Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    movement and combat question

    i have a player character who perceives that some thing is in a forest 60 ' away.

    hiding behind a tree is an archer aiming at the PC.

    the PC says they are going to run and dodge across the field.

    i start the combat sequence.

    PC wins initiative.

    PC has a move of 60, so chooses to run, which is an easy difficulty so if he rolls a 100% of his movement, he makes it to the forest with 50% actions left, so he can make an attack if he spots some thing. the PC also states that they are excessively dodging during the run, just in case an archer, that he thinks is in the forest, shoots at him. i can not change the difficulty in the combat tracker, so i suppose i can just put a modifier in the mod box. since this is some thing they have done before, i suppose a medium difficulty would suffice to simulate the dodging.

    lets say the PC gets 100%. they will make it to the forest, sword raised high, and ready to make a 50% attack on the archer who has had an arrow knocked this whole time.

    now here is where my problem occurs. The archer saw the PC 1st, but the PC senses the archer before he fires his arrow. as soon as the PC announces their run towards the forest, that starts the combat sequence, and thus init. rolls, which the PC wins. so the PC runs successfully across the open field, dodging left and right, and as they come up to the forest, say 10' away, spots the archer, would spot the archer sooner if the archer gets the chance to fire. and there is the problem. the archer had an arrow knocked and ready to fire, but lost the init roll. i want the archer to take a shot as the PC is running across the field, but give the PC a DB for doing a successful run and dodge across the field. as GM, i suppose i determine at what range the archer shoots, and then make him visible on the battle map when he shoots. how do i properly interrupt the PC's move to take the archer's shot?

  2. #2
    For the Move MM difficulty, you can always just select a different column in the Table Resolver when you resolve the maneuver. Just click on the column heading and it will use that one instead.

    Just drag their token to where the shot is going to happen and roll the attack for the archer. Resolve that attack and if the PC can still move allow them to continue their action and just move the token to the final location.

  3. #3
    ok, but where is the fighter's DB for doing a successful dodge? do i have to add that manually? or is it a part of the result i get on the MM table? will it say, "you partially dodge successfully, get a -5 DB to any attacks"?
    Last edited by Immelmann; January 11th, 2022 at 04:01.

  4. #4
    You can create an effect for it like this:

    Dodge; DB: 5

    Then drag it to the appropriate entry in the combat tracker.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Immelmann View Post
    i have a player character who perceives that some thing is in a forest 60 ' away.

    hiding behind a tree is an archer aiming at the PC.

    the PC says they are going to run and dodge across the field.

    i start the combat sequence.

    PC wins initiative.

    PC has a move of 60, so chooses to run, which is an easy difficulty so if he rolls a 100% of his movement, he makes it to the forest with 50% actions left, so he can make an attack if he spots some thing. the PC also states that they are excessively dodging during the run, just in case an archer, that he thinks is in the forest, shoots at him. i can not change the difficulty in the combat tracker, so i suppose i can just put a modifier in the mod box. since this is some thing they have done before, i suppose a medium difficulty would suffice to simulate the dodging.

    lets say the PC gets 100%. they will make it to the forest, sword raised high, and ready to make a 50% attack on the archer who has had an arrow knocked this whole time.

    now here is where my problem occurs. The archer saw the PC 1st, but the PC senses the archer before he fires his arrow. as soon as the PC announces their run towards the forest, that starts the combat sequence, and thus init. rolls, which the PC wins. so the PC runs successfully across the open field, dodging left and right, and as they come up to the forest, say 10' away, spots the archer, would spot the archer sooner if the archer gets the chance to fire. and there is the problem. the archer had an arrow knocked and ready to fire, but lost the init roll. i want the archer to take a shot as the PC is running across the field, but give the PC a DB for doing a successful run and dodge across the field. as GM, i suppose i determine at what range the archer shoots, and then make him visible on the battle map when he shoots. how do i properly interrupt the PC's move to take the archer's shot?
    Check out the RMC1 200 points based Init system - that is (one of a few) a RM system that deals with instances like the one described. I use it all the time and had an instance just like yours where a charging NPC ran straight at an PC who, with 5' to spare, nailed him with an arrow.
    Although a PC/NPC may win the initiative, the action that they undertake (running, drawing a weapon etc) takes time. In the time take to complete that action, their opponent might get their action. RMC 1 has an example.

    Hope that helps - Rainbird

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