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  1. #1

    FG Unity - Beta Release v4.1.5

    WARNING: This version of FGU is neither data nor network compatible with older versions. Once you open a campaign in this version, you will not be able to re-open in a previous version without errors. Also, the GM and players must all be using the same version.

    FG Unity v4.1.5 is now in beta testing.

    As always, we're a small company so we rely on our community to help sound out each new release. Thanks in advance to all those who pitch in.

    Only the Test mode slot contains this version. Test Mode can be accessed by selecting the Settings button from the Fantasy Grounds launch screen, changing the mode setting in the Settings dialog, and then selecting Update button to update the files to the test version. I will update this thread as I release new iterations of the test version.

    When using the Test channel in FGU Settings, your data files for the Test version will be stored in a separate subfolder under the main FG data folder called "channels\Test\". This will not impact any campaigns in the Live mode (until full release occurs).

    Key Things
    1) Always backup your campaign data before running the test version.
    2) If the GM is running on test then all of the players will also be running on test.
    3) If you encounter an issues log them in the relevant testing thread - don't use the generic House of Healing, but use this forum.


    NOTE: Please do not use the beta build for your Live games if you and your group are not comfortable with testing pre-release software, and any interruptions that may occur due to using pre-release software.

    NOTE: Please do not use the beta build for developing DLC for store or forge submission, as the data file formats have changed and may change during the beta still.

    NOTE: While this release does not have a a bunch of features (thus only v4.1.5 version number); there are large sections of the system rewritten to perform better across a variety of existing scenarios which is why we still want to release in beta testing before Live release.

  2. #2
    Consolidated Updates From Live To This Version

    • Rebuilt image undo system to support all image actions.
    • Rebuilt UI systems to align to pixel boundaries better.
    • Rebuilt image paint/draw erasing tools to work better by changing to show erase regions before applying.
    • Asset view control adjusted to allow small overrun for dynamic page sizing.
    • Tokens which are added or moved will be placed at top of token draw order.
    • Removed display of token planned paths for which players don't have edit rights.
    • Shift-click on image data panel layer list will now select all layers between current selection and clicked layer.
    • Improved performance of image data panel with large number of layers.
    • Adjusted layout of chat window entries to better prevent overlapping text/frames.
    • Formatted text field selection area no longer resets when changing basic format (bold, italic, underline).
    • Currently selected extensions will appear first when campaign selected in launch screen.
    • Credits button added to launch screen.
    • Some graphics files not handled by image loader could stall campaign load process. Fixed.
    • Heavy lag on player client sometimes encountered when moving PC tokens using mouse without token locking by GM. Fixed.
    • Cursor would not update correctly after radial menu used. Fixed.
    • Hot key bar display gap after end of last hot key. Fixed.
    • Locking record windows did not correctly update the display of empty text. Fixed.
    • Text fields did not hide empty text when they had keyboard focus. Fixed.
    • Copies of image records with lights would not show lights until session restarted. Fixed.
    • Drawing and erase tools not synchronizing correctly between GM and player. Fixed.
    • Erase tool always erasing from starting point of drag. Fixed.
    • Token widgets on NPC tokens would not appear on player client after PC token moved out of line-of-sight then back in. Fixed.
    • Tokens could sometimes be moved through overlapping line-of-sight blockers. Fixed.
    • Unable to toggle or lock line-of-sight blockers unless a token was on the map. Fixed.
    • Resharing map cleared token widgets and underlays on player client. Fixed.
    • Moving player token on player client from out of line-of-sight into line-of-sight would clear or not show other token widgets and underlays. Fixed.
    • Image pit line-of-sight blockers displaying shadows when closed and ambient lighting defined. Fixed.
    • Line-of-sight stops drawing when multiple maps open. Fixed.
    • Targeting, planned movement and pointer distance text drawing at different sizes on images. Fixed.
    • Image global mask changes could persist after reverting image. Fixed.
    • Image paint tools would not appear on player client until image window closed and reopened. Fixed.
    • Token planned movement visible to client when token not visible to client. Fixed.
    • Token planned movement shape would sometimes appear too large when opening image window. Fixed.
    • Tokens with truesight/devilsight could see through walls when inside darkness light. Fixed.
    • Tokens with truesight/devilsight within darkness light could not see tokens outside darkness. Fixed.
    • Unable to change column span on table cells if cells contained text formatting. Fixed.
    • Delete key used in formatted text fields would not update other clients. Fixed.
    • Module revert not restoring children more than one level deep in the database for changed or deleted records. Fixed.
    • Module formatted text fields would not revert correctly. Fixed.
    • Revert was leaving child nodes locked. Fixed.
    • Pixels would sometimes get clipped at top and right edges of controls. Fixed.
    • [DEV] Module definition replaces tag implemented (from FGC).
    • [DEV] Consolidated token initial onAdd/onMove event into a single onAdd event with correct token position.
    • [DEV] windowlist.acceptdrop tag not working correctly on module records. Fixed.
    • [DEV] Multiple image controls pointing to same image value would not initialize correctly. Fixed.
    • [DEV] Errors could occur when deleting image controls dynamically. Fixed.
    • [DEV] Deleting same databasenode twice in a row would add two copies of node to module data reversion stack. Fixed.
    • [DEV] Token onDrag event was not triggering. Fixed.
    Last edited by Moon Wizard; August 22nd, 2021 at 19:52.

