Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order
  1. #1

    NPC Drop down box

    Hello All,

    Can anyone tell me what the NPC drop down (in the combat tracker) does/how can I make use of it. Pic attached of a section of my combat tracker.

    NPC drop down.png



  2. #2
    Hi Rainbird,

    That should be the Controlling User drop down. It allows the GM to set a player so they can control the actions of an NPC on the Combat Tracker. You just select the user and then after the player reopens the Combat Tracker, they should see all the extra sections for the NPC just like they do for their PCs.

    Do you have any extensions loaded or old copies of the CoreRPG ruleset in your rulesets folder? It doesn't look right in your image. Here is what it should look like: NPC Controlling User - GM.JPG

    Last edited by Dakadin; March 20th, 2022 at 20:25. Reason: Add the image

  3. #3
    Thanks Dakadin - I do have a couple of extensions loaded (Shops and XP).

    I get the same options in the space and reach drop down so all appears to be working OK. I've yet to assign any NPC's to PC's, hence the question.

    Thanks - Rainbird

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