5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    Extended User Guide?

    Is there any other documentation on using FGII other than the Library's user guide? I'm still a little fuzzy on how to do certain things in game that I would like cleared up, but there seems to be a lack of guides available. Or at least from what I have seen. Anyone know of anything that might help?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Zeist, Netherlands
    Best way is to just post you questions here. Documentation is the one thing about FG I'm not very happy with, too.

  3. #3
    Well, the first thing I suppose it understanding the combat system within the game. This is how I understand it, so bear with me.

    To start a combat coupled with a map and grid, I have preassigned tokens for my players and my monsters. They are layed out on the map already, and then I have players roll for initiative. The players roll in the chat window showing me thier rolls. I drag and drop the corisponding numbers to thier initiative box in the combat tracker. I do this for the monsters, and it auto sorts the list.

    Next, I begin combat by moving the red flag in the combat tracker to the highest initiative, whom ever that may be. Now, this is the part I get odd on. When that player is selected, his token kinda lights up with a glow around it. Does that mean he's selected? Also, other than telling me, how would I know which monster a player may be going against? (this is expecting the monsters arent obviously labeled, like with numbers or letters).

    Ok, moving on from there. Next, to attack, the player drags whatever kind of attack they will be doing. They just drag the attack from thier sheet onto the chat window and it auto selects a D20 and they roll it. I look at the roll and reflect it with the AC of the monster. If its a hit, I tell the player to do damage. He now picks up the weapon's damage and rolls it on the chat. Now, how do I apply hits to the monsters? Do I drag that number to the Wounds Box and delete the token once it kills the monster?

    Next, some issues about damage. I tried using a monster's magic weapon and it did not add magical damage. I don't remember which monster, but it had a bad *** bow with frost damage on it, but the damage roll did not include this. Do magic effects need to be added seperately? Also, will the players be able to see the HP and Wounds of the monster? Usually in my sessions, I keep monster stats secret, but players are free to keep track of wounds themselves.

    Also, one last question. Some conditions and spells require a save based upon a different state, like a Fort save based on Charisma or something of the like. How would I do this?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    You have the basic idea. A few things.

    You'll want to drag the players portrats from the top of the screen to the init tracker and THEN to the map. This links everything together. The players entries will have their current HP's, AC, ect. You can even increase the token's size if they cast Enlarge.

    When you are ready to start the combat (with everyone rolling init as you said) you can hit the arrow like button on the bottom left of the init tracker after setting the Round number on the lower right to 1. Hitting the arrow the first time selects the first person on the list and each time you hit the button it cylcles though to the next entry.

    When the player is attacking you can ask him to click on the token he is attacking. This will highlight the token with his color (the same as his dice color). If more then 1 person tartgets the same token it highlights with all the colors.

    Clicking on the token also 'opens' up that entry on the init tracker so you can see that critter's AC, Saves ect.

    As they do damage you can drag and drop to the 'wounds' entry and it will count up. If you want to get fancy you can set the wounds entry to be the same as HP (drag and drop the HP number to wounds) and then reverse the damage before you drop it onto wounds by hitting shift and drag and drop. This will count them down.

    You can setup the damage to include all the dice needed by using the hot keys. Lets say you are using a Longbow with +2 str and +1 magic with +1d6 frost. You can (starts up FG to make sure I get it right...) Ok... I might not be the best person for this as I don't mess around with things that much but this is one way I can think of doing it.

    Setup the attack entry for the critter to be the attack then (1d8+3). Drag and drop that into a hot key. Now drag and drop 1d6 onto the same hitkey. The dice will 'stack' and become a little mini-cup. Now hit the hot key button and you'll get 1d8+3+1d6 of damage.

    Players can not see the init tracker. I also let the players keep track of their ouw wounds. As they do so you'll see the wounds entry update on the tracker.

    Hmm, not sure what you are asking about with that last one. Can you give an example? Worse case you can always just roll a d20 and add whatever you need to for the save either menally or via the Modifier box.

    Hope that helps.


  5. #5
    Hmm, I don't really have an example on hand, but figure some kind of poison which effects the mind of a person and calls for a Fort Save with a DC of like 15, but the save is Int or Wis based. Sorry I can't be more specific. I play the Iron Kingdoms campaign setting often and they use a lot of that kinda stuff.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    So you use the Int or Wis bonus instead of the Fort bonus?

    Then just drag and drop the + or - number from the char sheet into the Modifier box and roll a d20. Or hotkey it by dragging and dropping the number onto a hotkey and hit that hotkey before rolling a d20.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yeah if it is more elaborate where you use the BSB (base save bonus) plus a different than normal stat drag the BSB and the Stat mod to the mod box and then onto a hot key.

  8. #8
    Hi there, with saving throws based on other stats, I think it runs something like this: The base DC is given for a typical example of the creature involved, which may be adjusted if an advanced creature has an improved stat that the save DC is based on.
    For example, a Troglodyte (normal Constitution 14) can generate a scent that causes all within 30' to take a Fortitude saving throw DC13 or be sickened for 10 rounds, the save DC being Constitution based. If the Troglodyte in question had a Constitution of 16, the saving throw against it's scent would be DC14.


    Often wrong, never in doubt.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    That doesn't sound like what Hipocritus was talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hipocritus
    Hmm, I don't really have an example on hand, but figure some kind of poison which effects the mind of a person and calls for a Fort Save with a DC of like 15, but the save is Int or Wis based. Sorry I can't be more specific. I play the Iron Kingdoms campaign setting often and they use a lot of that kinda stuff.

  10. #10
    Naw, the trog example isnt what I'm talking about, but thanks though. The others kinda get it, and their solutions will work. To clerify, my poison example is a mind altering poison. So the check is a Fort Save, but using the Int or Wis modifier instead of the Con one.

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