1. #1
    goodmanje's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Greenville, Tx

    SWD/Hellfrost Bug

    I found some more odd behavior while messing with Hellfrost. I'm running FGU with the SWD ruleset (NOT SWADE).

    First, I added Shield [Parry +1] to the Ice Goblin under his gear section. When Vilho attacks with his short spear you can see in the chat window there is no Parry bonus added. Under Vilho's short spear I have [>ignore #Shield]. If that was working you should see Shield +1 (ignored) in the chat window. I don't know if the shield will get ignored or not because the shield bonus isn't being applied to the goblins parry in the first place.

    Second, you can see in the combat tracker I added 2 armor to the Ice Goblin. When Vilho roles damage for the short spear no armor bonus is applied in the combat tracker....

    If I have Runolf roll damage against the Ice goblin with his Warhammer which has an AP +1, you see in the chat window Toughness: 4 (Armor 2) - [AP 1] = 3... It's saying he has 2 armor but not actually adding it. It should be Toughness: 4 (Armor2) - [AP 1] = 5. (4+2=6-1=5)

    I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or SWD has issues.

  2. #2
    Armor isn’t in addition to Toughness, it is the part of the total Toughness (or target number) that the armor provides. If you want the net result to be 5, it should be Toughness 6 (Armor 2) - [AP 1] = 5.

  3. #3
    goodmanje's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Greenville, Tx
    Gotcha, thanks.

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