Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    Alphabetical order only?

    Is there any way to stop the Library from sorting things alphabetically?

  2. #2
    Valarian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Worcestershire, UK
    You can change the XML tag names in the library list to an alphanumeric order that'll display. e.g. If you want Races first in the list you can change the tag name from <races> to <ID001Races>. Change the closing tag to match (including any Capitalisation) and then when you re-zip the module the list is ordered according the ID and number first.
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Valarian
    You can change the XML tag names in the library list to an alphanumeric order that'll display. e.g. If you want Races first in the list you can change the tag name from <races> to <ID001Races>. Change the closing tag to match (including any Capitalisation) and then when you re-zip the module the list is ordered according the ID and number first.
    One thing worth noting is that any tag must have a alpha character as its first character, numerics will cause issues. so, 001Races will not work, you must use ID001 or some other alpha prefix.

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