Thread: Noob Questions

  1. #1

    Noob Questions

    I recently downloaded the FG2 program and have been practicing with it so that I can run a game utilizing it. I am frustrated due to the fact that I have generated five characters in the Create local character tab...however when I load up my campaign I cannot get those premade characters to pop up in the campaign space for characters.

    Secondly, how and where do I get/make tokens for monsters and other villains as well as movable items such as tables/chairs and other such furniture?

    Is there also a good battle map pic to upload so that I can run these encounters? Or do most GMs usually just lay down the grid overtop preloaded images and place icons on them???

    Any assistance would be awesome as I try to figure out this program...

  2. #2
    First, make sure you explore the Library Link above and open the User Guide. I'm not crazy on how it's laid out, but there is a lot of information there. Unfortunately, it's laid out more like an index with each point getting the same emphasis.

    I know when I was a new player, I wanted the big picture first, and then the interface details. I feel like typing, so here's my long answers:

    Characters vs. Personalities(NPCs/Monsters)

    First - Characters such as the ones you would create in the Create Local mode are meant primarily for players. As a DM, you have the Personalities 'Book' to hold all of your NPCs and Monsters. The "character sheets" in the Personalities book are much leaner than a player character sheet - just put in what you need to run the game.

    (If for some reason you'd rather have access to a full character sheet, you can have one of the players 'open' it for you during a session (though then that player would be able to view that character sheet.))

    Some other advantages of the Personalities book
    • you can drag monster entries directly from the monster manual into it. This will give you a fully filled out entry to work from.
    • personality entry provides a 'word bubble' button which you can click to add that character/monster to the DM's list of characters to use in the chat window.
    • you can assign tokens to these NPCs and they can be dragged into the combat tracker (more on that later).
    • you can 'link' to these NPCs in the Story module

    You can purchase token packs or make your own. (Google Digital Adventures/FUM/RPGNOW) Either way, you're putting images inside your "\tokens\host" or "tokens\shared" folders which can be found inside your Application Data Folder(Online Guide explains this). Most people use PNGs because they support transparency so you can have pretty round tokens on the grid.

    There are controls within the combat tracker to adjust the scale of the tokens, but I'd recommend creating all your tokens at the same scale to keep it simple.

    Tokens can be dragged right onto the map (for furniture or map features), but for NPCs you should drag them onto the personality entry

    If I'm running a bought campaign, I tend to scan in the maps and touch them up in photoshop (get rid of those secret door symbols and all that). Then I save them into the "Application Data\Fantasy Grounds II\campaigns\CAMPAIGN\images" As soon as you do that, they're available in your Maps & Images 'Book'.

    In order to take advantage of the features in the combat tracker, you're going to want the grid active. This will enable snapping, way points, threat range, etc...

    It's not always possible to line up the grid exactly with the printed grid, so whenever possible try to minimize any printed grids so it doesn't get too busy looking.

    I've actually been using the little dungeon tile mapper to generate quick maps...

    Though it works for me because I can screen cap and adjust in photoshop after throwing down some big tiles. most of the time players are a-ok with a grid on a blank map though.

    Parting thoughts...
    One thing to keep in mind while you're learning FG - it's interface and presentation is far removed from most windows aps. When you're trying to figure the interface out - always try to R-click on different elements to see the context menu you get. FG also makes great use of drag and drop and the mousewheel.

    Oh, and the hotkey buttons along the bottom and the combat tracker when properly set up are two of your best friends.


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Anderson
    I am frustrated due to the fact that I have generated five characters in the Create local character tab...however when I load up my campaign I cannot get those premade characters to pop up in the campaign space for characters.
    If you want to make pregens make them on the server ie hosting a game. Local characters are for use in those you games where you personally play as player. To solve your problem with getting the locals onto the server just start one instance of FG2 and then start a second copy with a different name. Login to the server and connect using the local characters which will transfer a copy onto the server. Us the server to clear the owner and anyone can use these characters.

    There is an advantage of making local characters and transfering them to the server this way in that you can select portraits for the pregens which you can't if you make the character from scratch as a host.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Anderson
    Secondly, how and where do I get/make tokens for monsters and other villains as well as movable items such as tables/chairs and other such furniture?
    You may find you don't really want moveable items such as tables and chairs. This is because tokens are picked up in a first down first up manner. Thus when you place a chair you will be able to put a character token on top of it but when you go to grab the character you will grab the chair. If you don't understand what I said put down a token then put another one on top of the first, then pick up the token and see which one you get.
    Last edited by Griogre; September 11th, 2007 at 19:11.

  4. #4
    Sorontar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Manchester UK
    One thing I find very useful for making tokens is


    Just find the image you want for a token, drag it into token tool, resize, select your token edge and save as a nice spangly token.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Premade characters: You should be able to start up the campaign as the dm, open up the window where you can see characters, right click and create new. Then open up the new character and modify.

    Tokens: I use Gimp and d20srd to create tokens for my standard dnd monster types. I've also bought a few Fiery Dragon token pack pdfs that I use as well.

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