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Thread: Kenku FM

  1. #1

    Kenku FM

    So, the people over Owlbear Rodeo have launched a audio-thru-Discord application which I've tested and works great with FGU as well, so think you guys should give it a try. Totally easy to set-up.


  2. #2
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    Damn… this can be the solution to the missing discord audio pipe for macOS… must try. Thanks for sharing! And Streamdeck support!
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Valyar View Post
    Damn… this can be the solution to the missing discord audio pipe for macOS… must try. Thanks for sharing! And Streamdeck support!
    I've tested on a M1 Pro 16' Monterey 12.3... everything is fine, so yep, that's our solution

  4. #4
    Interesting. I use audio pipe with a virtual audio cable. It works great but I’m just curious is this Kenku solution, how do I say… all in one?

    What I mean is do I have to use virtual audio cable or anything else BESIDES discord and this app for it to work?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mytherus View Post
    Interesting. I use audio pipe with a virtual audio cable. It works great but I’m just curious is this Kenku solution, how do I say… all in one?

    What I mean is do I have to use virtual audio cable or anything else BESIDES discord and this app for it to work?
    you can use the VAC if you want to, but the app adds a bot in your server which you set up and you transmit audio through the app interface, now it can be via VAC or via web links like Youtube and the such, your choice. VAC is only good in this situation if you've a complex audio setup really, but its your choice

  6. #6
    Valyar's Avatar
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    This software comes right on time and it is magnificent piece of work - I can combine local files and online sources into single app during session. Now I have to figure out how to redirect the Syrinscape and Spotify, as macOS has no audio router on app level as Windows has.

    So far I found Virtual Audio Cable and Black Hole as audio interface drivers... Any suggestions for audio routing app?
    Last edited by Valyar; April 1st, 2022 at 05:12.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Valyar View Post
    This software comes right on time and it is magnificent piece of work - I can combine local files and online sources into single app during session. Now I have to figure out how to redirect the Syrinscape and Spotify, as macOS has no audio router on app level as Windows has.
    thats easy! go under tab > new tab, it will prompt you to enter an URL open spotify and syrinscape in another tab, bookmark them and you're good. Although it is using safari's webkit in Mac so it won't let you store your credentials in app (i couldn't on mac but could on windows, but maybe it was a screw on my side)
    My Forge Stuff: (click and you'll go there )

    Discord: @mtprimo • Ultimate License Holder • FGU Community Dev & Forge Crafter • Marketing & Designer • Brazilian
    Owner of Aqui Existem Dragões, a company focused on adapting TTRPG content to digital/VTT ready content.

  8. #8
    Valyar's Avatar
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    In general I would like to use the desktop Spotify client, because I can set the quality to Very High, but looking at the support page (https://support.spotify.com/us/article/audio-quality/), it seems that the web player is going to be acceptable with AAC 256kbit/s for Premium.

    Syrinscape is problematic - there is no web-based player and I have to use the local desktop client for Syrinscape Online/Fantasy/Sci-Fi and for this I need virtual audio device driver/cable and some sound redirection, because those stupid applications do not allow to chose the output, as VLC Player does and I can't natively redirect to the VB Audio cable. Crap macOS for now having embedded sound router.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  9. #9
    oh yea forgot that Syrinscape isn't web based. On this image it looks fine with Loopback if you're using it
    My Forge Stuff: (click and you'll go there )

    Discord: @mtprimo • Ultimate License Holder • FGU Community Dev & Forge Crafter • Marketing & Designer • Brazilian
    Owner of Aqui Existem Dragões, a company focused on adapting TTRPG content to digital/VTT ready content.

  10. #10
    Valyar's Avatar
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    $100 for Loopback, that's steep. Windows provides this for free, damn it. I will see if there is more affordable option for macOS. I see Roguemeba have Soundsource https://rogueamoeba.com/soundsource/, and I wonder if this is an option...
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

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