  3. #3
    Updates Today

    • Minimized window icons not drawing correctly when UI scaled above 100%. Fixed.
    • Dragging line-of-sight blocker points in line-of-sight select tool mode would delete points on drag release. Fixed.
    • Line-of-sight stops drawing when multiple maps open. Fixed.
    • Targeting, planned movement and pointer distance text drawing at different sizes on images. Fixed.
    • Token planned movement visible to client when token not visible to client. Fixed.
    • Unable to change column span on table cells if cells contained text formatting. Fixed.
    • Revert was leaving child nodes locked. Fixed.

  4. #4
    NOTE: Based on our Mac build process using the latest long-term-support Unity game engine tools, the Mac build should be a universal build containing an Intel-based version and a M1-based version of the application. However, we do not have a M1-based Mac internally. We would appreciate any information on people successfully running this new version on Apple Mac with M1 chips.


  5. #5

    • Delete key used in formatted text fields would not update other clients. Fixed.
    • [DEV] Errors could occur when deleting image controls dynamically. Fixed.

  6. #6

    • Tokens which are added or moved will be placed at top of token draw order.
    • Removed display of token planned paths for which players don't have edit rights.
    • Some graphics files not handled by image loader could stall campaign load process. Fixed.
    • Image erase tool did not account for size of stamped images when erasing, only center points. Fixed.
    • Changing paint tool from image erase tool to drawing tools did not update cursor. Fixed.
    • Image cursor tool preview would not re-display after using radial menu on image window. Fixed.
    • Stamped assets on layer in image window would lose orientation settings when using undo. Fixed.
    • Token planned movement shape would sometimes appear too large when opening image window. Fixed.
    • Tokens with truesight/devilsight could see through walls when inside darkness light. Fixed.
    • Tokens with truesight/devilsight within darkness light could not see tokens outside darkness. Fixed.
    • Image global mask changes could persist after reverting image. Fixed.
    • Image paint tools would not appear on player client until image window closed and reopened. Fixed.
    • Using undo after moving line of sight blocker points could create extra points. Fixed.
    • [DEV] Consolidated token initial onAdd/onMove event into a single onAdd event with correct token position.
    • [DEV] Token onDrag event was not triggering. Fixed.

  7. #7
    Note: Since I have one report of issues on M1 Macs with the native build and no positive reports, I reverted to making Intel Mac builds, and letting Mac M1 Rosetta handle the emulation like previous versions. If you're interested in working with me to test a native M1 build, please reach out via PM.

    Revised Note: After testing with a couple Mac M1 users, it looks like there may be multiple issues going on with M1 builds. (additional security requirement on M1 Macs; as well as possibly need to get binaries for multiple coding libraries for M1 Macs). Since this is not something we have the equipment or bandwidth for right now, and the fact that the M1 Macs are running the Intel version via Rosetta just fine, we're going to stay with the Intel-only build for now and re-visit based on M1 usage growth.
    Last edited by Moon Wizard; August 13th, 2021 at 21:22.

  8. #8

    • Locking record windows did not correctly update the display of empty text. Fixed.
    • Text fields did not hide empty text when they had keyboard focus. Fixed.
    • Cursor would not update correctly after radial menu used. Fixed.
    • Exception when closing radial menu in certain scenarios. Fixed.
    • [DEV] Module definition replaces tag implemented (from FGC).

  9. #9
    NOTE: As of right now, we plan to release this version in the next week or two.


  10. #10

    • Image pit line-of-sight blockers displaying shadows when closed and ambient lighting defined. Fixed.
    • Hot key bar displayed gap after end of last hot key. Fixed.
    • Attempting to delete image pointers via radial menu would sometimes fail. Fixed.
    • Image asset painting tool was not applying rotation when drawing. Fixed.
    • Restoring image layers with undo would not always updated display. Fixed.

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