other. In the end I am more interested in telling a good story and making sure everyone has fun than nailing down all the details. I am good at coming up with rationalizations if need be, though.
    Sounds to me like you want to have a look at Traveller. This has jump drives and has very much a Firefly feel. So much so, there was speculation whether Joss Whedon had played. The setting has been converted to using most other game systems, why not Savage Worlds. Mongoose have the latest incarnation in open play test on their website currently.
    Using Ultimate license - that means anyone can play.
    Valarian's Fantasy Grounds Rulesets

  8. #8
    Tristram's Avatar
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    Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

    Savage Traveller

    I actually have played Traveller way back when as well a multitude of other systems. 28 years of gaming. Wow! That makes me feel old. I started young. Really! I'm sure it has had an influence on my concept here.

    Basically I am trying to create a universe in which I can do anything I want and run several campaigns in. So I will take little bits of every RPG, movie, book, and TV show I have every been exposed to and make a nice blank canvas of possibilities. Much like Lightspeed for Fuzion. I also want the PCs to contribute to building this new universe. I am going to use "wikispaces" to create a home for all this. This first campaign is going to start out Firefly-like but where the PCs will take it is anyone's guess. I try not to railroad PCs. And, since this group of players is going to be made up of some people I haven't GM'd before, I'm curious to see where it goes.

    I'm using Savage Worlds because I like the simplicity and flexibility of it. I don't want anyone to have to learn a ton of rules to be able to play and have fun. My old group had a blast with the original Deadlands so it was a no-brainer for me. Plus there is a great ruleset already made for FG. d20 is nice for its detail but not as flexible as I want. Class systems put a crimp in things. And I have met too many Min-Maxers and Rules Lawyers. My favorite system for flexibility and detail is Hero System and its spin-off Fuzion. Unfortunately there is no ruleset for it here and its not as fast and furious as Savage Worlds.

    'Nuff said,

  9. #9
    Well, my Shaintar campaign looks to be starting on the 12th and running every other Saturday. These two might mesh together nicely. I think I'd be interested in this one, I was certainly hoping to get into a Sci-Fi game. As for a demo game, my schedule is wide open.

    Hmm, not to sure about characters for this one. I'm assuming a bit of combat ability is recommended? I just thought of going for the Ex-Military Soldier. Always an easy design, the grunts. Maybe borrow a book from the organic droid and go for a cyborg. Alternately, a pre-gen might not be a bad idea for this one.
    The longsword is 15 gold and the short bow is 30? Wait, that means it costs 5 gold for the materials for a longsword and 10 gold for the materials for a short bow?

  10. #10

    Hey Trist nvm the pm I sent about the I even read that post before replying...WOOT go go sleep depravation!

    But yeah I am looking real forward to playing!


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