1. #1

    SWADE "Bomb" Weapon Type - not Linked to any Skill

    I have a weapon in a SciFi setting that I'm adapting that has an alternate fire mode. While that weapon typically does ranged attacks, its energy reservoir can be detached and used as a bomb. When I create a sub-attack though in which I set the Type field to "Bomb", it appears to link to unskilled and sets the Attack dice as d4-1. I've added every skill my test PC didn't already have, but none of them are ever linked for the attack dice. What I typically do and my plan for this adaptation, is use the Repair skill; because...sometimes you just need to know how to fix things to best know how blow them up. That's also 1 of the skills referenced in the SWADE dramatic task for defusing a bomb. I'm using specializations for some skills and I have a Repair (explosives) specialization for those so trained. The Melee, Ranged and Thrown weapon types all linked to the correct skills. I'm running the most recent FGU with the latest SWADE. I also have the Science Fiction Companion enabled, but I've tried loading this campaign extension free and without loading the SFC module and it doesn't make any difference.

    So I'm wondering if anyone can confirm for sure that "bomb" type weapons are linked to unskilled. And if it is, is there a way to relink it to Repair?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    The Bomb attack type is linked to the setting skill "Knowledge Bombardier". This skill is also in the Sci-Fi Companion.
    You can manually add this skill to a character sheet and it will work.

  3. #3
    OK cool - good to know. For some reason my SFC skills weren't showing up in my skills list, despite the module being loaded for GM and Player. I manually added Knowledge Bombardier though and it now successfully links to the sub-attack.

    Is there anyway a link/association like that can be relinked/re-associated to another skill?
    Last edited by kronovan; August 3rd, 2021 at 23:11.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    Not without changing the SWADE ruleset code.
    You can add other attack types, but that requires writing code. If you'd like to pursue that, there are people on this forum which can help.

  5. #5
    OK cool and thanks for the reply - so it's going take an extension. I created an extension that changed the Arcane Backgrounds to the 2 in my homebrew, so I might be up for it. Biggest struggle I always have is determining what actually needs changing, as opposed to coding the changes.

    Anyhow...I think for now the Knowledge Bombardier skill can work, as none of my players are likely to take if for their PCs. I'm guessing it was a Knowledge specialization that was originally added for Weird Wars II, to support the abstract bombing rules. I'm using a Shooting (gunnery) specialization in my adaptation for all walker, vehicle and spaceship weapons, so I don't see a conflict. I'll just need to be sure that those who take Repair (explosives) for their PCs also assign Knowledge Bombardier with the same dice type.

  6. #6
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  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    Thanks Doswell! Another corner of FGU I didn't know about! I'm going to put this to use.

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