1. #1

    Brand new FG:II Player! LFG Post #31 :)

    Hello All,

    I am not a rules lawyer or "Can I have a mountain dew/Are there any girls there" player

    I've been spending days trying to think of a witty post, to distinguish myself from the zounds of "New Player" posts here, but I guess I finally just decided to run with it.

    Having just recently acquired FG:II, I am now looking for a group of players to play with, so I can see how this software works in action. I am a mature 26 year old, in Ontario Canada (EST Time Zone). I'd be willing to play once a week, between 6pm-1am M-F or thereabouts. (Negotiable). I also have Ventrillo access and experience (thank you MC/BWL/AQ40).

    I've been playing D&D since 1995, so I have a history with the product line I've DMed many sessions and played in just as many. Played a bunch of Systems including Palladium Fantasy, Rifts, D&D, Vampire etc, but still find something exciting about D20. Additionally I have MMORPG experience since 98 with Ultima Online, WoW etc.

    I'm looking for a group of mature, intelligent (pleeze hvae somes sence of spellzings kthxbai) people to play with who emphasize on role-playing. Preferably a Forgotten Realms Campaign, since that is my favorite setting.

    I am willing to play anything, though I generally prefer scoundrel types. Additionally, I am very well versed in the Religious aspects of the Realms, and as such play most of my characters very piously (I feel it adds the best kind of atmosphere)

    If I sound like the type of player who might fit your campaign, feel free to send me a message via the forum, or reply to my post.

    Thanks for your time, and see you in Toril!

    Last edited by mfalle; August 22nd, 2007 at 21:44.

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