5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Module maps don't keep their mask

    How are the maps from modules behaving with masks on your rulesets?
    If I close the host and then restart it, these masks disappear for me.
    Always keep it in perspective!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    This is a known bug. Module maps don't keep they things drawn on them, either. What happens is the ID numbers are screwed up. If you open the XML and look at the drawing/mask IDs and look are what is stored you can spot the descreperancy. You can fix it too by correcting the number in the XML source but that is a pain but not too bad if you just have one big map.

  3. #3
    Which XML file do I need to look info this?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Explaining how to fix a broken mask will take more time than I have now. I'll post something later.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Briefly, right now it is not possible - as far as I know - to have presistant masks on module maps. I believe this to be a bug as a tab for the module's map tab does appear in the db.xml. However, when I took another look at what was happening to masks yesterday - I think it may be possible to do something with merging depending on how that is implemented.

    Unlike the drawing image problem there appears to be no entry in the db.xml of the campaign importing the module file at all for a map from a module in version 2.1.0. The actual mask file does exist in the maskedimages folder though, so the program is actually making and saving the mask.

    It would be possible to match a map back to a mask if you where to copy the map image into the main campaign then start FG and put a mask on it. Next exit FG and go to the data app folder and look for the mask you made when the map was just a module map. Write down the map file name (its a hex number). Next open the db.xml file for the main campaign. The db.xml has eight major catagories: charsheet, encounter, houserule, image, item, library, notes, and npc. Maps are in the image catagory. Find the map name of the map you want to add the old mask to and then change the existing mask name to the filename you looked up earlier. To tidy up you should also delete the mask whose name is currently assigned to the map. One consequence of this bug is that there is a mask "file" leak which means all those mask files made from module maps accumulate in the maskimage folder and are never deleted. As long as the map stays in the main campaign you will be able to use the map and mask normally and it should be remembered.

    That was probably more than you wanted to know.

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