Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order
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  1. #1

    Slow, Slow, Slow!

    Lately whenever I have more than about a half dozen to ten NPCs in the Combat Tracker (on top of the 6 PCs), Fantasy Grounds slows to an absolutely unusable crawl. I'm not using any unusually large maps (mostly maps from official WotC content and even turning off all lighting effects barely makes a difference. There is LoS engaged, but again, the maps aren't particularly large, so not too many points, and turning it off or running a map without any LoS points at all doesn't help either. Playing D&D 5e, by the way. I've also tried disabling all of the few extensions I run, and that doesn't seem to make any difference.

    I've got a pretty beefy system, with an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor, running 3.60 GHz, 4.2 overclocked, 32 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. I have 1 GB cable internet, with only a couple other devices (phones and such) connected, so they aren't eating up much bandwidth. I am running with Discord and Syrinscape Online running, and a couple of web pages, and that's it.

    It's getting to the point of frustration that I am actually considering taking a closer look at Foundry, but I really don't want to do that, I know FG so well, and I really, really like it, when it's running correctly. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas I'm all ears. I'm a full-time pro DM, so this is my livelihood. I run a lot of campaigns, and it happens across all of them.

  2. #2
    Can you please post a zipped up copy of your campaign folder; along with directions on how to find the map you are having a problem with?

    (The campaign folder can be found be opening the FG data folder using the Folder button in upper left of FG launch screen; then navigating to campaigns.)


  3. #3
    Here is the link to the campaign folder on Google Drive (should be available for anyone with the link.)


    The specific map I was using was Iniarvs Tower Player, from the WotC Sleeping Dragons Wake module. I appreciate your assistance and any insight you can provide.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander Red View Post
    It's getting to the point of frustration that I am actually considering taking a closer look at Foundry, but I really don't want to do that, I know FG so well, and I really, really like it, when it's running correctly. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas I'm all ears. I'm a full-time pro DM, so this is my livelihood. I run a lot of campaigns, and it happens across all of them.
    Warning, as someone who uses foundry a lot and moved there after being frustrated at (still existing) major performance issues with FGU and the actions tab for longer running games with spellcasters.
    Foundry's 5e implementation is pretty awful even once you get all the modules set up and put a lot of effort into making sure things work together.

    Now, PF2e, Forbidden Lands, Old School Essentials and more are actually well handled in foundry. I would actually highly recommend trying out PF2e at some point anyway, 5e is a great system but PF2e is also a heck of a lot of fun and extremely well balanced.

    But yeah, unless you are happy with very low levels of automation and a lot of GM hassles I would avoid 5e foundry.

    As for your performance issues, goodluck. One thing I would check is to make sure your power mode isn't set to power saving, Ryzen processors tend to do weird things with fantasygrounds when power saving mode is on rather than high performance or balanced. But I doubt it is your problem.

    I know this is a standard query, but have you tried fully uninstalling FGU (backing up your campaign files, tokens, images ofc) and reinstalling, while adding campaigns and content back one at a time?

  5. #5
    Adding to this thread. My system (as DM) is well spec'd (ryzen 3700x 32 gb RAM rx580 gpu) and is starting to lag but, more importantly, my players with less beefy systems area starting to see freezes (white screen) or are simply unable to interact with their tokens. This is now starting to get in the way of the game. We're running Sunlit Citadel from FG official yawning portal campaign. What steps can we take to help out my players?

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Welcome to FG.

    See Moon Wizard's post #2 above. Start a new thread and attach the campaign and post as much information about the issue as possible.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander Red View Post
    Lately whenever I have more than about a half dozen to ten NPCs in the Combat Tracker (on top of the 6 PCs), Fantasy Grounds slows to an absolutely unusable crawl. I'm not using any unusually large maps (mostly maps from official WotC content and even turning off all lighting effects barely makes a difference. There is LoS engaged, but again, the maps aren't particularly large, so not too many points, and turning it off or running a map without any LoS points at all doesn't help either. Playing D&D 5e, by the way. I've also tried disabling all of the few extensions I run, and that doesn't seem to make any difference.

    I've got a pretty beefy system, with an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor, running 3.60 GHz, 4.2 overclocked, 32 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. I have 1 GB cable internet, with only a couple other devices (phones and such) connected, so they aren't eating up much bandwidth. I am running with Discord and Syrinscape Online running, and a couple of web pages, and that's it.

    It's getting to the point of frustration that I am actually considering taking a closer look at Foundry, but I really don't want to do that, I know FG so well, and I really, really like it, when it's running correctly. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas I'm all ears. I'm a full-time pro DM, so this is my livelihood. I run a lot of campaigns, and it happens across all of them.
    There are also other factors that have been suggested for sluggish performance in addition to large images with LoS.

    There could also be some other things that add to the memory load and the performance of the table. Reducing the size of encounters, which generally includes several combatants at one time on the combat tracker and have quite a few tokens attached to the encounter. As your campaign grows, often your content grows. If you have any images shared that are not needed, that might help a little.
    Sometimes, video card settings have been suggested to change the vsync setting, this was included in the troubleshooting process and documentation on the Fantasy Grounds Unity Atlassian. This performance might also be contributed to having too many sources shared.
    Also, things such as having more than five or six players at a time could also make things harder on the performance as well. Three to six players should not be too bad though for participating clients.

    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969


  9. #9
    @Alexander Red,

    I had a chance to dig into the data on this issue; and looking at working up some profiling and following up with our developer on this component.

    One thing that I did already note is that there are 54 creature tokens placed on this map, which due to LoS/FoW and other features will create large slowdowns that we are already aware of, but somewhat limited in addressing at this time. We recommend only dropping tokens for the creatures currently in the combat tracker to ensure best performance.


  10. #10
    Thank you for looking into this. It was a big combat, all 54 of those creatures were involved and in the CT.

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