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    White Lies - Free Espionage Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds

    I have just released a brand new Free ruleset for Fantasy Grounds.
    This is based on the White Lies RPG by DwD Studios.

    The ruleset should handle most of the rules well except if you want to get into combat with Vehicles.

    I am uploading the Ruleset and a Players Handbook.
    I will later upload an Admin Guide and a free adventure.

    Bill Logan from DwD Studios has given me permission to convert the PDF to FG Format and share.

    You can download the PDF here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/164226/White-Lies
    and the Forge Link is here: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/441/view

    This product is best described by Director Connor Black, in his address to the newest round of fresh recruits:

    Sometimes people tell lies for good reasons. Ask any parent who has lied to his child about the loss of a loved one. Ask any man who was ever asked if everything was going to be okay when he knew it would not. Sometimes the truth is too ugly for people to hear. Sometimes if the truth were known it would change everything. It’s these little white lies that people tell their children, men tell their families, and governments tell their people that keep us safe.

    The Constitution lists eighteen specific enumerated powers of congress. One is omitted from public view though. The ones you’ve seen are what are shown to the rest of the world but nothing is as transparent as that. Even the founding fathers had spy networks, without which their revolution would have failed in its earliest days. There is indeed a nineteenth power in Article I Section 8. It’s very specific and highly secretive and involves the security of this nation, outside the scope of its military, navy, militia, or even the highly known FBI or CIA.

    To execute this power, a bureau within the government exists, layered in secrecy and discretely funded. Bureau 19. New agents have been recruited and are about to be trained, and they stand beside you today.

    I give you one last chance to voluntarily leave, before you learn things that cannot be unlearned. The questions you must now ask yourself: Are you willing to do bad things for good reasons? Are you willing to leave the comfort of ignorance behind, and to take action on the truths you learn? Are you willing to live a life of white lies?

    Based on Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox, White Lies brings all the simple elegance of WhiteBox out of the dungeon and into the realm of espionage and paramilitary action and adventure! The digital purchase includes character sheets (both class-specific and blank) and a small Admin toolkit called Echo Team, containing a team of pre-generated level 1 agents for you to use as NPCs or quick players characters.


  2. #2

  3. #3

    It is great to see this added to FG.

    One thing that I noticed on quick review.

    You can drag and drop the skills to the skills window but cannot drag the skills to the areas of training window. Since the skills window is basically just a modifier to the areas of training, it seems like it would be good to be able to drag to both so as to avoid typos.

    I was wondering if you plan to continue to add to this ruleset over time, like the advanced hand to hand rules and such?

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    damned's Avatar
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    AoT are not the same as Skills. AoT use Advantage instead of +1/+2/+4.
    Im not sure why they didnt get picked up in the module but I will reupload later tonight.

    Its unlikely i will do advanced hand to hand combat.
    I already spent way longer on this project than I initially planned to.
    I had intended to do this in about 20-25 hours of coding but there is several times that.

  5. #5
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    i have updated the Players Handbook and included the full Areas of Training from the Rulebook.
    I have also converted the remaining rules content into an Admin Guide for the Games Master.
    That can be found here: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/445/view


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    AoT are not the same as Skills. AoT use Advantage instead of +1/+2/+4.
    Page 109: Players cannot take the same Area of Training more than once, though they may choose an Area of Training which overlaps with a bonus granted by the agent’s Character Class.

    Any chance of releasing this from ruleset to vault for people who want to add things?

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Page 109: Players cannot take the same Area of Training more than once, though they may choose an Area of Training which overlaps with a bonus granted by the agent’s Character Class.
    Im really not sure what you are saying here.

    Skills give you a +1/+2/+3 depending on your level. Areas of Training give you Advantage rather than a modifier. They are different. When I asked the author I got back this -

    "You got it right. All "action checks" work that way. Roll 1d6 and if you roll 4+ you succeed... though the Admin can assign different target numbers based on the situation, even above 6+ for epic things. You add any attribute bonus and the bonus from any relevant skill the Admin approves, making the 4+ really easy for mundane uses of the task if agents have a few plusses.

    The optional but usually used by most players "Supplemental Training" rule, which allows for more diversity among agents of the same class, allows you to use that "advantage" mechanic of rolling two d6's and selecting the best one to use for your roll, before adding any bonuses."

    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Any chance of releasing this from ruleset to vault for people who want to add things?
    At this stage no. Most new things I release will likely be in the Vault.

  8. #8
    Basically what I am saying, and he is saying (before adding any bonuses) is if the skill perception has a +1 from class, and they have an area of training of perception, then it would be (d6 or d6)+1. Since the text of White Lies says these two overlap then both should be used. If not, there would be little reason to level and agents using area of training would actually be at a significant disadvantage in the higher game where target numbers can increase above 6.

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    Im still not following.
    The Character Sheet has both Skills AND Areas of Training.

    If Jorge has Dex 14, Stealth Skill and Stealth Area of Training you would/could do either of these:

    double click the Dex Modifier to +1 to the Modifier box
    double click the Stealth +1 skill to add to the Modifier box
    double click the Stealth Area of training to roll 2dk and keep the highest and then add any modifiers.


    double click the +2 on the desktop near the Modifier box
    double click the Stealth Area of training to roll 2dk and keep the highest and then add any modifiers.

    The rest of the text on page 109 goes on to say:

    Overlapping Bonuses
    Players cannot take the same Area of Training more than once, though they
    may choose an Area of Training which overlaps with a bonus granted by the
    agent’s Character Class. Statistically, the benefit of rolling two dice and
    choosing one is somewhat similar to just adding +1 but keeps the roll result in
    the same range of 1 to 6. Areas of supplemental training are not meant to be
    as good as the bonuses granted by a Character Class.

  10. #10

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