5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    FGII & Windows ME

    Is there any way at all to get FGII to run on a WinME machine?

    Probaby not, but I thought I'd ask the pros.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hmm, as long as your hardware is ok I don't see why it wouldn't run. If the machine will run the demo then it *should* run FG2. I mean I can see problems with the video card not being DirectX complient or perhapse some divers problems.

    Does it run the demo? I would try that.
    Last edited by Griogre; July 23rd, 2007 at 22:18.

  3. #3
    WinME will do DX9 (heck, I didn't even know that), so as long as you have a decent video card with up to date drivers (or as up to date as you can, driver development for Win9x stopped quite some time ago), it should work.

  4. #4
    My player has been doing just fine with FG1. It's when he tries to install FG2 that he gets "A required .DLL file, PSAPI.DLL, was not found". I am told that this is not unusual because it has something to do with the NT structure. (Does this tell you that I am not a computer geek? ) He does find this dll attached to other files on his system.

    I've asked the player to post here the specifications of his system, but any thoughts in the meantime?

  5. #5
    My first go would be to make a copy of PSAPI.DLL in the FG folder, where the exe file is. If it just plain can't find the file that will solve the issue. If it doesn't, copy the file from a WinXP computer into the folder.

    Let us know how it goes.

  6. #6
    Thanks. Actually, where would that file go if the FG Installer stops when it's looking for that dll and never completes installation?
    Last edited by Dragonstar; July 24th, 2007 at 19:16.

  7. #7
    I am having a problem upgrading to FGII. When I try to run the installer I get an error message that says Arequired .DLL file, PSAPI.DLL was not found. I am using the windows ME opreating system on a Compaq Presario with an AMD Athlon Processor.

    Second question: if the FG 1.5 installer worked fine for me why am I having trouble with the FGII installer?

    Can anybody help me out with this problem?

  8. #8
    The DLL sould probably ber put wherever the installer files are located. If the program works the way most do, it will look for a DLL first in its own install directory, then in the system PATH. So if the installer is failing, you'd need to copy the DLL into the temp folder that the install package decompresses into, or put the DLL into a location in the path (the c:\windows folder is a good place).

    Maybe the devs have a better answer, but usually that will work.

  9. #9
    Looking at the PSAPI DLL more this is part of windows API library used for querying information from device drivers. It may be something new they added to make sure certain other drivers are present. If this file didn't exist during Windows ME days then even adding it may not help since Windows ME might not be able to use it to return the information FG 2 is looking for.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I would suggest you write [email protected] and see if there is a way to force the install or manually do it. I'm am afraid if FG2 doesn't like your ME drivers it may not work.

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