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  1. #11
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmackDaddy View Post
    For a lot of things like this, where someone has already coded an extension, that would tell me the core FG system is capable of doing it -- it's just not been added a part of the Core 5e functionality (would work for PF1/2 as well I would think). I have spent so much extra money on extensions, that I wouldn't even mind having a minor cost associated with it for having some Spell Automation provided by Smiteworks as an add-on to the core install. I mean, let's be real, if we're spending money to pay outside of SW for devs to do this, it may not be a popular opinion but logic would say those would spend money would spend it on the things that brought them (as a DM) or their players added value. No different to buying PaintShop Pro and having to spend an extra bit on added brushes and effects to do additional things for you.
    Adding capability to FG is not always about money. More often it's about developer resources. It takes developer resources for SmiteWorks to implement this in the core engine, and even more if they were to try and release capabilities as paid add-ons. Then after they develop it, they have to maintain it. Each time they add other capabilities, they have t make sure this capability still works.

    But, most often, those developer resources are already fully tasked with other things that are considered by the business to be higher priority. Like lightning and vision, the character wizard, the extension forge, performance, etc.

    And, developing a feature that their is already a community extension for is of reduced value. After all, there already is a solution to it. Plus, if SW adds the feature to core FG, then the community developer, if they are charging for the extension, no longer gets to make money off their work. Not that any of that can't be solved, but it just adds complexity and takes away from the justification of doing so.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Adding capability to FG is not always about money. More often it's about developer resources. It takes developer resources for SmiteWorks to implement this in the core engine, and even more if they were to try and release capabilities as paid add-ons. Then after they develop it, they have to maintain it. Each time they add other capabilities, they have t make sure this capability still works.

    But, most often, those developer resources are already fully tasked with other things that are considered by the business to be higher priority. Like lightning and vision, the character wizard, the extension forge, performance, etc.

    And, developing a feature that their is already a community extension for is of reduced value. After all, there already is a solution to it. Plus, if SW adds the feature to core FG, then the community developer, if they are charging for the extension, no longer gets to make money off their work. Not that any of that can't be solved, but it just adds complexity and takes away from the justification of doing so.
    Like I said, not a popular opinion and yes, the 3rd party devs would miss out on potential income but not all exts/mods cost. As a project manager, I completely get the idea of prioritizing projects and limited resources - absolutely....and I definitely wasn't dogging out or criticizing anyone, especially SW, on anything - just sharing a point of view as a consumer.

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