1. #1

    Deadlands Reloaded - beanies

    I'm sure its probably user error on my end, but ever since I updated Unity to Version 4.1.5 - when I load up my campaign, the fate chip bag for deadlands doesn't load in. I can manually award random chips to the players but after each time an error message appears and I'm unable to use the different colour beanies as the GM - only the standard SW chip.

    Hopefully I've attached the relevant logs. I'm using windows 10.

    Cheers in advance for any advice or info about this
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Ikael's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by spinksy View Post
    I'm sure its probably user error on my end, but ever since I updated Unity to Version 4.1.5 - when I load up my campaign, the fate chip bag for deadlands doesn't load in. I can manually award random chips to the players but after each time an error message appears and I'm unable to use the different colour beanies as the GM - only the standard SW chip.

    Hopefully I've attached the relevant logs. I'm using windows 10.

    Cheers in advance for any advice or info about this
    GM Tools window can be enlarged. The fate chip bag in the window but by default the window only shows 5 items while the bag is 5th. In the window there is scrollbar on the right side which indicates that there are more item in the window than what user is seeing atm. Alternative is to right click on the window and select "Fit Horizontally" which will scale the window to show all options.
    "Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up: THIS... is my BOOMSTICK!" -- Ash Williams, Army of Darkness

    Post your SavageWorlds ruleset feature requests and issue reports here!

  3. #3
    Cheers for the tip, I've just tried it; with no luck. The GM tools window only contains 4 items at the moment (expanded it to fill the window just to be on the safe side) - and the bennie/fate chips are only the generic SW ones. This only became an issue following a recent update through FG.

    The character sheets have the option for the different colour chips and I'm able to manually award random ones, but unable to use them as the GM outside of the combat tracker or random award to the character - which brings up an error box each time I try. The Deadlands: reloaded extension is showing as loaded in and running.

  4. #4
    hy, the same error:

    [9/3/2021 9:25:14 PM] FGU: v4.1.5 ULTIMATE (2021-08-26)
    [9/3/2021 9:25:14 PM] OS: Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit
    [9/3/2021 9:25:14 PM] GRAPHICS: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 : 8116
    [9/3/2021 9:25:14 PM] UI SCALE: 1
    [9/3/2021 9:25:14 PM] USER: cremolav
    [9/3/2021 9:25:14 PM] Launcher scene starting.
    [9/3/2021 9:25:32 PM] Starting private server mode. [( (fe80::790b:bd29:f6b8:16e6:1802)]
    [9/3/2021 9:25:32 PM] Game server started. []
    [9/3/2021 9:25:32 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
    [9/3/2021 9:25:33 PM] Tabletop scene starting.
    [9/3/2021 9:25:33 PM] NETWORK STATUS: [Server] [Connected]
    [Server Type - LAN]
    [9/3/2021 9:25:50 PM] MEASURE: RULESETS LOAD - 17.0008174 - SavageWorlds
    [9/3/2021 9:25:50 PM] MEASURE: EXTENSIONS LOAD - 0.6218186 - 1
    [9/3/2021 9:25:52 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LIST BUILD - 1.69127 - 58
    [9/3/2021 9:25:52 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH IMAGE ASSETS - 0.1675479
    [9/3/2021 9:25:52 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH PORTRAIT ASSETS - 0.0219475
    [9/3/2021 9:25:52 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH TOKEN ASSETS - 0.1356127
    [9/3/2021 9:25:52 PM] MEASURE: ASSET LIST BUILD - 0.3270535
    [9/3/2021 9:25:55 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 1 - 22.8015685
    [9/3/2021 9:25:57 PM] Campaign database backup created.
    [9/3/2021 9:25:57 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/dlr_launcher.lua"]:8: attempt to call field 'setDefaultIdentity' (a nil value)
    [9/3/2021 9:25:57 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0099398 - Calendars
    [9/3/2021 9:25:57 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.5633407 - Deadlands Reloaded: Marshal's Handbook
    [9/3/2021 9:25:58 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.3712353 - Deadlands Reloaded: Player's Guide
    [9/3/2021 9:25:58 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.3127371 - FG Battle Maps
    [9/3/2021 9:25:59 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.8401504 - Fundamental Fantasy Map Pack
    [9/3/2021 9:26:00 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 1.2920696 - Fundamental Fantasy Map Pack II by Joshua Watmough
    [9/3/2021 9:26:01 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 1.0691712 - Reddit Monster a Day Conversion
    [9/3/2021 9:26:01 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0698423 - SW Deluxe GM Guide
    [9/3/2021 9:26:02 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.2689088 - SW Deluxe Player Guide
    [9/3/2021 9:26:02 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.387408 - Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) - GM
    [9/3/2021 9:26:03 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 1.1651412 - Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) - Player
    [9/3/2021 9:26:04 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.4139108 - Deadlands Reloaded: Trail Guide The Great Northwest
    [9/3/2021 9:26:05 PM] RULESET: Core RPG ruleset (v2021-07-06) for Fantasy Grounds
    Copyright 2021 Smiteworks USA, LLC
    [9/3/2021 9:26:05 PM] EXTENSION: Extension (Setting: Deadlands Reloaded) loaded.
    [9/3/2021 9:26:05 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 2 - 9.181572
    [9/3/2021 9:31:05 PM] Campaign saved.
    [9/3/2021 9:36:05 PM] Campaign saved.
    [9/3/2021 9:41:05 PM] Campaign saved.
    [9/3/2021 9:46:06 PM] Campaign saved.
    [9/3/2021 9:51:06 PM] Campaign saved.
    [9/3/2021 9:56:06 PM] Campaign saved.
    [9/3/2021 10:01:07 PM] Campaign saved.
    [9/3/2021 10:06:07 PM] Campaign saved.
    [9/3/2021 10:11:07 PM] Campaign saved.
    [9/3/2021 10:12:45 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "resetfatechips_button"]:4: attempt to call field 'resetFateChips' (a nil value)

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